Originally Posted by Bubba - NJ
I also happen to prefer Ups over Fed-ex . Heres why - Fed-ex always , well 99% of the time requires a signature , the items I've had delivered that they wont leave and what they will leave . They left a brand new HP computer on my doorstep , no signature . Had to drive to the fed-ex distribution hub near by to sign for a bunch of travel brochures . Makes no sense whatsoever . My UPS girl is great , if she leaves something she hides it a bit so as not to see it from the street . As for USPS , I generally like them for package deliveries , as for my mail , I think my mailman hates me , totally . He puts any envelopes inside any magazines or circulars and then places them open side down so something always falls out on the ground . 
That's not up to FedEx or UPS for that matter, its a choice the shipper selects. If the shipper does not choose a signature selection, the package is left in what they consider a safe place. All them do it now and for that reason I have started paying extra for the signature option when I ship my trays. Its a simple way to provide me and the consumer protection and proof the item was in fact received by someone at the destination. With out the sig, you could say you never got it and I have to go fight the carrier.
As a shipper, FedEx will get 100% of my business over UPS because the one time I did have a breakage issue, clearly their fault, they flat out told me on the phone the claim would likely be denied but feel free to file it anyways.
Nice call UPS, almost $750 dollars later in FedEx's pocket and I have never used you again. I even look for retailers that ship anything other than UPS when I purchase online.