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Old 11-17-2012, 10:01 AM   #41
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Default Re: Coolidors are for pu$$ies.

Hum, let see- (1) Not much money, and (2) Impress some folks that come in (who most likely know nothing about cigars). I think I would go with something like "La Sirena"- Largest band I have seen on a cigar- seems to take up 75% of the cigar. So, get a box of the Churchill from the devil site.
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Old 11-17-2012, 10:18 AM   #42
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Default Re: Coolidors are for pu$$ies.

Padron 3000 Maduro. Great strength, flavors, and a great price. Plus it looks like a tough cigar.
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Old 11-17-2012, 10:37 AM   #43
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Default Re: Coolidors are for pu$$ies.

Modest salary? (Sounds like real life) 601 Blue Robbies. $65 a box, affordable.

All day long.

Old band. New ones aren't "rough" looking...
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Old 11-17-2012, 10:52 AM   #44
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Default Re: Coolidors are for pu$$ies.

Famous Nic 3000 Robusto. Unbanded. Cheap, about the RG of a .45, so Mike Hammer would appreciate them (Mike was the man!). Very nice construction, so they would fool many into thinking they could be $6 sticks. Good flavor profile, lots of sutle hints of good flavors. The flavors and medium body means the babe in the desk would be able to handle it.

While I enjoy the 3000, it's NOT my go-to stick. BUT it is the stick that meets the criteria of the original post!!!
Ceilin' fan it stirs the air, Cigar smoke does swirl. The fragrance on the pillow case, and he thinks about the girl. Thanks, JB, 1975.
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Old 11-17-2012, 11:18 AM   #45
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Default Re: Coolidors are for pu$$ies.

Yeah, clients are far and few inbetween, and that's why he stocks his beat-up humi with "Nicaraguan Overruns" robusto' (5x54) from Holt' (and not those pu$$y 601 Blues either)

"Don't worry, God will work out His plan for your life..." Psalm 138 8
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Old 11-17-2012, 04:07 PM   #46
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Default Re: Coolidors are for pu$$ies.

Fuente 858's, Maduro or Sungrowns, throw in an occasional Cammie And I'm good.
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Old 11-17-2012, 04:56 PM   #47
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Default Re: Coolidors are for pu$$ies.

PSD4s are only about $7 apiece, Pu$$y.

Thanks Dave, Julian, James, Kelly, Peter, Gerry, Dave, Mo, Frank, Týr and Mr. Mark!
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Old 11-17-2012, 07:03 PM   #48
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Default Re: Coolidors are for pu$$ies.

If I'm a hard-case PI with not much dough to buy the finer things, the AB Maxx The Fix would be my stick. Perfect for blowing smoke into peoples' faces and the thick RG makes a heck of a burn mark when I'm working over scumbags for information.
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Old 11-21-2012, 06:13 PM   #49
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Default Re: Coolidors are for pu$$ies.

Originally Posted by the jiggler View Post
Let's say times are tight...You've changed guns. Twice. But never changed cigars. It's your trademark.

What's in your box?
Partagas D4, JL#2, or cabs of ERDM CS.

If you had Kimber 1911's you wouldn't have changed guns. Fact.
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Old 11-21-2012, 08:12 PM   #50
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Default Re: Coolidors are for pu$$ies.

Originally Posted by mk05 View Post

If you had Kimber 1911's you wouldn't have changed guns. Fact.
"Prediction. I never see you or him again for the rest of my life."

Thanks Dave, Julian, James, Kelly, Peter, Gerry, Dave, Mo, Frank, Týr and Mr. Mark!
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Old 11-22-2012, 01:11 PM   #51
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Default Re: Coolidors are for pu$$ies.

Tommy, the delivery guy, walked in and dropped a box from the cigar shop up the street. He spat a dirty toothpick on the floor and rasped out a grunt of a hello in a voice as greasy as that signature wife-beater he wore every day.

"Dey sey to tells ya this is the last box on credit. You gotta come clean on you bill or they aint gunna let you have no more."

Yeah, times are tough, and customers are as rare right now as that custom Kimber .45 that I let get away. She was a 'beaut, the lass that took her from me, but nothing was as gorgeous as that match-grade piece of lethal artwork that'd saved my bacon more times than I can ever admit. The night that skirt stole my piece was the darkest night of my life, at least, it was, until I found out she ran off with my dog, too.

Yeah, I admit that dog was no good for business...not much use in this trade for a bloodhound that gets lost chasing his own tail, but that gun was important, just about as much as the contents of that box sitting on the desk. This is serious work I do here, lives and fortunes rely on the brainpower of this private dick, and that takes a serious stick - cigar, that is - to get the job done.

Yeah, it's gotta be something I can smoke every day, but less jobs rolling in these days means I'm hanging on to money tighter than that dirty shirt's squeezing Tommy's healthy beer gut. This is something my trade relys on, whether it's to help me think my way out of hole I've dug myself into, or the smoke's just there to cover up the gallon of cheap purfume that rich old bat splashed on before she tried to hire me to find her missing cat again. Plus, the dames seem to dig a guy with a cigar, and my dear old dad always had some suggestions I won't repeat here about what to do with a girl that likes a good cigar from time to time. It's vital to keep that beat-up old humidor stocked all the time in this business.

"Here, Tommy, have a seat." I reach out to the box and pull out a Romeo y Julietta Reserve Maduro and hand it to him. These are cheap enough for me to keep around and hand out to anyone that needs to have a sit-down in my shop, but no so cheap I don't loose any dignity every time I light one up. There's a bottle of the finest rot-gut the corner store stocks in a plastic bottle and I fill up a mostly clean coffee cup and hand that to Tommy, too.

By the time Tommy and his trademark mustard stain are ready to leave he's been appeased by the cigar gods and I know he's not going to give me too much trouble next time I need another box. I chase him out of the office finally to get some serious work done on that bottle and light up my cigar. Just when I thought I was getting the winning hand on that particular situation, she walks in....
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Old 11-27-2012, 02:48 PM   #52
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Default Re: Coolidors are for pu$$ies.

Where are you guys getting 601 blues for 65?
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Old 11-27-2012, 03:07 PM   #53
the jiggler
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Default Re: Coolidors are for pu$$ies.

Originally Posted by Cigar Mike View Post
Tommy, the delivery guy, walked in and dropped a box from the cigar shop up the street. He spat a dirty toothpick on the floor and rasped out a grunt of a hello in a voice as greasy as that signature wife-beater he wore every day.

"Dey sey to tells ya this is the last box on credit. You gotta come clean on you bill or they aint gunna let you have no more."

Yeah, times are tough, and customers are as rare right now as that custom Kimber .45 that I let get away. She was a 'beaut, the lass that took her from me, but nothing was as gorgeous as that match-grade piece of lethal artwork that'd saved my bacon more times than I can ever admit. The night that skirt stole my piece was the darkest night of my life, at least, it was, until I found out she ran off with my dog, too.

Yeah, I admit that dog was no good for business...not much use in this trade for a bloodhound that gets lost chasing his own tail, but that gun was important, just about as much as the contents of that box sitting on the desk. This is serious work I do here, lives and fortunes rely on the brainpower of this private dick, and that takes a serious stick - cigar, that is - to get the job done.

Yeah, it's gotta be something I can smoke every day, but less jobs rolling in these days means I'm hanging on to money tighter than that dirty shirt's squeezing Tommy's healthy beer gut. This is something my trade relys on, whether it's to help me think my way out of hole I've dug myself into, or the smoke's just there to cover up the gallon of cheap purfume that rich old bat splashed on before she tried to hire me to find her missing cat again. Plus, the dames seem to dig a guy with a cigar, and my dear old dad always had some suggestions I won't repeat here about what to do with a girl that likes a good cigar from time to time. It's vital to keep that beat-up old humidor stocked all the time in this business.

"Here, Tommy, have a seat." I reach out to the box and pull out a Romeo y Julietta Reserve Maduro and hand it to him. These are cheap enough for me to keep around and hand out to anyone that needs to have a sit-down in my shop, but no so cheap I don't loose any dignity every time I light one up. There's a bottle of the finest rot-gut the corner store stocks in a plastic bottle and I fill up a mostly clean coffee cup and hand that to Tommy, too.

By the time Tommy and his trademark mustard stain are ready to leave he's been appeased by the cigar gods and I know he's not going to give me too much trouble next time I need another box. I chase him out of the office finally to get some serious work done on that bottle and light up my cigar. Just when I thought I was getting the winning hand on that particular situation, she walks in....
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Old 11-27-2012, 09:58 PM   #54
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We have a winner...
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Old 11-27-2012, 10:13 PM   #55
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Default Re: Coolidors are for pu$$ies.

Originally Posted by Bleez View Post
We have a winner...
Sweet, what did I win?

Thanks Dave, Julian, James, Kelly, Peter, Gerry, Dave, Mo, Frank, Týr and Mr. Mark!
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Old 11-27-2012, 10:24 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by icehog3 View Post
Sweet, what did I win?
A swift from a brave soul. Not I.
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Old 11-27-2012, 10:25 PM   #57
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Default Re: Coolidors are for pu$$ies.

Originally Posted by icehog3 View Post
Sweet, what did I win?
A full box of Tats latest LE!
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Old 11-27-2012, 10:57 PM   #58
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Default Re: Coolidors are for pu$$ies.

Originally Posted by Bleez View Post
A swift from a brave soul. Not I.
Originally Posted by DaBear View Post
A full box of Tats latest LE!
Which do I get first?

Thanks Dave, Julian, James, Kelly, Peter, Gerry, Dave, Mo, Frank, Týr and Mr. Mark!
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Old 11-28-2012, 08:37 AM   #59
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Default Re: Coolidors are for pu$$ies.

Originally Posted by iaMkcK View Post
Box after box of My Father's Flor De Las Antillas. Maybe a little switch up every now and then with some Tatuaje's or some Drew Estates.. But my go to: FDLA.
I like the way you think... them things is tasty
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Old 11-28-2012, 09:12 AM   #60
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Default Re: Coolidors are for pu$$ies.

Originally Posted by Cigar Mike View Post
Tommy, the delivery guy, walked in and dropped a box from the cigar shop up the street. He spat a dirty toothpick on the floor and rasped out a grunt of a hello in a voice as greasy as that signature wife-beater he wore every day.

"Dey sey to tells ya this is the last box on credit. You gotta come clean on you bill or they aint gunna let you have no more."

Yeah, times are tough, and customers are as rare right now as that custom Kimber .45 that I let get away. She was a 'beaut, the lass that took her from me, but nothing was as gorgeous as that match-grade piece of lethal artwork that'd saved my bacon more times than I can ever admit. The night that skirt stole my piece was the darkest night of my life, at least, it was, until I found out she ran off with my dog, too.

Yeah, I admit that dog was no good for business...not much use in this trade for a bloodhound that gets lost chasing his own tail, but that gun was important, just about as much as the contents of that box sitting on the desk. This is serious work I do here, lives and fortunes rely on the brainpower of this private dick, and that takes a serious stick - cigar, that is - to get the job done.

Yeah, it's gotta be something I can smoke every day, but less jobs rolling in these days means I'm hanging on to money tighter than that dirty shirt's squeezing Tommy's healthy beer gut. This is something my trade relys on, whether it's to help me think my way out of hole I've dug myself into, or the smoke's just there to cover up the gallon of cheap purfume that rich old bat splashed on before she tried to hire me to find her missing cat again. Plus, the dames seem to dig a guy with a cigar, and my dear old dad always had some suggestions I won't repeat here about what to do with a girl that likes a good cigar from time to time. It's vital to keep that beat-up old humidor stocked all the time in this business.

"Here, Tommy, have a seat." I reach out to the box and pull out a Romeo y Julietta Reserve Maduro and hand it to him. These are cheap enough for me to keep around and hand out to anyone that needs to have a sit-down in my shop, but no so cheap I don't loose any dignity every time I light one up. There's a bottle of the finest rot-gut the corner store stocks in a plastic bottle and I fill up a mostly clean coffee cup and hand that to Tommy, too.

By the time Tommy and his trademark mustard stain are ready to leave he's been appeased by the cigar gods and I know he's not going to give me too much trouble next time I need another box. I chase him out of the office finally to get some serious work done on that bottle and light up my cigar. Just when I thought I was getting the winning hand on that particular situation, she walks in....
Definitely interested in reading more about her.
I'm a Dallas Stars fan. So, yes, this is a confusing time for me.
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