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Old 06-24-2009, 08:26 PM   #241
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Summer TV is killing me....I can't for real programming again.
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Old 08-04-2009, 07:01 AM   #242
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Default Re: LOST Notes

Lots of hints and such regarding season 6. These are not necessarily spoilers, but hints and things to look forward to. However, if you don't want to know stop reading now.

Comic Con is a conference that showcases sci fi, comics, fantasy-genre games, tv, movies, and books. The LOST producers were there to answer questions and show some videos.

Points of interest:
  • 1. Season six of will be reminiscent of season one in that there will be a lot of running through the jungle and emotional development for the characters.
  • 2. Faraday WILL appear in season 6.
  • 3. They also mention that Season 6 won't have time travel or flash forwards, but "something different."
  • 4. The marketing graphic for season 6 included all our favorite characters (even some dead ones!) but the important thing is that the last character added to the animation was Locke, and he was very obviously facing backwards, while all the other characters were facing forward. Creepy! (see attached poster)
  • 5. They confirm that Richard Alpert will be finally getting his flashback in the final season. And Richard himself, actor Nestor Carbonell, is there on video, looking at himself in the mirror backstage. "Richard Alpert isn't ageless. YOU are," he says to himself. He then throws a fit over being handed the wrong eyeliner. So funny!
  • 6. Juliet will appear, in some fashion, in season 6 and her survival is contingent upon Jack's plan working (bomb exploding).
  • 7. The mystery of the food pallet drops will be uncovered in season 6.
  • 8. The show's producers say that Jacob always looks like Jacob. By this, they mean that we won't learn later that people that have come in and out of the lives of our characters was in fact Jacob in disguise.
  • 9. According to Josh Holloway in the press room, Sawyer will be destroyed by the tragedy of Juliet, pushing him back towards his original, more "salty" character. He'll still carry around season five's character growth, but he'll be rejecting it.
  • 10. We learn that Libby's last name was Smith (Elizabeth Smith).
  • 11. Three videos are shown:
  • 1. An Oceanic Airlines video which says that the airline has had a perfect safety record since 1979.
  • 2. A Mr. Cluck's Chicken commercial where Hurley is announced as the owner and CEO and says that ever since he won the lottery he's had nothing but good luck.
  • 3. An "America's Most Wanted" clip that shows Kate as a fugitive who meant to kill her stepfather but accidentally killed the wrong man.
  • 4. All three hinted that Season 6 will see some form of alternate time line. It doesn't literally mean that these things happen in the future, but the show now wants us to start thinking about the fact that Jack, with a major assist from Juliet, actually pulled off his plan.
  • 12. Jorge Garcia (Hurley) is in the audience and notes that the videos just shown heavily hint that the previous five seasons will be wiped away if Jack was successful. He calls such a move a "cheat." The producers ask that he trust them, to which Jorge delivers the line: "Last time I trusted you guys, you said Nikki and Paulo were going to be awesome."
  • 13. Lastly, Dominic Monaghan (Charlie Pace) crashes the stage. Onlookers noted the words, "Am I alive?" written on his hand as he waves to the audience.
Only 5 months to go.
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Old 08-04-2009, 08:01 AM   #243
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Default Re: LOST Notes

Excellent, Bao, thanks for the update! The wife & I are going to re-watch the last half of this past year's season later this month. A lot to look forward to in the new season!

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Old 08-04-2009, 08:07 AM   #244
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Default Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by kaisersozei View Post
Excellent, Bao, thanks for the update! The wife & I are going to re-watch the last half of this past year's season later this month. A lot to look forward to in the new season!
or do you mean look backwards too?

I cannot wait!!!
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Old 08-04-2009, 08:13 AM   #245
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watched the final 8 episodes of season 5 last week. Season 5 started weak imho, but it got interesting later on.
check out my reviews on my blog.
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Old 01-04-2010, 12:51 PM   #246
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Default Re: LOST Notes

With only a few weeks left before the final season begins, I thought I'd give Bao's thread a bump!

To add to ComicCon info above, here's an interesting tidbit I found:

Season Six is the first and only season of Lost to not feature any kind of preview or official promotional material (such as sneak peeks and promo pictures for future episodes.) The Lost producers consider any scene from the first few episodes to be too revealing. According to Lindelof, "even a single scene from the show would basically tip what it is we're doing this year, and what it is we're doing this year is different than what we've done in other years."

Should make reviewing & analyzing this year's episodes very enjoyable--and time consuming! Looking forward to it!

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Old 01-04-2010, 01:03 PM   #247
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I can't wait...I hope to preview last season before we start in February.
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Old 01-04-2010, 08:31 PM   #248
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I can't wait to find how everything is tied together!
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Old 01-04-2010, 08:40 PM   #249
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Oh man, I'm SOOO excited! I don't think they'll wrap it up, but hopefully we'll get plenty of answers.
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Old 01-04-2010, 08:45 PM   #250
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I feel like I'm expecting my first born child on Feb 2nd!
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Old 01-04-2010, 09:02 PM   #251
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Default Re: LOST Notes

Bao, I shouldn't have read your "hints and such" post right there. Now I want to flail about and scream because I have to wait so long for my Lost!
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Old 01-04-2010, 09:23 PM   #252
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Default Re: LOST Notes

My wife's as big a fan as I am--and she reminded me that February 2 is our anniversary. Guess we'll be eating in & watching Lost this year!

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Old 01-21-2010, 12:43 PM   #253
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Default Re: LOST Notes

Did I post this yet? Hmmm

Lots of hints and such regarding season 6. These are not necessarily spoilers, but hints and things to look forward to. However, if you don't want to know stop reading now.

Comic Con is a conference that showcases sci fi, comics, fantasy-genre games, tv, movies, and books. The LOST producers were there to answer questions and show some videos.

Points of interest:

1. Season six of will be reminiscent of season one in that there will be a lot of running through the jungle and emotional development for the characters.
2. Faraday WILL appear in season 6.
3. They also mention that Season 6 won't have time travel or flash forwards, but "something different."
4. The marketing graphic for season 6 included all our favorite characters (even some dead ones!) but the important thing is that the last character added to the animation was Locke, and he was very obviously facing backwards, while all the other characters were facing forward. Creepy! (see attached poster)
5. They confirm that Richard Alpert will be finally getting his flashback in the final season. And Richard himself, actor Nestor Carbonell, is there on video, looking at himself in the mirror backstage. "Richard Alpert isn't ageless. YOU are," he says to himself. He then throws a fit over being handed the wrong eyeliner. So funny!
6. Juliet will appear, in some fashion, in season 6 and her survival is contingent upon Jack's plan working (bomb exploding).
7. The mystery of the food pallet drops will be uncovered in season 6.
8. The show's producers say that Jacob always looks like Jacob. By this, they mean that we won't learn later that people that have come in and out of the lives of our characters was in fact Jacob in disguise.
9. According to Josh Holloway in the press room, Sawyer will be destroyed by the tragedy of Juliet, pushing him back towards his original, more "salty" character. He'll still carry around season five's character growth, but he'll be rejecting it.
10. We learn that Libby's last name was Smith (Elizabeth Smith).
11. Three videos are shown:
1. An Oceanic Airlines video which says that the airline has had a perfect safety record since 1979.
2. A Mr. Cluck's Chicken commercial where Hurley is announced as the owner and CEO and says that ever since he won the lottery he's had nothing but good luck.
3. An "America's Most Wanted" clip that shows Kate as a fugitive who meant to kill her stepfather but accidentally killed the wrong man.
4. All three hinted that Season 6 will see some form of alternate time line. It doesn't literally mean that these things happen in the future, but the show now wants us to start thinking about the fact that Jack, with a major assist from Juliet, actually pulled off his plan.
12. Jorge Garcia (Hurley) is in the audience and notes that the videos just shown heavily hint that the previous five seasons will be wiped away if Jack was successful. He calls such a move a "cheat." The producers ask that he trust them, to which Jorge delivers the line: "Last time I trusted you guys, you said Nikki and Paulo were going to be awesome."
13. Lastly, Dominic Monaghan (Charlie Pace) crashes the stage. Onlookers noted the words, "Am I alive?" written on his hand as he waves to the audience.

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Old 01-21-2010, 12:45 PM   #254
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Old 02-01-2010, 08:52 PM   #255
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With the much-anticipated day rapidly approaching, I just thought I'd drop this off for any interested parties:

The Oceanic Six is a Lost fandom band.
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Old 02-01-2010, 09:18 PM   #256
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tomorrow is the big night!
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Old 02-01-2010, 09:42 PM   #257
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Originally Posted by Mugen910 View Post
tomorrow is the big night!
Wednesday is the big day for me. It's what I get for getting all my TV on the internets.
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Old 02-02-2010, 12:35 PM   #258
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The ultimate list of unanswered questions.


 Was Locke really healed by the island? Or was he healed by Jacob or the Man in

 Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, and Michael once saw an enormous green-colored bird
swoop out of a tree towards them, and Hurley thought that the bird said his name.
What kind of bird was this, and did it really say Hurley's name?

 Were there any permanent consequences to the island when the Swan's failsafe was
activated and the sky turned purple? Was the electromagnetic pocket of energy
beneath the island destroyed by the failsafe, or made dormant?

 What does the frozen wheel do, mechanically-speaking, to make the island move?
Does it access the electromagnetic energy pocket somehow? What's behind the wheel
that generated the bright yellow light? Why is it so cold in the underground chamber
where the island-moving wheel is housed? The wheel looks like a man-made device,
so who made it and put it there?

 Since turning the wheel beneath the Orchid station sends one to the Tunisian desert,
it stands to reason that the polar bear Charlotte found in Tunisia wearing a Dharma
Initiative collar must also have turned the wheel at some point, and that's how it
wound up there. What and when were the circumstances surrounding the polar bear
that turned the wheel and moved the island? Who was responsible for this, and why?

 Why were the Oceanic survivors, the Freighter Folk, and Juliet affected by the island's
time jumps, yet the Others were not?

 Why was Sun left behind in the present on Ajira 316, when all of the other Oceanic 6
were transported through time to the past?

 Why would the island let Ben come back after he left, but not Widmore?

 Who built the Tunnels under the island? Do the Tunnels run all over (or rather, under)
the island? What else is down there?
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Old 02-02-2010, 12:37 PM   #259
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 Who is Jacob, and how did he come to be on the island?

 Who is the Man in Black, aka Jacob's Nemesis?

 How did Jacob and the Man in Black come to be on the island?

 What's the nature of Jacob and the Man in Black's yin/yang-type relationship? And why can't they kill each other?

 Can Jacob see the future? (He went to Ilana's bedside and asked her to help him, and he also ordered the Hydra Island runway built. The logical conclusion is that the runway was needed because he knew Ilana would be coming to the island via Ajira 316.)

 Jacob is apparently responsible for bringing everyone to the island that gets to it. How does Jacob bring people to the island?

 Why did Jacob touch so many of the castaways in the past? Why did he choose them, and what did his touch cause to happen? Is he the reason they escaped the crash of Oceanic 815 without harm?

 Did Jacob touch anyone else in the same way?

 Why did Jacob give Hurley a guitar case to bring back to the island? What's inside it?

 Why does the Man in Black want to kill Jacob?

 If Jacob hasn't been living in the cabin, who has? The Man in Black? Is this who Ben and Locke encountered the day they visited the cabin?

 How did the Man in Black take on Locke's form? Can he assume the form of anyone he wants, or does it have to be a dead person?

 What all did the Man in Black "go through" to get to Jacob?

 Who was Jacob referring to when he warned the Man in Black that "they're coming"?

 Who or what is Christian Shephard? Does he really speak for Jacob, or is he an instrument of the Man in Black?
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Last edited by Mugen910; 02-02-2010 at 12:43 PM.
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Old 02-02-2010, 12:39 PM   #260
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Default Re: LOST Notes

 What is the smoke monster?

 Is the monster technological or supernatural?

 Why does the monster kill certain people -- like Mr. Eko, Captain Norris of Oceanic 815, and Nadine of the French science expedition -- while leaving others it encounters alive? What's different about those it kills?

 The monster sometimes calls up images of peoples' pasts before it passes judgment on them. (We've seen it do this with Eko, Juliet, and Ben.) How is the monster able to do this?

 What exactly happened to Montand and the other Frenchmen beneath the Temple? Did the monster change them, as Danielle believed? Did it kill them and take their place?

 How did draining the water out of that tiny hole below Ben's house summon the smoke monster? Who built the monster-summoning water hole there to begin with?

 Since we've seen other dead people (like Locke) on the island before, such as Alex Rousseau and Yemi, who very likely were the smoke monster taken human form, does this mean that the Man in Black is the smoke monster? Could they be one and the same?

Why are there Egyptian-style hieroglyphs all over the island? Who put them there?

 Why was an enormous statue of an Egyptian fertility goddess (Tawaret) erected on the island? And why did Jacob choose to live beneath it? Did Jacob build it, or was someone else responsible? When was it built, and when & how was it destroyed?

 Is there a link between the Exit's location in Tunisia and the island's Egyptian influences?


Who are the Adam & Eve skeletons? Are they characters we know?

 How did they die? Was it, as the castaways guessed, forty to fifty years ago?

 Why was one of them carrying two stones, one white and one black? THE NUMBERS (4 8 15 16 23 42)

 Are the Numbers really cursed? Do they have power?

 Who sent the transmission from the island heard by Leonard Sims and Sam Toomey at the Navy listening post in the Pacific? And why? (This was the same transmission heard by Danielle's science team, which lured them toward the island.)


 What are the Whispers?

 The Whispers always seem to precede an appearance by the Others or the smoke monster. What's the connection?
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