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Old 10-15-2014, 05:44 PM   #21
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Default Re: CigarBid

I would add that ambien and cbid is also a bad idea.

Originally Posted by Brlesq View Post
Guys, no need to ever overbid again! Here's the trick: Go visit Sloppy McNubble ( ) before you bid and drill down to get the bidding history on the item you want. It gives you a 7 point range of "best" to "worst" prices historically, and then ALL of the past auctions to view. Now that you have the statistics behind you, go bid the lowest price and set a maximum price you are willing to pay. Set it, forget it, don't look back! If you lose this one, you are sure to win a future one.

And NEVER, EVER drunk bid!
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Old 10-16-2014, 10:57 AM   #22
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Default Re: CigarBid

Thanks Bruce
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Old 08-25-2015, 07:49 PM   #23
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Default Re: CigarBid

Originally Posted by Brlesq View Post
Guys, no need to ever overbid again! Here's the trick: Go visit Sloppy McNubble ( ) before you bid and drill down to get the bidding history on the item you want. It gives you a 7 point range of "best" to "worst" prices historically, and then ALL of the past auctions to view. Now that you have the statistics behind you, go bid the lowest price and set a maximum price you are willing to pay. Set it, forget it, don't look back! If you lose this one, you are sure to win a future one.

And NEVER, EVER drunk bid!

Fantastic advise... to bad the dont bid drunk is so hard not to do! needless to say i just bought another humidor... I love the site because im still searching for what I like!
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Old 08-26-2015, 04:06 AM   #24
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Default Re: CigarBid

Originally Posted by Rmufb71 View Post
Fantastic advise... to bad the dont bid drunk is so hard not to do! needless to say i just bought another humidor... I love the site because im still searching for what I like!
Word Of Advise, Joel: Go For "Quality", Not "Cheap". Ask Me How I Know.
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Old 12-30-2015, 01:13 PM   #25
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Default Re: CigarBid

Awaken, sleeping thread.

Been forever since I've gone to the Devil Site. Went last night to do some shopping for my BIL. Man that place can get overwhelming fast, especially when you're shopping for someone else (). Jeez!
Somebody has to go back and get a chitload of dimes
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Old 01-10-2016, 02:46 PM   #26
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Default Re: CigarBid

Yep. I sometimes watch the freefall when I'm bored and there's something I'm interested in.
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Old 01-11-2016, 07:37 AM   #27
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Default Re: CigarBid

Originally Posted by longknocker View Post
Word Of Advise, Joel: Go For "Quality", Not "Cheap". Ask Me How I Know.
Agree - once you have enough sticks it will be really hard to put a bid on an average box. Some stuff guys pay way too much for and some stuff is a giveaway - wait for the giveaway!
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Old 02-01-2016, 08:28 PM   #28
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Default Re: CigarBid

Originally Posted by Brlesq View Post
Guys, no need to ever overbid again! Here's the trick: Go visit Sloppy McNubble ( ) before you bid and drill down to get the bidding history on the item you want. It gives you a 7 point range of "best" to "worst" prices historically, and then ALL of the past auctions to view. Now that you have the statistics behind you, go bid the lowest price and set a maximum price you are willing to pay. Set it, forget it, don't look back! If you lose this one, you are sure to win a future one.

And NEVER, EVER drunk bid!
nice link... thx
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Old 02-03-2016, 12:03 PM   #29
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Default Re: CigarBid

Not sure if any one uses Chrome as there web Browser but there is a nice little add on for it that will check histories for you, and for free falls it will track it as long as you leave the window open and tell you what the lowest it has been.
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Old 02-03-2016, 01:17 PM   #30
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Default Re: CigarBid

Originally Posted by Flynnster View Post
Will be the end of me. Just put in 5 or so bids super low, thinking "I'll never get all of them" and suddenly I have 50 cigars on their way to me....

Time for a coolidor. Or some bombing runs.
I nominate Ogre and Remo...

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Old 02-23-2016, 09:10 PM   #31
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Default Re: CigarBid

The only thing bad on here if your not careful is the shipping.. while it seems to be reasonable at first, it can be over the top.. ordered some things, small stuff like few cigars, lighters, boveda packs, and small box of cigars.. Would all fit into reg. A post office box, and ship under $8.45, I do a lot of shipping myself, and I know cbid, gets better shipping rates and ships a crap more, but it cost me $27.95 for shipping.. Highway robbery for what I got.
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Old 02-24-2016, 06:22 AM   #32
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Default Re: CigarBid

Originally Posted by dmiller662 View Post
The only thing bad on here if your not careful is the shipping.. while it seems to be reasonable at first, it can be over the top.. ordered some things, small stuff like few cigars, lighters, boveda packs, and small box of cigars.. Would all fit into reg. A post office box, and ship under $8.45, I do a lot of shipping myself, and I know cbid, gets better shipping rates and ships a crap more, but it cost me $27.95 for shipping.. Highway robbery for what I got.
That is how the sell things so low and still make money! For some reason I got an email saying that they missed me and gave me free shipping on my next order. It isn't a code or else I would share it. But if you hold out, maybe they will send you one also.
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Old 03-07-2016, 08:00 AM   #33
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Default Re: CigarBid

dmiller, Please go into your 'My Account' and change your shipping frequency to 'Weekly'. I've been ordering from cbid for over nine years and I doubt I've ever paid more than $12 shipping on even my worst drunk-bidding weeks
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Old 03-10-2016, 10:21 AM   #34
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Default Re: CigarBid

Originally Posted by dave View Post
dmiller, Please go into your 'My Account' and change your shipping frequency to 'Weekly'. I've been ordering from cbid for over nine years and I doubt I've ever paid more than $12 shipping on even my worst drunk-bidding weeks
I am weekly
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Old 03-10-2016, 10:47 AM   #35
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Default Re: CigarBid

Wow. I suppose single Boveda packs would be a killer ($5 for first one and a buck each after that.)

I do avoid buying singles because $.25 adds up (used to be .50!)

I won some singles a couple years ago that I hadn't noticed were characterized as 'samplers' (for unknown reason.) When I realized that I was being charged nine dollars shipping for five cigars, I called them and they immediately cancelled my purchase.
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Old 04-11-2016, 10:02 PM   #36
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Default Re: CigarBid

Another tip I have failed to learn. When you win something don't feel the need to bid on all sorts of other stuff to save on the shipping. That can add up fast! (Have a package coming with 75 cigars this week, but hey I saved a few bucks on shipping).
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Old 04-12-2016, 06:23 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by Padron42 View Post
Another tip I have failed to learn. When you win something don't feel the need to bid on all sorts of other stuff to save on the shipping. That can add up fast! (Have a package coming with 75 cigars this week, but hey I saved a few bucks on shipping).
That's part of the fun of it for me.
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Old 05-12-2016, 08:43 AM   #38
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Default Re: CigarBid

Man I have had the itch lately. Gotten fivers of Papas Fritas, Brickhouse Maduros, and Oliva V. I have figured out that if I throw in low bids on a bunch of different things I kill 2 birds with one stone. I get the bidding fix in, and only win a few of the auctions so it doesn't break the bank. Also, when I do win an auction it's on the cheap!
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Old 03-03-2017, 08:49 AM   #39
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This is just an FYI. As you may have heard, the Devil Site and its front, Cigars International, has swapped over their shipping system. In doing this, a bunch of orders have been fouled up.

I was one of the "lucky ones" to be involved. On 2/18/17, I pulled the trigger on a Treasure Dome Humidor. Looked to be a really good deal. But I decided to be as patient as possible and give them the benefit of the doubt. On 2/24, I received a cryptic email telling me the item would be "shipped shortly". Giving the timing of the weekend and the computer foul-up, I shrugged at it and thought they needed some more time.

As of last evening, though, I still had not heard anything from them. So I sent them a firm, but polite email asking as only a Joiseyan can WTH is going on. Amazingly I get a response at 2129 that "your order is on its way!" But the tracking number is not valid.

This morning I called my contact at UPS asking them if they could do some sort of reverse trace based on my shipping address. He laughs and says, "Oh they are really [expletive] up. They never should've done that upgrade. You're probably going to need to call them and give them what for." Wonderful.

So I'll be calling them in 3 mins. and do just that. If the USGS registers seismic activity in Central New Jersey, it's just me. Seriously, though if you are experiencing delays or are missing shipments from CigarBid or Cigars International, you may need to call them and have a personal chat with them. SMH.

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Old 03-08-2017, 09:26 AM   #40
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Default Re: CigarBid

So here is my update on CigarBid. ... To be blunt, they do not deserve the air they breathe. They will not be getting any more of my business and neither will Cigars International.

On March 3rd I called them and got a busy signal at 1055, 1130, 1215, 1320, 1510, and 1620. So I wrote them the following email that evening:

---------- > EMAIL < ----------

Last evening I received notification that my order was finally
in transit:

Hey! Your winning bid(s) at is in transit. Here
are some details if you'd like to track its progress:

Confirmation #XXXXXXXXX
Marc ------
If you have any questions, please contact Customer Service
at or call us
toll-free at 1-800-830-4590.

There are two problems now with THIS information:

1) The tracking number - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - is NOT VALID.
2) When I try to call Customer Service to get the correct number,
I get a busy signal.

W H A T _ I S _ G O I N G _ O N _ H E R E ? ! ? !


---------- > EMAIL < ----------

On March 6th, I receive a UPS My Choice notification of a new tracking number with a delivery date of March 7 by EOD.

So I call CigarBid on Monday at 1000 (3x), 1100 (twice), 1210 (4x), 1310 (twice), and 1600 (once). Again, nothing but busy signals each time.

Last night I come home... with no box near the front door. As I'm opening the door, the UPS truck pulls up. So I go over to talk with the driver who I know. Nope. Nothing. And he tells me there is nothing listed for me. I show him the new tracking number and he tells me - "They just sent that out to put you off. If you haven't gotten the package by now, tell your credit card company not to honor any charges from them. They've gone down the ****ter since December."

I thank him and head inside to write the following to them:

---------- > EMAIL < ----------

Dear Sir or Madam,

Order Confirmation #XXXXXXXXX
Supposed Delivery Date: EOD, Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Still waiting...

Now we're up to 17 - 17! - days of waiting on what was
supposed to have been a DAILY shipping option back on February
18, 2017.

Yesterday morning I was sent a new UPS tracking number that
was supposed to be for UPS service. When I check the number, I'm
told the number was generated on March 3rd with a delivery date
of today by End Of Day. Well, it's EOD and still no package.

So I have posted this on the website (redacted) and I ask again,
where is my order?


---------- > EMAIL < ----------

Still no response from them in any way. I'm done. I've called my CC and told them not to accept any further charges from MD Distributors, CigarBid, or Cigars International.

Now I need to go relax and enjoy a Rocky Patel with a Chock Full'O Nuts coffee.
Fear is the dark room in which negatives are developed. - Anon.
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