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Old 10-24-2012, 08:55 AM   #341
Møøse bites can be nasty
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Default Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by aich75013 View Post
I bought the lightning dock adapter when I ordered some sync cables from Apple.
I have an iHome on my nightstand and prefer to just dock it to charge at night.
If you use any type of case or bumper, the adapter won't work. I received the adapter in the mail yesterday and I ended up modifying my bumper to make it work. I took a dremel to the bumper and made the hole on the bottom larger. Works fine, but the bottom of the bumper looks a little ugly.
I checked to make sure the iPod functions properly, and everything worked just as before. It does make the iPhone sit higher than normal of course. I can snap a pic tonight if you'd like to see what it looks like.
thanks for the feedback. I was planning on a adapter for the iHome since like you, I use it to charge my phone every night. I'm debating the bumper. I haven't used a case on any of my iPhones at this point and not sure I'm going to start.

Going to stop by the Verizon store at lunch and see what they can do for me on a 5.
My neighbor came by my house this morning at 2AM, pounding on the door. Good thing I was still up playing the drums.
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Old 10-24-2012, 02:49 PM   #342
Møøse bites can be nasty
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Default Re: iPhone 5

Bit the bullet and ordered a 5. Should be here mid November. Now to order all my accessories.
My neighbor came by my house this morning at 2AM, pounding on the door. Good thing I was still up playing the drums.
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Old 10-25-2012, 06:13 PM   #343
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Default Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 View Post
Bit the bullet and ordered a 5. Should be here mid November. Now to order all my accessories.
I'm having trouble finding a lightning adapter for my car charger and am nervous about going with a knockoff until I know how they work.

This whole rollout of the 5 and new accessories has been less than lightning but resistance is futile as they are all going to be using lightning.

FWIW, I put a bumper on my iPhone5 and haven't had any scratches, and am convincing myself that I don't put a rubber case around my expensive watch, so I won't on my phone.
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Old 10-25-2012, 08:35 PM   #344
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Default Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by floydpink View Post
I'm having trouble finding a lightning adapter for my car charger and am nervous about going with a knockoff until I know how they work.

This whole rollout of the 5 and new accessories has been less than lightning but resistance is futile as they are all going to be using lightning.

FWIW, I put a bumper on my iPhone5 and haven't had any scratches, and am convincing myself that I don't put a rubber case around my expensive watch, so I won't on my phone.
Just buy the USB piece that you can plug your normal charger in. Works for me.
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Old 10-28-2012, 05:12 PM   #345
Møøse bites can be nasty
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Default Re: iPhone 5

I picked up a 5 Friday afternoon. A friend called to say a local RadioShack had one in stock, on Verizon too. Score! Gotta say this thing is fast. I put the Zagg shield on it, the new one that doesn't smudge. Gives the screen a matte finish. I like it.
My neighbor came by my house this morning at 2AM, pounding on the door. Good thing I was still up playing the drums.
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Old 10-28-2012, 05:20 PM   #346
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Default Re: iPhone 5

I wasn't planning on getting the 5, but now i might. My iphone 4 button is really getting on my nerves. Some days I have to hit it 20 times before it works. I have an upgrade in December, but wasn't going to use it. Guess I need to now.
Why would I? More like why wouldn't I... Hahaha
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Old 10-28-2012, 05:28 PM   #347
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Default Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by never_enough View Post
I wasn't planning on getting the 5, but now i might. My iphone 4 button is really getting on my nerves. Some days I have to hit it 20 times before it works. I have an upgrade in December, but wasn't going to use it. Guess I need to now.
I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. I had no intentions of upgrading but liking it so far. I'm really impressed with how light it is. The Retina display is really nice too.
My neighbor came by my house this morning at 2AM, pounding on the door. Good thing I was still up playing the drums.
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Old 10-28-2012, 07:06 PM   #348
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Default Re: iPhone 5

I got my i5 around Sept. 25th. I love it. I work in the Middle East and had a company meeting in Dubai. I took some great pics with it. I got a good face shot of me in front of Atlantis Dubai. Then another one of Burj Kalifa(The tallest building in the world). Not one of them turned purple on me. I guess I lucked out. So far I haven't had any problems with it. I love that the mini connector can go in any side. It's so much easier to connect that way. My adapter should be waiting for me at home by now. I had some time with it at home and the LTE is great. I also like the voice txt dictation. The 3D view on the GPS is awesome. My wife wants to upgrade from the 4s now! I had the 3GS so it was about time. When the 4s came out I was not happy that it did not come with LTE so I held out. I have an Incipio case it comes with a silicone cover inside of an aluminum back with plastic sides case. The silicone cover leaves plenty of room for connections IMO....Overall I'm very satisfied with it.
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Old 11-12-2012, 01:54 PM   #349
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Default Re: iPhone 5

Well that didn't take long...
speculated iPhone 5S is expected to enter volume production in the first quarter of 2013
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Old 11-14-2012, 07:04 AM   #350
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Default Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by Stephen View Post
Meh, there's always a rumour that the next gen will be released within month. That rumour is also almost never true, Apple is pretty strict at keeping to their yearly release schedule. The only exception is when they want to reposition or consolidate, such as the iPad4. The only reason they released the 4 with the Mini was to get all the portable iDevices onto the Lightning connector. The odds are 99-1 that the next iPhone will be the 5s and it will be released on the yearly schedule in Sept 2013, not Q1.
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Old 11-29-2012, 05:08 PM   #351
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Default Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 View Post
Meh, there's always a rumour that the next gen will be released within month. That rumour is also almost never true, Apple is pretty strict at keeping to their yearly release schedule. The only exception is when they want to reposition or consolidate, such as the iPad4. The only reason they released the 4 with the Mini was to get all the portable iDevices onto the Lightning connector. The odds are 99-1 that the next iPhone will be the 5s and it will be released on the yearly schedule in Sept 2013, not Q1.
Even if they do, I'm sure I'll be ok with my iPhone 5.

Well, I wasn't going to get an iPhone 5, but my contract with Sprint is done now, and I couldn't run away fast enough. Now I have AT&T, and for a $100 difference, I got the iP5 instead of the 4s. I like it. No really big changes from the 4s though, which was expected.

I bought the lifeproof case today for it, and if anyone wants I can write a review, and take some pictures.
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Old 12-27-2012, 08:40 AM   #352
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Default Re: iPhone 5

So I made the switch from iPhone to Android. I have the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. I was extremely dissapointed with the narrow/tall iPhone5 design so I moved to android for a better sized phone. After using the Note2 for a few days I have come to some early conclusions. The Note2's screen is beautiful and a wonderful viewing size for movies and the internet. Android is incredibly diverse and the posibilities for customization seem endless. I will say this, IOS is more stable, it is much more simple and predictable. But the fun factor is so much better on the Android. So I have determined that Android is more fun, more customizable, better screen size. But it lacks some of the stable, reliableness IOS has. If you want a phone that flat out works, may be kind of boring though, get an iphone. If you want something fun that you can tinker with, go Android, and you may have to deal with an occasional lag or glitch. No phone is perfect... yet.

Last edited by Blak Smyth; 12-27-2012 at 08:45 AM.
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Old 01-07-2013, 03:39 PM   #353
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Exactly Shane. I have the Galaxy S 3, and I'm upgrading to the Note when my Wife joins my Account with AT&T.
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Old 02-28-2013, 09:59 AM   #354
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Default Re: iPhone 5

Weeze just got me the iphone 5 for my birthday. I'd fully intended to stick with my 4 until it fell apart.
I got her the 5 back when it released, but she uses hers daily at work. She needed more storage space, too. Then we went through all the "need adapters and cords for everything in the world" crap and I just decided not to put myself through it.
I'll have to run to the AT&T store and get it activated so I can begin my adventure.

I am looking forward to using it, I'm always shocked at how nice Lisa's screen looks. I use mine all day and it'll be nice to look at that sexy display. The increased speed will be awesome, and I intend to use Siri until I figure out what it's good for.
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Old 02-28-2013, 03:46 PM   #355
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Default Re: iPhone 5

"Siri I feel like Wendy's for lunch"....

I haven't eaten at wendy's in years and the only one I've seen around me actually closed down 2 years, ago, Siri pulled up 3 fairly close and one only a couple miles away ... needless to say I was lovin' my frosty brand non-dairy dessert beverage!
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Old 02-28-2013, 04:27 PM   #356
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Cigar Asylum: Where all are equal, unless you are from CA, then you are more equal.
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Old 02-28-2013, 04:51 PM   #357
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Default Re: iPhone 5

It's true I did that :P I usually use Siri to remind me when something is on, it's awesome you are watching tv and you see a commercial for something just grab your phone and ..

"Siri remind me to watch Archer at 930 on Thursday..."

(not that i would ever need to be reminded to watch archer, but it's perfect for random shows I really want to catch)
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