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Old 07-16-2010, 08:21 PM   #701
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 View Post
Care to explain exactly how expecting Apple to replace defective units with upgraded hardware as it becomes available instead taking the attitude of "either accept this band-aid for our defective hardware or return it and bugger off" is like wanting a refund and a pony too? I hate to break it to you but that's effectively what Steve Jobs announced today and it was a very arrogant attitude to take towards his customers. Apple dropped the ball on this device, period. While it's great that they're taking some measures to offer a solution to those customers who are affected by it, the real solution is to offer to replace the defective hardware.

That's what any reputable company that cares about keeping it's customers does. Offering a full refund instead of charging a restocking fee just let's people return your product. The people that take advantage of that offer are lost customers.... because they are highly unlikely to re-buy another iPhone on Jobs' announcement that the hardware problem has been "fixed". Seriously, I enjoy my iPhone 3Gs and think it's a great device and all but the whole "Apple mentality" of blindly accepting whatever His Jobs-ness throws out there just confounds me.
Well, personally, I don't expect Apple to release new hardware anytime soon. Again, I don't think this is a 'defect', so I don't expect there to be anything to replace it with (at least in the near term).

This has absolutely nothing to do with "Apple mentality" for me. Just because I think this is a tempest in a teapot doesn't mean it's 'blindly accepting' anything at all. It has nothing to do with a specific attitude toward Apple. My blackberry has similar behavior, but I also don't think they should be giving me a new one.

People think there are only "Apple Fanboys" and "Apple Haters" in the world. I suspect you'd find that most people are far less passionate about the company, and simply enjoy the nice products (or not), but they don't spend their time posting on message boards about it. Don't think for a minute that all the fanboys and haters on the internet are representative of the larger population (you know, that 99% of people who aren't complaining about this )

Let me guess, you don't even have an iPhone 4, do you?

(by the way, I just happen to like ponies )
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Old 07-16-2010, 08:22 PM   #702
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 View Post
Seriously, I enjoy my iPhone 3Gs and think it's a great device and all but the whole "Apple mentality" of blindly accepting whatever His Jobs-ness throws out there just confounds me.
And so does the "Apple is the devil, they can't ever do anything right" mentality.

Your phone is defective? Take it back, get a refund. When new hardware comes out, go buy it. Jobs can't replace a phone today, there is nothing to replace it with.
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Old 07-16-2010, 08:35 PM   #703
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

My iPhone has the issue. I have dropped calls because of it. Mostly it just causes bad reception when talking on the phone normally (digitalized voice), but if I am using headphones, it likes to drop the calls do to the way I hold it. I can get it to go from 5 bars to one on demand.

There, now you all know someone with the problem.
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Old 07-16-2010, 08:37 PM   #704
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by Sauer Grapes View Post
My iPhone has the issue. I have dropped calls because of it. Mostly it just causes bad reception when talking on the phone normally (digitalized voice), but if I am using headphones, it likes to drop the calls do to the way I hold it. I can get it to go from 5 bars to one on demand.

There, now you all know someone with the problem.
Gonna return it?
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Old 07-16-2010, 08:40 PM   #705
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

My wife and I got our new iPhones the day they came out. I have not had ANY issues at all with reception or dropped calls since having the phone. I use it heavily on a daily basis. My wife's phone had issues with reception however. Naturally she holds her phone by the bottom whereas I hold mine by the side.

We were both planning on getting cases for our phones anyway so as soon as we got her a case (pink no less) her issues went away. Problem solved, for us at least.

Is it a glaring design flaw? Yes. Is it a problem for 99% of the phone population? I don't think so. Is Apple doing everything it can to fix the issue? No, but what they are doing is a step in the right direction.

It really isn't a big deal to me at all. The advances of what the 4 can do over my previous 3GS FAR outweigh this issue.
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Old 07-16-2010, 08:45 PM   #706
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX View Post
My wife and I got our new iPhones the day they came out. I have not had ANY issues at all with reception or dropped calls since having the phone. I use it heavily on a daily basis. My wife's phone had issues with reception however. Naturally she holds her phone by the bottom whereas I hold mine by the side.

We were both planning on getting cases for our phones anyway so as soon as we got her a case (pink no less) her issues went away. Problem solved, for us at least.

Is it a glaring design flaw? Yes. Is it a problem for 99% of the phone population? I don't think so. Is Apple doing everything it can to fix the issue? No, but what they are doing is a step in the right direction.

It really isn't a big deal to me at all. The advances of what the 4 can do over my previous 3GS FAR outweigh this issue.
What he said I love this phone and all the benefits far outweigh the negatives.
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Old 07-16-2010, 08:50 PM   #707
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by KenS View Post
Gonna return it?
And use what? I already sold my 3GS and am under contract until almost 2012 even if I return the 4. I'm going to wait and see. I'll try a case, and when they have sorted the issue out, I'll swap it for a refurb. Swaping it now wouldn't make sense because it'd just have the same issues.
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Old 07-16-2010, 08:56 PM   #708
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by Sauer Grapes View Post
And use what? I already sold my 3GS and am under contract until almost 2012 if I return the 4. I'm going to wait and see. I'll try a case, and when they sorted the issue out, I'll swap it for a refurb. Swaping it now wouldn't make sense because it'd just have the same issues.
I got a spare 3GS I'll trade you .

Seriously, I still think the bottom line is that it's a great phone, but it isn't perfect. Whether that qualifies as "defective" or not is what I think is overblown. I doubt there will be lines out the door with people seeking refunds; in fact, there's still a 3 week wait just to get one.
For the record, Massholes (especially adopted Massholes) do not have to root for the damn Red Sox.
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Old 07-16-2010, 09:08 PM   #709
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by Sauer Grapes View Post
And use what? I already sold my 3GS and am under contract until almost 2012 even if I return the 4. I'm going to wait and see. I'll try a case, and when they have sorted the issue out, I'll swap it for a refurb. Swaping it now wouldn't make sense because it'd just have the same issues.
Paul, They still have brand new 3Gs's. I know that's a suck step backward, but if the problem is getting under your skin, it might be worthwhile.
A cover has worked for everyone I talked to. Just a silicone skin is supposed to do the trick. That's a cheap get around.
If I ever switch to the 4.0, I'll have an otterbox for it. I've had one on my 3GS since day one and when I take it out it's impossible to tell it from brand new. It's taken lots of good bounces, too.

More importantly, it's nice to see you around, brother. Long time no see!!!
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Old 07-16-2010, 09:24 PM   #710
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Well, I'll have a cover when one I like comes out. I'm waiting on otterbox unless I see something else I like. I wouldn't be able to go back to the 3GS without 1) having less capacity than I started with and 2) extended my contract the same amount as the 4 did. I probably don't have to say why that is unacceptable.

Don't get me wrong, overall I love the phone. I expected a few bugs from getting it this early, but the first job of a smartphone is to be a phone, so it sucks the bug affects that.
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Old 07-16-2010, 10:15 PM   #711
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by KenS View Post
Let me guess, you don't even have an iPhone 4, do you?
No, as mentioned above I have a 3Gs. I actually fall into the category you're talking about, I buy and use whatever tool happens to be the best for the job. Be that phone, OS, computer platform, whatever. I choose to give up a BB which my company paid for to move to a iPhone 3Gs which I pay for instead simply because it was a much better phone.

To deny that there is a hardware defect causing the reception issue with the iPhone4 is simply ignoring all the evidence presented from a large number of different sources. First it was a software problem, now it's a hardware problem that can be solved by a rubber band. Just in saying that is an implicit admission from Apple that there is a design defect that affects signal quality.

The issue for me has nothing to do with the phone itself, it's with the corporate attitude towards how Apple intends to deal with the problem. They don't need to work to sell their products to the people that line up around the block waiting for the AppleStore to open on launch day, or the people that will sit and hit refresh constantly to get on the pre-sale list. They do have to work to sell to people like me that base their purchase decisions on: a) the quality of the product, b) how well the company supports their product. The later includes taking the steps to make it right when there's a problem. Refusing to replace defective hardware and effectively saying "put a bandaid on it or give it back" is not taking the right steps...... and it will turn a large number of people off the company and it's products.

I love my 3Gs, there's not a chance in hell that I'll upgrade to a 4.... not because there may or may not be a reception issue in the unit I'd get, but because I have zero confidence that Apple would fix a problem of their own making if such a problem occurred. As a business you live and die by the reputation you build for customer service, someone should remind Apple of that fact.
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Old 07-16-2010, 10:20 PM   #712
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 View Post
I love my 3Gs, there's not a chance in hell that I'll upgrade to a 4.... not because there may or may not be a reception issue in the unit I'd get, but because I have zero confidence that Apple would fix a problem of their own making if such a problem occurred. As a business you live and die by the reputation you build for customer service, someone should remind Apple of that fact.
The other thing is that this attitude in customers, myself included, extends to ALL that company's products... not just the one that initially had the problem.
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Old 07-17-2010, 09:04 AM   #713
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

I'm just gonna wait a bit before getting the 4.

I own the 3 and can't comment on the 4's alleged reception problem other than to say that everyone I know that has the 4 loves it and isn't complaining about reception problems. Just the same, I'm cool with the 3 for now. Loved it when I got it, still do.

My phone is used a great deal for work and if the reception problem affected me and I was in the 1% complainer club, it could potentially cost me a great deal of business which would negate all the benefits of a sexy design with video conferencing and blazing fast speeds making Superman seem like a snail.

As far as Steve Jobs goes, I like his way of doing things a whole lot more than Bill Gates'.

I couldn't see Microsoft giving anything away nor admitting any problem in any of their products, let alone listening to the consumer while developing them.
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Old 07-17-2010, 09:53 AM   #714
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
Paul, They still have brand new 3Gs's. I know that's a suck step backward, but if the problem is getting under your skin, it might be worthwhile.
A cover has worked for everyone I talked to. Just a silicone skin is supposed to do the trick. That's a cheap get around.
If I ever switch to the 4.0, I'll have an otterbox for it. I've had one on my 3GS since day one and when I take it out it's impossible to tell it from brand new. It's taken lots of good bounces, too.

More importantly, it's nice to see you around, brother. Long time no see!!!
The irony is that the first time those folks that don't like the idea of a bumper drop their phone, they will be grateful the bumper was on, specially if one is anal about scratchers as I am.

My son is in NC this week and I shipped his to him via Fed Ex. He spent the whole night trying to replicate the reception problem with no skin and did not have any, so I guess it is just not us South Floridians that are fortunate.

Seems it is in certain markets. On the radio yesterday, they had a bunch of South Floridians call in with no issues while some in Manhattan called with many.
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Old 07-17-2010, 09:54 AM   #715
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by floydpink View Post

As far as Steve Jobs goes, I like his way of doing things a whole lot more than Bill Gates'.

I couldn't see Microsoft giving anything away nor admitting any problem in any of their products, let alone listening to the consumer while developing them.

Did I hear someone say Vista?
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Old 07-17-2010, 10:02 AM   #716
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by KenS View Post
Bringing the topic closer to what this forum is about, if you get a cigar that is plugged, do you expect the manufacturer to recall all of their cigars, and hire different rollers? Or 'redesign' their cigars? I think that you might just smoke other cigars in the future, and that's not a bad option

I think all would agree I would be the king of returns of plugged Habanos.
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Old 07-17-2010, 10:11 AM   #717
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by newcigarz View Post
Did I hear someone say Vista?
The COO of MSFT actually said that he thinks the iphone 4 will be Apple's vista. MSFT is fully admitting that vista sucked now that 7 is out. 7 is nice, but I haven't used my PC enough to compare it to OSX.
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Old 07-17-2010, 11:01 AM   #718
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Videos: death grip on EVO, Droid X, Droid Incredible, Nexus One, Galaxy 1, G1, etc.

* Droid X:

* Samsung I9000 Galaxy S:

* HTC Evo Signal Attenuation:

* Samsung Galaxy 1:

* Samsung Galaxy 2:

* Droid Incredible:

* Droid Incredible (With Network Extender in Room):

* Nexus One:

* Nexus One vs. iPhone (start at 19):

* Nexus One:

* Nexus One (after Google's update to correct):

* Nexus One:

* Android G1:

* "Major signal degradation when Nexus One is picked up" (N1 Thread on On this Problem):

Everyone complaining about the iPhone, I certainly don't hear them demand an industry-wide recall. Let's just focus on Apple, the company who can do nothing right. Before the press conference yesterday people were saying, "Give free bumpers to everyone Steve!". He not only gives out free cases to every customer through Septemember 30, he says if you don't like the phone bring it back and we'll issue a full refund with no restocking fee. Nothing is ever good enough I tell ya.
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Old 07-17-2010, 12:23 PM   #719
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by white_s2k View Post
Videos: death grip on EVO, Droid X, Droid Incredible, Nexus One, Galaxy 1, G1, etc.

* Droid X:

* Samsung I9000 Galaxy S:

* HTC Evo Signal Attenuation:

* Samsung Galaxy 1:

* Samsung Galaxy 2:

* Droid Incredible:

* Droid Incredible (With Network Extender in Room):

* Nexus One:

* Nexus One vs. iPhone (start at 19):

* Nexus One:

* Nexus One (after Google's update to correct):

* Nexus One:

* Android G1:

* "Major signal degradation when Nexus One is picked up" (N1 Thread on On this Problem):

Everyone complaining about the iPhone, I certainly don't hear them demand an industry-wide recall. Let's just focus on Apple, the company who can do nothing right. Before the press conference yesterday people were saying, "Give free bumpers to everyone Steve!". He not only gives out free cases to every customer through Septemember 30, he says if you don't like the phone bring it back and we'll issue a full refund with no restocking fee. Nothing is ever good enough I tell ya.
The reason you don't hear about this that you posted and the reason there are no press conferences to announce you can return it for full credit or you can be provided a free fix, which most of us would buy anyway to protect the device is..........................................



here it comes...................................

might be silly but true........................

NONE of them have sold 1.5 million in one week.

I wonder how many of all those devices listed actually have sold to date, in comparison to iPhone 4's in only a few weeks.
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Old 07-17-2010, 03:27 PM   #720
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

I have only had one dropped call so far.
I did have a few hangups and it tried to switch to FaceTime but I realized that I somehow touched the screen with my face during the call to cause those things to happen. Once I realized what I was doing I kept the phone a little closer to my ear. I think a software update is supposed to fix that problem though.
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