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Old 08-01-2012, 11:58 AM   #21
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Default Re: Newb checking in...humidor suggestions requested.

Originally Posted by bobarian View Post
I have two inexpensive Savoy humidors(under $75) that I have been using with no issues for the past 6 years.
Yes but you forget you are awesome.
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Old 08-01-2012, 12:30 PM   #22
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Default Re: Newb checking in...humidor suggestions requested.

Originally Posted by magz View Post
Thanks for the welcome guys! And I am glad to see some other people from MN on here!

Apparently somebody else thought it was a sweet item, because the posting is deleted. What was it out of curiosity?
It was a decent wine fridge with temp and humidity on the readout. Not sure on the size but it looked like it would hold quite a few smokes. Mattso probably bought it.
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Old 08-01-2012, 12:46 PM   #23
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Default Re: Newb checking in...humidor suggestions requested.

Originally Posted by icehog3 View Post
Regardless of whether you go humidor or cooler, ditch any humidification device that comes with your purchase. Like Isaiah says above, get some humidification beads (Heartfelt Industries, or shilala beads from member "CigarNut" are most popular.). Most important purchase outside the actual storage container.
This cannot be overstated. Get beads!
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Old 08-01-2012, 01:57 PM   #24
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Default Re: Newb checking in...humidor suggestions requested.

Originally Posted by mkarnold1 View Post
It was a decent wine fridge with temp and humidity on the readout. Not sure on the size but it looked like it would hold quite a few smokes. Mattso probably bought it.
Damn. Oh well, I don't really have room for another fridge at the moment, so the fact that it got picked up is probably a good thing.

Originally Posted by lenguamor View Post
This cannot be overstated. Get beads!
I read up on them a bit earlier today, and was pretty impressed. They seem pretty low maintenance, and supposedly last a very long time, correct? Beads and a digital hygrometer are definitely on the list.

Regarding the three humidors I posted on the last page, does the Sure Seal thing really work? Or is it just marketing lingo that doesn't actually do anything the other humidors don't?
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Old 08-01-2012, 02:01 PM   #25
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Default Re: Newb checking in...humidor suggestions requested.

Originally Posted by magz View Post
Damn. Oh well, I don't really have room for another fridge at the moment, so the fact that it got picked up is probably a good thing.

I read up on them a bit earlier today, and was pretty impressed. They seem pretty low maintenance, and supposedly last a very long time, correct? Beads and a digital hygrometer are definitely on the list.

Regarding the three humidors I posted on the last page, does the Sure Seal thing really work? Or is it just marketing lingo that doesn't actually do anything the other humidors don't?
I've Had Several "Sure Seal" Humidors. They're Not Completely Air Tight, But Definitely Better Than The "El Cheapos"! If I Could Only Buy One "Cigar Container" Right Now, Though, I Would Definitely Buy A Cooler & Fill It With Shilala Beads From Cigarnut Here On The Forum.
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Old 08-22-2012, 06:57 PM   #26
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Default Re: Newb checking in...humidor suggestions requested.

Figured I would post an update. I ended up going with the 100-120 count Cheap Humidors box (, and it arrived about a week ago. I searched online for coupons and came up with a 10% off coupon on all purchases from the site, so I basically negated the shipping charge. I think the out-the-door price was around $65 or so. Not bad.

From the site...

First impressions...

-It seems relatively solid. I didn't know how much of a gimmick the Sure Seal thing was, but when I drop the lid from a few inches, it seems to seal without just slamming shut, so I guess it's better than some of the other options in the <$100 price range.

-The color is about as advertised online. I wish I would have been more cognizant of the coloring because it would have been nice to get something closer in color to my bar, but whatever. Live and learn.

-It's a lot larger than I expected! I don't know how realistic 120 cigars is, but I could see the thing holding 80-100 no problem. Unfortunately I won't be able to stock it for a little while since funds are tight at the moment (switching jobs AND paying double rent next month while I move), but my first paycheck from the new gig will definitely go towards some gifts to myself from CI.

Additional notes...

-I just filled a shot glass up with distilled H20 and will start the break-in process. It came with a crappy hygrometer, but I'll pick up a digital one along with some beads after my first paycheck, maybe sooner. In the meantime I'll use the crappy analog one as a gross estimate of where I'm at after a week or so.

-I'll check it for leaks with the dollar bill and flashlight test to see how the original seal is. Hopefully everything checks out.

Thanks for the suggestions guys! I know it would have been more cost efficient to get a coolidor or some Tupperware containers, but once I get an idea in my head, I usually have to see it through. Once I need more space I will definitely go that route for a storage/holding area, but for now, I think (and hope) this will suit my needs and requirements.

Thanks again!
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