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Old 07-08-2013, 01:28 PM   #41
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Default Re: USPS refund for late shipping and delivery failure

Originally Posted by OLS View Post
PM SENT Peter.....I am not going to thread jack, or spread any more lurid details here.
But to say that I have no clue as to the nature of your post's intention, well that's just
horse hockey, and you certainly know it. Furthermore, I am no saint, I made errors at
the USPS. What's more, NO ONE wins when they try to collect on insurance from the
USPS, whether there is something 'interesting' in the box or not.
I received no PM from you.
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Old 07-08-2013, 01:49 PM   #42
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Default Re: USPS refund for late shipping and delivery failure

Gentleman of Cigar Asylum,

I made the OP in an attempt to ask our community a question for the purpose of ascertaining information and possible resolutions from anyone else that may have been in a similar situation. I received the requested information and suggestions on how to rectify the situation and several PMs offering to help as well. I thank you all of you who helped.

The question was asked and answered. As far as I can tell its a done deal. If I could lock my own thread or even delete it I would. The OP has spiraled out of control from something so innocent as a request to ascertain first hand account experiences about USPS shipping to personal attacks on me (I appreciate those who respond to me about the member who made the snide comment aimed at me but he has been on my ignore list from week one and I did not even see it) to attacks from Asylum member to Asylum member.

I respectfully ask that we stop posting in this thread as the information that was sought was found, done deal. It does no good to keep this unhealthy / unnecessary banter going back and forth.

We are all gentleman, lets get back to why we all landed here originally; our brotherhood and common bond of cigars.

Have a nice day everyone.

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Old 07-08-2013, 02:04 PM   #43
Suck It
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Default Re: USPS refund for late shipping and delivery failure

Sorry Peter, believe me, it was a long one. it took longer than I thought.

Look, everyone reading this thread. In a simple pass for NC cigars, I can
see working the angles, jawing at the USPS, having some kind of feeling
of entitlement to recourse. But there are other times when I have told people
who are hollering about what they are gonna 'tell their vendor' and 'what they
are gonna demand from their vendor', I tell them JUST EAT YOUR LOSS and
understand that there are times when you take an AWFUL RISK to get what
you want, that some people would have you not be able to buy in this country.
You don't make a stink, you accept the inherent risk you should have know about
and you learn your lesson. If that means you never buy from a particular entity
again, then so be it, plenty of fish in the sea. TOO much scrutiny to make a stink.

I made a USPS error that cost a botl his entire investment. I bought insurance to
help him in case of catastrophe, whether they USPS did it or the catastrophe was
my own stupid rush at the mailing kiosk. The shippee chose not to file a claim. But
the regulations state that the sender or the receiver may file a claim, and I was flat
out not going to file one. I am not an idiot. Once it was clear the USPS was NOT going
to deliver the package, which as of today is sitting on the same tracking details that
were showing for some two months ago now or better, I asked the shippee if he would
accept a package of compensatory smokes that would be nowhere near his original loss,
and ended up being approximately 2/3 of his money's worth, he told me to ship them.
This is why I get pi55y when he pops up veiled insults in all these type threads. He is
smoking the cigars I sent him with one hand and calling me a douchebag with the other.
I SCREWED UP...BADLY. Not intentionally, but badly. But I bought insurance for him the
same way I have bought insurance for many dozens of people. But I am not filing a claim
and I am not returning cash when my cigars are in the mail with the correct address and
had arrived in the correct city and have not had a tracking update in two months. ANd I am
certainly not filing a claim when he has already accepted, received and smoked the cigars
I sent to make up for his losses.

Bottom line is, don't play in a big league park if you are not prepared to lose.
I respec the OPs sudden desire to stop the bleeding. I am not trying to show
how I am the good guy and someone else is the bad guy. I know over half of the people
here likely think I was wrong from beginning to end and did NOT do what I should for a
BOTL. I understand that. I do not buy insurance for a novel way to throw ten bucks in
the street, however.
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Old 07-08-2013, 02:09 PM   #44
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Default Re: USPS refund for late shipping and delivery failure

At the request of James (FUEL), I am closing the thread.

Brad (OLS) and I are taking this up via PM.
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