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Old 05-13-2016, 06:07 PM   #1
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Default Liga Privadas selling for almost $20

La Privadas, wth?

I've heard this brand mentioned a lot, even seen a few being smoked but no way did I ever realize it was that expensive. Somebody please enlighten me to why it cost so much? $18.50 per stick before taxes.

Last edited by GrouchoM; 05-14-2016 at 01:20 AM.
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Old 05-13-2016, 06:15 PM   #2
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Default Re: Liga Privadas selling for almost $20

Have you considered that perhaps they are NOT selling for almost $20?
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Old 05-13-2016, 06:22 PM   #3
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Default Re: Liga Privadas selling for almost $20

The Feral flying pig is a great smoke. Comparable with high end cigars.
There is a certain cache in that they are "limited release", yada, yada.

They are worth it as a special occasion smoke. You should try one.....
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Old 05-13-2016, 06:43 PM   #4
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Default Re: Liga Privadas selling for almost $20

Pigs are going for $30 here in San Diego.
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Old 05-13-2016, 07:48 PM   #5
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Default Re: Liga Privadas selling for almost $20

Originally Posted by GrouchoM View Post
La Privadas, wth?

I've heard this brand mentioned a lot, even seen a few being smoked but no way did I ever realize it was that expensive. Somebody please enlighten me to why it cost so much? $18.50 per stick before taxes.
With taxes the are over $20 bucks in MN.
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Old 05-13-2016, 09:24 PM   #6
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Default Re: Liga Privadas selling for almost $20

Originally Posted by GrouchoM View Post
La Privadas, wth?

I've heard this brand mentioned a lot, even seen a few being smoked but no way did I ever realize it was that expensive. Somebody please enlighten me to why it cost so much? $18.50 per stick before taxes.
It's a Texas Thing, dude.
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Old 05-14-2016, 02:26 PM   #7
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Default Re: Liga Privadas selling for almost $20

Ok. I guess I'm past my initial sticker shock regarding Ligas. So, since I opened this Pandora's box. What's the deal with Opus cigars? Everybody talks about them like they're all that, but while I hear about a brother or two that smoking them, they, also seem like a specialty once every blue moon celebratory cigar.

What other ultra premium cigars am I missing that retail for say $16+ can you guys name that are in people regular rotation?

I'm just trying to address my ignorance on ultra premium cigars and to not act so brand new when I eventually see what they sell for.

"It's a Texas thing" I see what you did there, bright boy. Well played, well played.
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Old 05-14-2016, 02:40 PM   #8
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Default Re: Liga Privadas selling for almost $20

No high-end cigar is in this poor boy's rotation, but if I were to spend that much on a stick I'd go with a VSG.
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Old 05-14-2016, 03:48 PM   #9
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Default Re: Liga Privadas selling for almost $20

I enjoy Anejo and Opus but where I get them in Philadelphia they don't gouge the prices like elsewhere and taxes are low. Feral pigs are around $13.50. My go to every day non Cubans are AVO Heritage Toro's!
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Old 05-14-2016, 04:43 PM   #10
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Default Re: Liga Privadas selling for almost $20

They're on sale on cigarpage today
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Old 05-14-2016, 04:50 PM   #11
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Default Re: Liga Privadas selling for almost $20

Originally Posted by Wharf Rat View Post
They're on sale on cigarpage today
No they ain't. They be gone.
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Old 05-14-2016, 10:06 PM   #12
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Default Re: Liga Privadas selling for almost $20

Originally Posted by GrouchoM View Post
Ok. I guess I'm past my initial sticker shock regarding Ligas. So, since I opened this Pandora's box. What's the deal with Opus cigars? Everybody talks about them like they're all that, but while I hear about a brother or two that smoking them, they, also seem like a specialty once every blue moon celebratory cigar.

What other ultra premium cigars am I missing that retail for say $16+ can you guys name that are in people regular rotation?

I'm just trying to address my ignorance on ultra premium cigars and to not act so brand new when I eventually see what they sell for.

"It's a Texas thing" I see what you did there, bright boy. Well played, well played.
(funny though, Texas thing prices aren't that bad in the big picture)

The Fuente Opus X is a world class cigar, without question. Do I smoke them? No. Not my profile. But I can respect them.

The Opus X cigar is very limited in manufacture and distribution (they are only released 2-3 times a year), if you can find them at MSRP, they are very reasonable. The secondary and tertiary market drives the prices though the roof. I would think that this has something to do with the hoarding for "special occasions" mentality.

Padron Anniversary cigars are also incredible cigars. Unfortunately, their MSRP is often much higher than Fuente. It's an MSRP I'd pay when I'm looking for that profile, but that's me.

Liga Privada, Tatuaje and My Father upper end cigars, again, great cigars, some I like, some I don't. My not liking a cigar does not diminish it's greatness though.

Another great one is Davidoff. Some of the best cigars I've smoked have been Davidoffs, both CC and NC. But, they are mild.
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Old 05-14-2016, 11:57 PM   #13
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Default Re: Liga Privadas selling for almost $20

I think Padron Anniversaries and Opus X's are worth the sticker price (not if being gouged though). Ashton VSG as mentioned above as well is great for $12.50 or less. I like the Liga's but they are below the others mentioned on my list, and $20 is way over what I'd spend. I also like Litto Gomez stuff (small batch VI lately well worth the $19 or so as a rare treat). None are in my rotation but I like to have one from this group every few weeks.

Having said all that about the above, there are tons of cigars I have tried in that price range that are just mediocre and overpriced. Many times when I go for one I end up dissapointed wishing I had grabbed a Padron Anni or Opus instead. Worth trying some in that range because some really are that good, but the prices don't always mean greatness.
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Old 05-17-2016, 07:00 AM   #14
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Default Re: Liga Privadas selling for almost $20

I really enjoy the LP T52, but no way will I pay $20 for one. I can get them online for $11/stick when buying a box. For Opus, one of my B&Ms sells them at a reasonable price, $13-$15 depending on the stick.
On the rare occasion I spend $20 on a smoke it'll usually be for one of two cigars: Padron Anny or Ashton ESG. But I hesitate to even spend that for the ESG (which is a great, great smoke) because Holt's has them as part of some really good samplers most of the time.
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Old 05-17-2016, 07:56 AM   #15
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Default Re: Liga Privadas selling for almost $20

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller View Post
I really enjoy the LP T52, but no way will I pay $20 for one. I can get them online for $11/stick when buying a box. For Opus, one of my B&Ms sells them at a reasonable price, $13-$15 depending on the stick.
On the rare occasion I spend $20 on a smoke it'll usually be for one of two cigars: Padron Anny or Ashton ESG. But I hesitate to even spend that for the ESG (which is a great, great smoke) because Holt's has them as part of some really good samplers most of the time.

James, I agree with you about the pricing in general, but this wasn't about the standard sizes of T52. It was the T52 Feral Flying Pig. $20 is actually a very good B&M retail price for the FFP. IIRC, MSRP is like $18 on that cigar.

(There originally was a photo in the first post that had a picture of the cigar and price tag)
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Old 05-17-2016, 11:18 AM   #16
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Default Re: Liga Privadas selling for almost $20

Well that makes more sense. I don't think my main B&M even puts their FFPs out for sale. Their allotment is set aside for the premium members, not that there's anything wrong with that.
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Old 05-17-2016, 05:10 PM   #17
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Default Re: Liga Privadas selling for almost $20

Relative to most states now, Ohio with their 17% OTP tax, plus about 7% state sales tax, cigars are priced decently here. Cross into Kentucky (less than ten minutes for me) and the figures are like 16% OTP and 6% sales tax.

It's only been in the last eight-ten years Kentucky had an OTP tax at all. People from Jersey and other ripoff states would see humidor prices at The Party Source (northern Ky.) and break out in giddiness.
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Old 05-17-2016, 05:17 PM   #18
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Default Re: Liga Privadas selling for almost $20

But in regards to the Ligas, yeah, they fall into the top part of my "splurge" priced cigar choices.
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Old 05-18-2016, 07:01 AM   #19
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Default Re: Liga Privadas selling for almost $20

Padrons are good very smooth aged cigars. very one dimensional, which isn't something I go for normally. That being said they are good cigars, but I have never bought any. Probably wouldn't. All the ones I have had I am been given as birthday or Christmas gifts.

The Opus X cigars are right up my alley profile wise. I enjoy them a lot, and would buy them for a special occasion. But are they in my rotation? No.

I have had a few liga privadas. They are good, strong Niguraguan cigars, but over hyped in my opinion. Never have I ever been a Liga whore. I enjoy the Undercrowns (especially the shade) and MUWATs much more than the over priced (IMHO) other sticks. And by Liga Whore I mean those guys who collect them and spend all their money chasing them.

There are just to many other cigars out there that I enjoy so much, that I would rather smoke 3-4 of them than just one of the high priced cigars.
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Old 05-22-2016, 11:16 AM   #20
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Default Re: Liga Privadas selling for almost $20

The original release #9 are worth $20, the later releases aren't.
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