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Old 01-14-2010, 11:56 AM   #1
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Default Cigar Smoker Poking in

Ok I know i have gone down this path before but here I am again.

What would you suggest for the newb.

Let me be more specific.

I don't want a Cob...........I know they are inexpensive but I just can't get the picture of popeye out of my head.

I would want something with a relatively large bowl (I think) and not a straight pipe (again I think)

My interest would be in some very mild tobacco's.............I think they are called grandfather used to smoke ones that smelled like apple or vanilla???

Are these tobacco's chemically infused like backwoods or the other flavoured cigars?? If so that doesn't sound very of the things I love about cigars is the purity of the tobacco (well that and they taste awesome)

Do many of you smoke both? Do you have a preference or is it just this one night and that another?

I have more questions but lets start there and see where we go.

Be nice if there was a starter kit or something (what tools do I need?)

Anyway thanks guys I know I have asked before, my interest has never waned I am just on the edge peaking in.
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Old 01-14-2010, 12:13 PM   #2
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Default Re: Cigar Smoker Poking in

I like my Savinelli's, huge selection shape wise and price too. From $40.00 to $400.00

For aromatic tobacco I really like the Butternut Burley.
Mild non-aromatic I like the Davidoff Blue mixture and Davidoff Scottish mixture.
Some like available everywhere Carter Hall???

A soft flame lighter and a 3 in 1 Czech Tool you are ready to go..
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Old 01-14-2010, 12:25 PM   #3
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Default Re: Cigar Smoker Poking in

Shawn, i'm no fan of aromatics, they tend to be wet and goopy and generally only taste like whatever they are flavored like. I know your cigar tastes reasonably well from our conversations and seeing your post and I think you maybe better off with a more traditional form of pipe tobacco such as an english or a virgina (va)or a virgina perique (va/per), oriental, ect.

as to the size of the pipe that's a personal thing. I, nor anyone else, can tell you which is right for you. things that are flakes or are that are very strong you may want a smaller pipe, i usually smoke my va/per in a smaller pipe since they are a bit stronger. my english backys tend to go in larger pipes such as my bent nording, however i this isn't set in stone for me as I smoke them out of my smaller bowled 4 digit kaywoodies.

you'll need:
soft flame lighter/matches. bics work, i think pete has a zippo insert that does soft flame, vector has one too i think, i've got a bently pipe lighter that works does my old boy, but those aren't cheap

i don't know who the best place to order from for you since you're in canada. feel free to message me via blackberry. i love talking pipes
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Old 01-14-2010, 12:34 PM   #4
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Default Re: Cigar Smoker Poking in

Originally Posted by loki View Post
Shawn, i'm no fan of aromatics, they tend to be wet and goopy and generally only taste like whatever they are flavored like.
Great point on the aromatics, thats what I like about the Butternut though not wet and goopy, great burn with no bite.
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Old 01-14-2010, 06:44 PM   #5
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Default Re: Cigar Smoker Poking in

Rethink the cob thingie; they can be exceptional smoking pipes without many of the problems that briar and clay bring to new smokers. If you are flat-out anti-cobbite, consider a decent full-sized meerschaum pipe.
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Old 01-14-2010, 07:55 PM   #6
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I am dead set against a cob..........dunno why just don't like the idea

What are the issues with a Brier or Clay

I have been looking at some reasonably priced Brigham pipes for a starter.

Also I am looking more at bent pipes than straights.
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Old 01-14-2010, 07:57 PM   #7
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-I enjoy some Lane's 1-Q and Butternut Burley. They are decent aromatics I would say.

-Check out they say on their website that they ship to canada. If it truly is an issue with shipping, I would be more than happy to help a brother out.

-There are a lot of cheap pipes that aren't corncobs. Many sites offer "random or mix match" briar pipes for cheap. Although as Mr. Moo said cobs are very nice. They sell some smaller ones for under 3 bucks. It's nice to buy a few sample a blend in each. Ghosting can confuse ( like it did to me ) a new pipe smoker. Pipes like kaywoodie or dr. grabow are cheap briar pipes.
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Old 01-14-2010, 08:05 PM   #8
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Default Re: Cigar Smoker Poking in

Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post
-I enjoy some Lane's 1-Q and Butternut Burley. They are decent aromatics I would say.

-Check out they say on their website that they ship to canada. If it truly is an issue with shipping, I would be more than happy to help a brother out.

-There are a lot of cheap pipes that aren't corncobs. Many sites offer "random or mix match" briar pipes for cheap. Although as Mr. Moo said cobs are very nice. They sell some smaller ones for under 3 bucks. It's nice to buy a few sample a blend in each. Ghosting can confuse ( like it did to me ) a new pipe smoker. Pipes like kaywoodie or dr. grabow are cheap briar pipes.
Very cool, see now something like this is exactly what I was thinking of
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Old 01-14-2010, 08:12 PM   #9
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also ships to Canada
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Old 01-14-2010, 08:21 PM   #10
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Default Re: Cigar Smoker Poking in

Ok so help me with the Pipe thing.

Assuming I don't want a cob (ok don't assume I don't)

But I don't want to break the bank.............I see lots of nice looking pipes in that 30 to 40 range.

What should I be looking for?? I am assuming liking the look of something doesn't mean a thing. How do I know what will smoke well and what wont.

Uggh................maybe I should stick to cigars
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Old 01-14-2010, 08:28 PM   #11
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Default Re: Cigar Smoker Poking in

Stick with well known brands, and you should be pretty safe. Savinelli makes quality pipes that are affordable. Their EX shapes are big pipes, so that covers you there. I don't smoke aromatics in my briars, so if you want to try those out, I'd suggest either grabbing a cob or two (even though I know you don't like them) or going with a Meerschaum pipe. Teeter over the edge a little further, you're almost there...
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Old 01-14-2010, 08:49 PM   #12
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Savinelli and Peterson make good pipes for 40 or so bucks, Stanwell may also, those three are great mid-level pipes IMO
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Old 01-15-2010, 01:37 AM   #13
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Default Re: Cigar Smoker Poking in

i like the pipa croci line myself....
whichever brand you buy....a couple of pointers, particularly in the larger size...

the thicker the wall of the pipe, the cooler it will smoke....
look for either good straight grain, or what they call birdseye grain....
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Old 01-15-2010, 03:40 AM   #14
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Now I understand Al's text messages ...
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Old 01-15-2010, 04:41 AM   #15
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Default Re: Cigar Smoker Poking in

Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post
These are my two goto sites...I find their prices are better than 4noggins and their customer service is fantastic...there's a ton of pipes in your price range of $ has a greater selection of name brands in that range...
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Old 01-15-2010, 06:25 AM   #16
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Old 01-15-2010, 10:46 AM   #17
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Default Re: Cigar Smoker Poking in

Originally Posted by Savvy View Post
Stick with well known brands, and you should be pretty safe. Savinelli makes quality pipes that are affordable. Their EX shapes are big pipes, so that covers you there. I don't smoke aromatics in my briars, so if you want to try those out, I'd suggest either grabbing a cob or two (even though I know you don't like them) or going with a Meerschaum pipe. Teeter over the edge a little further, you're almost there...
Nope apparently I am over. Seems a couple of the inmates decided to send me a care package............ughh

Now I need to do I store pipe tobacco??? I don't think storing it with my cigars is a good idea.

I have a 75 count that I am not using should I reseason it and store the tobacco in that???
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Old 01-15-2010, 10:58 AM   #18
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storing them with cigars is not a good idea, however you don't need a humi either. pipe backy needs much less humidty then cigars, I use zip lock bags, mason jars, or the tins the backy comes in.
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Old 01-15-2010, 11:13 AM   #19
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Shawn, smoking a pipe... who woulda thunk????

If the tins are unopened, they can be stored in a box (in a cool place) or on a shelf in a basement. If the tabak is in baggies, or the tin is opened, it may start to dry out. I've started using Ziplock storage containers for the contents of tins or bulk tabak. Samples can be stored in a container like you sent those Opus X's in to me (in fact, that's what it's being used for now)

If you end up like me, when you find that you enjoy a particular tabak, you'll just leave the tabak in the tin until it's empty. Or, you'll order it in bulk (if available), place the bulk package in a large Ziplock storage container, and refill an old tin.

A great website to get info on various pipe tobaccos is:

There are only a few aromatics that I enjoy, and I've migrated to straight Virginias and burleys. The subtle flavors come out, when you "sip" the smoke from your pipe. It's very much like smoking and enjoying a good cigar.

BTW, Xikar makes a few very nice pipe lighters. I have two now, that I use constantly.

Have fun, Shawn... it's another slope to slide down!!
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Old 01-15-2010, 11:45 AM   #20
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Crap I can't use a torch???

How about good wooden matches will that work.......I don't have a soft flame anywhere in this house.
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