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Old 10-02-2014, 02:32 PM   #1
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Default My first humidor was ....

So we have a great thread on our boxes, coolers, minis, cabinets, etc., The question is, what was the first thing you had to store your cigars in, gifted, bought, stolen, it's all good and pictures are even better.

I don't have pictures of my first small desktop humidor, it was a small 50 count, I ended up gifting it to a friend when I pushed his A$$ down the slope. This is it below, I bought it in a local B&M for about 5x what I could have found it for online, although at the time I did not know that and I got plenty of use and enjoyment out of it, much as my friend still is.

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Old 11-29-2014, 07:54 PM   #2
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Default Re: My first humidor was ....

My first several Humidors were tupperware! Add some cedar as a floor and a stick humidification device and hygrometer and there you are!

I have two wood humidors now that are mostly empty right now. Room to expand and that is always fun!
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Old 11-29-2014, 08:59 PM   #3
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My first, other than storing a few sticks inside ziplock bags with a humidipack inside was a 28qt coolidor. I still only use a coolidor, it's just doubled in size.
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Old 11-29-2014, 09:16 PM   #4
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Default Re: My first humidor was ....

40 count desktop from CI
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Old 11-29-2014, 09:17 PM   #5
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Default Re: My first humidor was ....

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Tupperdor was my 1st, but my 1st real humidor was my custom Coffin, then Coolidor now vino.
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Old 11-29-2014, 09:34 PM   #6
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Default Re: My first humidor was ....

Mine was a 20-ct glass-top desktop I got with a sampler from Thompson, I believe. It did the trick for about my first three months until I started getting serious about cigars. I think I've still got it somewhere; it held RH pretty damned well for a freebie.
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Old 11-29-2014, 09:36 PM   #7
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Default Re: My first humidor was ....

Originally Posted by Remo View Post
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Tupperdor was my 1st, but my 1st real humidor was my custom Coffin, then Coolidor now vino.
This humidor is awesome, Mike.
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Old 11-29-2014, 11:20 PM   #8
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"bought it in a local B&M for about 5x what I could have found it for online, although at the time I did not know that"

Seems we all do that...and we're all stupid! Mine was a 40 count Cuban Crafters, also very overpriced from a local B&M. Thought it was huge...could never fill that monster up! Same as Adam - gave to a friend.
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Old 11-29-2014, 11:27 PM   #9
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Default Re: My first humidor was ....

A 5 cigar travel humidor with a cherrywood exterior that I bought at the LCdH in Nassau. It was all downhill from there.

Trying to get some answers on seasoning it was how I found Club Stogie, the precursor to Cigar Asylum.

Thanks Dave, Julian, James, Kelly, Peter, Gerry, Dave, Mo, Frank, Týr and Mr. Mark!
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Old 11-29-2014, 11:47 PM   #10
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Default Re: My first humidor was ....

I wrapped my boxes in Saran Wrap. Seriously. I'm betting that it was the result of eating lead paint as a kid.
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Old 11-30-2014, 04:33 AM   #11
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Default Re: My first humidor was ....

Originally Posted by The.Sheepdog View Post
My first several Humidors were tupperware! Add some cedar as a floor and a stick humidification device and hygrometer and there you are!

I have two wood humidors now that are mostly empty right now. Room to expand and that is always fun!
Never never say your humi is empty here in the nut house! We are just crazy enough to fill them for you.

My first humi was a cherry wood 100 count That when I bought it the wood was starting to warp in one corner and a year later it had separated entirely.
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Old 11-30-2014, 05:07 AM   #12
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Default Re: My first humidor was ....

My first one was a birthday gift from my current girlfriend. Which is awesome, because it's HER fault I now have a fully stocked wineador. She tried to give me sh*t when I got the custom solid cherry door made for it. I told her SHE started it. Which after hearing myself say it, immediately followed up with a Thank You and how awesome a gift it was.

The humi that came with it was the CI 20 count one with the pictures of cigar bands on it. My cousin and his wife smoked out of my travel humi at a wedding a few years back. Last Christmas I stocked the little humi with a wide range of cigars, and gifted it to them.

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Old 11-30-2014, 06:28 AM   #13
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Default Re: My first humidor was ....

My first humidor was the cab my smokes were in.
Then I got a glass top and front humidor that was really pretty and it leaked like a sieve.
No idea where I got it, I don't remember.
Then I got a couple compressor winadors and retrofitted them so they'd work for cigars. Then I put drawers in them. Mac has one and I have another.
Then I got a giant display humi I pimped out. I got rid of it, and now I'm back to the trusty old winador and some coolers.
My goal is to get down to one winador, period.
So I sloped and desloped.
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Old 11-30-2014, 06:29 AM   #14
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Default Re: My first humidor was ....

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
My first humidor was the cab my smokes were in.
Then I got a glass top and front humidor that was really pretty and it leaked like a sieve.
No idea where I got it, I don't remember.
Then I got a couple compressor winadors and retrofitted them so they'd work for cigars. Then I put drawers in them. Mac has one and I have another.
Then I got a giant display humi I pimped out. I got rid of it, and now I'm back to the trusty old winador and some coolers.
My goal is to get down to one winador, period.
So I sloped and desloped.
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Old 11-30-2014, 07:10 AM   #15
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tupperdor first and then a cheap 50 count from CI or somewhere similar. Now I have a vinotem with shelves and a couple of drawers.
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Old 11-30-2014, 10:23 AM   #16
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Default Re: My first humidor was ....

My first was a little 50ct. (or at least that's what they said it would hold, closer to 30)from Cuban Crafters. It came with 10 Don Kiki green labels. Man I thought I was the chit!!!

Just like Tom I was researching how to season and care for it when I found Club Stogie. The rest is History.
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Old 11-30-2014, 11:46 AM   #17
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Default Re: My first humidor was ....

In the early 90's I saw an add in a magazine for a Thompson deal A small 20ct and 10 cigars for $20 . I sent away for it .I thought it was really cool, I also got a free subscription to Cigar Aficionado . I smoked a cple of the cigars and they were pretty awful so I decided they needed to rest .. well a month of so later I decided to smoke another .....I could not find the little humidor .... It had disappeared ha Stolen !

Well ...... years went buy and I still occasionally smoked a cigar .

About two yrs ago a friend gave me a few good cigars . I enjoyed them so much I decided to buy a humidor .

On EBay I found a glass top 100ct for $50 . then I found several cigar forums and Vendors online . I ordered a few bundles of cigars ,
My new humidor did not seal so great so I fixed that with some bees wax I also bought some humidity beads .
It was only a cpl months and I bought another 100 count humidor ............then a VinoTemp 18 .. I have the WineAdor and the two 100 cts stuffed full .
I a building cedar drawers for the WineAdor .................. trying to talk the gf into letting me drive t KC to buy another VinoTemp 18 I found for $25 ...but honey its a STEAL ! Really !

OMG ! WTF ! Happened .
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Last edited by baust55; 11-30-2014 at 11:52 AM.
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Old 11-30-2014, 01:49 PM   #18
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Default Re: My first humidor was ....

[quote=pektel;2002363]My first one was a birthday gift from my current girlfriend. Which is awesome, because it's HER fault I now have a fully stocked wineador. She tried to give me sh*t...I told her SHE started it.

Now, THAT'S funny! . .
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Old 11-30-2014, 01:50 PM   #19
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Default Re: My first humidor was ....

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
My first humidor was the cab my smokes were in.
Then I got a glass top and front humidor that was really pretty and it leaked like a sieve.
No idea where I got it, I don't remember.
Then I got a couple compressor winadors and retrofitted them so they'd work for cigars. Then I put drawers in them. Mac has one and I have another.
Then I got a giant display humi I pimped out. I got rid of it, and now I'm back to the trusty old winador and some coolers.
My goal is to get down to one winador, period.
So I sloped and desloped.
Yeah. Let us know how that works out!
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Old 11-30-2014, 01:59 PM   #20
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Default Re: My first humidor was ....

Mine was one of the 100ct humidor so from Sam's Club. Then another 100ct I won in a local club giveaway. Onto a coolidor, replaced that with a cabinet. Had that for a number of years before my basement flooded this summer. Now I'm back to two large coolidors.
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