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Old 04-02-2010, 02:26 PM   #61
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

People say comparing NC's to CC's is like apples to oranges. So why discuss them in comparative pricing as well? Just a thought.
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Old 04-02-2010, 02:40 PM   #62
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

Originally Posted by tupacboy View Post
NO nc is worth the premium... why bother when you can get like a monte sumblime, ryj duke, etc for the same price.. and from my understanding, nc dont' age well either
95% of what I have is CC.
However, I would never make this blanket statement that others have made also, about "no" NC being worth the premium without first prefacing it with "TO ME".
For anyone that does not mind dropping $25-$30 and can afford it, I assure you they will smoke all the 40th, 80th and 45th they can scoop up and for me, I have not found many Cubans that to my taste rival those cigars for flavor and consistency (the latter being a word Cubans can't profess).

As to aging is a matter of personal preference also. Padrons age very well.
Many know that to my 74 yr old dad, who is Cuban no less, who has smoked them since he was 14, aging is nothing more than smoking a dried, old, no longer what it was intended to be cigar. Doesn't make him right or wrong. Just his style.
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Old 04-06-2010, 08:34 AM   #63
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

Originally Posted by Blueface View Post
95% of what I have is CC.
However, I would never make this blanket statement that others have made also, about "no" NC being worth the premium without first prefacing it with "TO ME".
For anyone that does not mind dropping $25-$30 and can afford it, I assure you they will smoke all the 40th, 80th and 45th they can scoop up and for me, I have not found many Cubans that to my taste rival those cigars for flavor and consistency (the latter being a word Cubans can't profess).

As to aging is a matter of personal preference also. Padrons age very well.
Many know that to my 74 yr old dad, who is Cuban no less, who has smoked them since he was 14, aging is nothing more than smoking a dried, old, no longer what it was intended to be cigar. Doesn't make him right or wrong. Just his style.

I'd counterpoint that while all CCs are not consistent there are some that seem to be to me. Cohibas are pretty consistent, and from the ones I've had so are regionals and LEs.

Also I used to love the 80th, however I don't care much for them now. I'd take a Sig II over an 80th everytime.
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Old 04-06-2010, 09:04 AM   #64
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

Originally Posted by Addiction View Post

I'd counterpoint that while all CCs are not consistent there are some that seem to be to me. Cohibas are pretty consistent, and from the ones I've had so are regionals and LEs.

Also I used to love the 80th, however I don't care much for them now. I'd take a Sig II over an 80th everytime.
Bryan, I've watched the "trend" for a long time now. Regular smokers always tend to end up at old cc's. Don't know why.
Recently, I've watched myself start to levitate towards cc's. I still love my mind numbing nc's, though. It's just my style, and what I like. I think it has to do with chewing snuff for 35 years. It's hard for me to get any nicotine unless the cigar is incredibly strong.
I smoked an 80th last night, and it handed me my ass. It was about four years old, I believe. Cello was nice and yellow. It was amazingly perfect and probably the strongest cigar I ever smoked.
In my search, I haven't been able to find a mind-numbing cc. Then when something is suggested, I have to smoke at least three sticks to get one that's representative. Cripes, I'd have to smoke a whole box of cc's to be sure that I know what the cigar is supposed to be "like".
On a positive note, I can see myself enjoying the more delicate cc's, because I snork every huff. If I were a mouth smoker, I'd definately levitate to nc's because I can taste things in my mouth. cc's, I can't. Just dirty smoke.
I'm definately going to spark a SigII as soon as I can.
Not to compare with the 80th, but to see where you're coming from, in hopes I'll enjoy the SigII as well.
Thanks, brother!!!
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Old 04-06-2010, 09:06 AM   #65
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

Some of the ultra premium nc are worth the price...Padron 1926's, opus x, esg's. Do I smoke them everyday, no....I want to retire with some money in the bank. NC's overall age very well........ imho.
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Old 04-06-2010, 09:08 AM   #66
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

I should say that the Padron 80th, for the right time and place, is definately a special treat at the price point. To me, definately worth the coin, once in awhile.
It delivers a special experience for the money. A "blow your doors off" goodness that can be experienced by mouth smokers and snorkers alike.
I wouldn't want to smoke them every day, nor could I ever dream of affording it, but for a very special occasion, it fits the "what I like" bill to a tee.
I look forward to my next 80th, for sure.
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Old 04-06-2010, 09:36 AM   #67
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

Originally Posted by Blueface View Post
I respect all opinions but can't help but crack up when I see the wide variety of responses subjects like this can get.
If you think over $20 for a NC, which I treat myself to at least 4-6 a year, check out some of the crap people are willing to pay big bucks for. I love my '26 #1, the 40th, the 80th and the 45th, all from Padron and all well over $20.

Different strokes, for different folks.
Yep, I always know exactly whee these threads are headed, and typically who is going to say what...And then I remind myself of your last line.
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Old 04-06-2010, 09:46 AM   #68
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

Originally Posted by tupacboy View Post
NO nc is worth the premium... why bother when you can get like a monte sumblime, ryj duke, etc for the same price.. and from my understanding, nc dont' age well either
Not to pick or anything, but your understanding? I'm to assume that would mean you are taking other's words at face value and haven't actually aged anything yourself. I would submit that you might want to experience it personally before you make a declaration one way or the other.

And this is something that has always made me scratch my head anyway. Why would only tobacco from one region age "well" but it won't age "well" if it comes from anywhere else? It just makes no sense to me and my experience, though somewhat limited, has shown to be different. I have a suspicion that those who primarily age and smoke cigars from a certain region probably don't make a habit out of aging and smoking cigars from other regions very often. But that's just me and my

Like Carlos says...different strokes.
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Old 04-06-2010, 10:43 AM   #69
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

This has been one lively discussion started. Reminds me of a few smokes to go back and try and adds a few to my list.

All the CC versus NC talk is interesting. I have smoked a handful of cubans and have enjoyed most all of them. However, I would never be strictly a CC smoker.

Different palates and different opinions are what makes this hobby so fun. Thanks for all the feedback so far!


Last edited by GodOfFire; 04-06-2010 at 10:43 AM. Reason: typo
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Old 04-06-2010, 11:25 AM   #70
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

I'd have to say the Padron Hammer was one of the most refined NCs I've ever smoked. I think they retail for over $20, but I'd smoke one a year at $20

I'd also pay $20 for a Tatuaje La Maravilla.

Otherwise, I'm pretty much with everyone else... Too much nice stuff in the $4 ~ $8 range that will tickle my palate for a long time!

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Old 04-06-2010, 12:11 PM   #71
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

Originally Posted by longknocker View Post
I Haven't Found Any Padron Annys In The $12-15 Range. I usually Pay 15-20.
64 Principes are about $8.75 here.

Insert quote here.
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Old 04-06-2010, 12:55 PM   #72
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

Originally Posted by andysutherland View Post
64 Principes are about $8.75 here.
Nice! I can get them for a few cents less for singles with my buyer's club discount at Tampa Humidor (they go for $9 on their site).
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Old 04-06-2010, 05:55 PM   #73
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

Originally Posted by rizzle View Post
Not to pick or anything, but your understanding? I'm to assume that would mean you are taking other's words at face value and haven't actually aged anything yourself. I would submit that you might want to experience it personally before you make a declaration one way or the other.

And this is something that has always made me scratch my head anyway. Why would only tobacco from one region age "well" but it won't age "well" if it comes from anywhere else? It just makes no sense to me and my experience, though somewhat limited, has shown to be different. I have a suspicion that those who primarily age and smoke cigars from a certain region probably don't make a habit out of aging and smoking cigars from other regions very often. But that's just me and my

Like Carlos says...different strokes.

From what I read... NC are made with the US market in mind... to be smoked right away... therefore age does not enhance the cigar as much as a CC...

In regards to your comment about the aging of region... wine's also age differently from different regions
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Old 04-06-2010, 08:09 PM   #74
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

Originally Posted by tupacboy View Post
From what I read... NC are made with the US market in mind... to be smoked right away... therefore age does not enhance the cigar as much as a CC...

In regards to your comment about the aging of region... wine's also age differently from different regions
Interesting statements. On number 1 above, what has been YOUR experience? I've aged both extensively, for 10-15 years, and can tell you BOTH do just fine. Anyone claiming otherwise has NO IDEA nor experience.

On wine, don't even go there, you obviously repeat same old, same old. Just a hint, whites wines age way better than red (yeah, those pesky red Bords and Burgs don't really do that well), something "experts" don't really discuss and many don't even understand.
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Old 04-07-2010, 07:04 AM   #75
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

I have only had one Opus X - it was a robusto and cost me well over $20 (due to australian tobacco tax). However it was one of the best cigars I have ever had.

As for the NC vs CC war. There is one thing the NC cigar companys do so much better - Maduros.... Hell yeah!
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Old 04-07-2010, 08:01 AM   #76
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

Originally Posted by Jimbo14 View Post
I have only had one Opus X - it was a robusto and cost me well over $20 (due to australian tobacco tax). However it was one of the best cigars I have ever had.

As for the NC vs CC war. There is one thing the NC cigar companys do so much better - Maduros.... Hell yeah!
They definitely have the market cornered, as only Cohiba makes a maduro cigar in Cuba.

Thanks Dave, Julian, James, Kelly, Peter, Gerry, Dave, Mo, Frank, Týr and Mr. Mark!
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Old 04-07-2010, 08:23 AM   #77
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

Originally Posted by icehog3 View Post
They definitely have the market cornered, as only Cohiba makes a maduro cigar in Cuba.
They're freakin awesome, too. If you can smoke them.
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Old 04-07-2010, 08:52 AM   #78
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

I don't think I have found a "Premium" that I like.
In fact, most of the time, the word premium is associated with paying for something that you will most likely never see a tangible item.... e.g. insurance premiums.
I think that Premium NCs are just that.... something you pay for and never take delivery of... except for the name.
As I look through all of my boxes I see that the average stick price is $7. And they are all something that I enjoy and would smoke every day. My favorite NC is a $6 stick. My favorite stick, which happens to be a CC, is $5.

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Old 04-07-2010, 10:01 AM   #79
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
They're freakin awesome, too. If you can smoke them.
The Cohiba Maddies? Wasn't all that impressed honestly... It was definitely good, but I'd take plenty of NC maduros before it. Only had one though (the PC, can't remember the name)

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Old 04-07-2010, 10:08 AM   #80
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

Originally Posted by RightAJ View Post
The Cohiba Maddies? Wasn't all that impressed honestly... It was definitely good, but I'd take plenty of NC maduros before it. Only had one though (the PC, can't remember the name)


Add me on to the list of guys who would pass on a Cohiba Maduro 10 times out of 10.

But then again, I don't like VRs, either.

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