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Old 03-01-2012, 02:11 AM   #1
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Default Cigar Humidification/storage theory & questions

ok, so i have a thought process and i am wondering if im right here. feel free to add any input youd like.

now im starting to build a collection & am building my winodor, im trying to figure out what to about storage (unboxed or boxed, I know ill need a mix but trying to figure what is a good percentage)

so: i know theres an ongoing debate about cello or not, just the same about boxed or not (for aging/storage)

my theory is this:

all the cigars will age, and be affected by humidity/temp changes, but depending on how they're stored it will be to varying degrees.

unwrapped singles will be most affected by environmental changes > wrapped singles > opened boxes > sealed boxes

so if something happens negatively in a humi, the singles would be the first to go.

NOW, with that thought wouldnt the singles age more/faster with more air circulation and more "changes" to climate? and the unwrapped cigars could be affected by different smokes touching it

i guess what im thinking is this: you put a box of LP No.9's and a box worth of No.9 singles into the same humi, and let BOTH sit for the same amount of time (lets say 2 years). at the end of that time, you smoke one of each and i feel it would be 2 different cigars because of the storage methods. boxed smokes will take a lot more time to be affected by the changes because of how sealed they are, they have their own little climate. which is why i dont see the point in putting unopened boxes into a humi (with cello around it still. ive seen it....)

but then again its 4am and i need sleep. i have to go interview tomorrow at my local b&m to hopefully get my dream job....
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Old 03-01-2012, 02:24 AM   #2
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Default Re: Cigar Humidification/storage theory & questions

and while i have no ones attention:

am i right thinking is better to keep sticks like acids out of your normal humidor? i just had my second in....12 years and while im not going to run out and buy a box of em, its a kinda nice change of pace from time to time to smoke a girly cigar.
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Old 03-01-2012, 02:27 AM   #3
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Default Re: Cigar Humidification/storage theory & questions

Originally Posted by REV View Post
and while i have no ones attention:

am i right thinking is better to keep sticks like acids out of your normal humidor? i just had my second in....12 years and while im not going to run out and buy a box of em, its a kinda nice change of pace from time to time to smoke a girly cigar.
Yeah go ahead and get a separate humi for ACIDS and infused sticks.

As for the aged question my thoughts are you'd probably have to have quite the pallet to notice a difference in storage conditions over 2 years. Just my guess though.

EDIT I think LONG term storage you might notice a difference but I would guess that might take 5-10 years, maybe longer. I also think it's more of a type of packaging and not in or out of a box. Like Tubos/non Tubos or cedar box to dress box.

All of this is merely my moderately drunken guesses at 3:30am, regarding the storage conditions....not the ACIDS, definitely separate those.
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Last edited by Bill86; 03-01-2012 at 02:33 AM.
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Old 03-01-2012, 02:38 AM   #4
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Default Re: Cigar Humidification/storage theory & questions

i was only using the 2 years as an example. something would have to go drastically wrong in storing them for a quick change like that.

and about the acids: i read somewhere that a guy bought a nice humi and tossed a lot of good cigars in and the dropped in an acid or 2 and now his nice new humi is potpourri scented now, basically ruining it.

i wonder how the different flavored/infused cigars interact with each other in the humi. if over time they all kinda blend together.
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Old 03-01-2012, 02:42 AM   #5
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Default Re: Cigar Humidification/storage theory & questions

Originally Posted by REV View Post
i was only using the 2 years as an example. something would have to go drastically wrong in storing them for a quick change like that.

and about the acids: i read somewhere that a guy bought a nice humi and tossed a lot of good cigars in and the dropped in an acid or 2 and now his nice new humi is potpourri scented now, basically ruining it.

i wonder how the different flavored/infused cigars interact with each other in the humi. if over time they all kinda blend together.
Yeah that's probably true, as ACIDS smell like what I would call sh*t. But they are very pungent and that is the problem with mixing them in with the general population. It's just how they are made, which I don't recall as I've never smoked an ACID or infused cigar and have no desire to.

I couldn't tell you about mixing different ACIDS, I would guess short term probably nothing. Down the road maybe? But who could tell the difference anyways

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Old 03-01-2012, 02:45 AM   #6
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Default Re: Cigar Humidification/storage theory & questions

nice. i remember my first cigar was an acid. all i remember is it was small and had a blue label, and it was in a hotel some place (they had a cigar shop.) back then i thought i was "faking it" by not inhaling. haha.

i cant remember what i thought of it, but it must not have been much since i hadnt had another one for 12 years! lol.

not an everyday thing, but it can be a neat change of pace. i should send you one just to see how you like it.
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Old 03-01-2012, 02:50 AM   #7
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Default Re: Cigar Humidification/storage theory & questions

Originally Posted by REV View Post
nice. i remember my first cigar was an acid. all i remember is it was small and had a blue label, and it was in a hotel some place (they had a cigar shop.) back then i thought i was "faking it" by not inhaling. haha.

i cant remember what i thought of it, but it must not have been much since i hadnt had another one for 12 years! lol.

not an everyday thing, but it can be a neat change of pace. i should send you one just to see how you like it.
I'm good, really don't wanna know. They smell like a womans perfume store

But if I was a betting label, small cigar, I'd say it was an ACID Blondie you smoked.
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Old 03-01-2012, 03:17 AM   #8
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lets chalk it up to experimenting in college...
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Old 03-01-2012, 04:52 AM   #9
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Good luck with your interview. I'd love to work at a B&M.
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Old 03-01-2012, 05:26 AM   #10
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Default Re: Cigar Humidification/storage theory & questions

Anything I put in my winador stays in the box and singles go in my desktop. The idea behind cigar storage is a stable enviroment. Everytime your compressor starts up the temperature & humidity tend to drop fairly quick creating an unstable enviroment. Short term may not have any effect but long term may have negitive affects. Your humidity with stabalize quickly or take a few minutes depending on what you use for humidification. I feel that any single left out will be affected more buy the temp/humidity swings more so than anything stored in a box. Just my opinion.
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Old 03-01-2012, 05:27 AM   #11
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Default Re: Cigar Humidification/storage theory & questions

thanks. its a good news bad news kinda thing. one of the guys had a brain tumor and got that fixed (surgery friday, back to work monday) but docs ended up finding a lot more caners. they just gave him a week. ive been begging to work there and the owners seem to want me there, but there wasnt room. unfortunately, there is now.
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Old 03-01-2012, 05:29 AM   #12
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Default Re: Cigar Humidification/storage theory & questions

Originally Posted by hdryder View Post
Anything I put in my winador stays in the box and singles go in my desktop. The idea behind cigar storage is a stable enviroment. Everytime your compressor starts up the temperature & humidity tend to drop fairly quick creating an unstable enviroment. Short term may not have any effect but long term may have negitive affects. Your humidity with stabalize quickly or take a few minutes depending on what you use for humidification. I feel that any single left out will be affected more buy the temp/humidity swings more so than anything stored in a box. Just my opinion.
what winodor you got? most ive seen are thermoelectric and when they turn on, humidity isnt as affected. im going to keep mine at the highest temp setting (66) and have that constant, then figure the humidity. i dont have a desktop humi, just a x15 herf.
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Old 03-01-2012, 08:56 AM   #13
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Default Re: Cigar Humidification/storage theory & questions

Originally Posted by REV View Post
NOW, with that thought wouldnt the singles age more/faster with more air circulation and more "changes" to climate? and the unwrapped cigars could be affected by different smokes touching it
In 5 years, the singles will have aged 5 years. The sealed boxes will have aged 5 years. Though I know you are reaching for something else (as in, will they develop/change/etc more), they cannot age faster....age is age.

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Old 03-01-2012, 09:07 AM   #14
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Default Re: Cigar Humidification/storage theory & questions

Originally Posted by REV View Post
what winodor you got? most ive seen are thermoelectric and when they turn on, humidity isnt as affected. im going to keep mine at the highest temp setting (66) and have that constant, then figure the humidity. i dont have a desktop humi, just a x15 herf.
Doesn't matter the brand or type of cooling. When the cooler kicks on rH WILL drop. However the rH in a container, read box or anything closed, inside the winedor will drop less. Don't believe me? Here is proof:

So keep you cigars in a some kind of box in the winedor. And don't put anything on the bottom of the unit. And plug the drain.
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Old 03-01-2012, 02:11 PM   #15
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Default Re: Cigar Humidification/storage theory & questions

Originally Posted by REV View Post
what winodor you got? most ive seen are thermoelectric and when they turn on, humidity isnt as affected. im going to keep mine at the highest temp setting (66) and have that constant, then figure the humidity. i dont have a desktop humi, just a x15 herf.

Unfortunatly mine has a compressor. work well other than the swing in humidity.
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