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Old 12-19-2008, 04:19 PM   #1
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Default Just a warning to my fellow inmates...

I feel as I am a pretty easy going guy..I understand that there are issues that come up in real life and to take it all in stride...but when you order a product from a fellow BoTL/retailer on the forums you call home you expect a lil better than average least I do maybe I am spoiled....I ordered a Sampler from a retailer in Oct. and after a week I hadn't heard back about the I a response that there was an issue and it would be on its way shortly. After 2 weeks of it not showing I again emailed the retailer...I have a scatterbrained Mail person who has on a couple occasions delivered to the wrong see if there was a shipping number or what...again I was told that there was an issue and it would be sent wife ran an online company for 6+ yrs and I helped her..I know of the lil supplier, mail, and what not that can interfere with a business and I am a pretty laid back guy..I mean its just money and cigars...2 things I do not need to survive..just nice to have..2 weeks later again no package and I ask for my money back or the cigars..I really just wanted the cigars..LOL..and was told it he would have a refund in the mail for me...another 2 weeks and I email him and explain that I am done waiting...he again assures me that he will take care of 2 months I have had to email him 1st..and never got a confirmation that anything shipped...I explained to him that to be honest and I don't feel as anyone else in my "family" should be affected by him.

Please before you purchase or support Eric with Kioki Cigars.

He maybe a great guy and a good Vendor..but he really dropped the ball on this one.

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Old 12-19-2008, 04:31 PM   #2
Sauer Grapes
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Default Re: Just a warning to my fellow inmates...

I have never ordered from him but I may have discussed this with the mod team before posting. Trader feedback may be appropriate if you found the deal through her though.
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Old 12-19-2008, 04:34 PM   #3
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Default Re: Just a warning to my fellow inmates...

Originally Posted by Sauer Grapes View Post
I have never ordered from him but I may have discussed this with the mod team before posting. Trader feedback may be appropriate if you found the deal through her though.

I probably should of PMed a Mod on this but I didn't. I have all the emails between us if anyone on the Mod team should feel the need to look into it. I do not believe the Mod team needs to be involved as this is a retailer issue and not a forum. again this is my opinion.

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Old 12-19-2008, 04:37 PM   #4
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Hey, we're just the underpaid janitors

Sorry to hear about your experience. I've never had any dealings with kiokicigars personally.
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Old 12-19-2008, 04:38 PM   #5
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Default Re: Just a warning to my fellow inmates...

That sucks. Is he a member here? I know he was at cs. Hopefully he will make this good and maybe reply here with some explaination. I hope it works out for both of you. Please keep us informed.
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Old 12-19-2008, 04:38 PM   #6
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Default Re: Just a warning to my fellow inmates...

Originally Posted by croatan View Post
Hey, we're just the underpaid janitors

Sorry to hear about your experience. I've never had any dealings with kiokicigars personally.

Awww..I consider you more than the Janitors...more like the Housekeepers.

I just want to make others aware of the situation...nothing against Eric I just don't feel as this was handled well.

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Old 12-19-2008, 04:44 PM   #7
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Sorry to hear you got burned by this vendor. I have actually heard of several case of similar things happening with this vendor. I'm not sure why he is so behind or slow on his orders but it doesn't speak well for his customer service.

Thanks for the heads up on avoiding him. I will definitely steer clear!
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Old 12-19-2008, 04:49 PM   #8
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Sorry to hear that Jordan. That's a sorry excuse for service. I haven't used them, and don't plan on it now.
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Old 12-19-2008, 04:52 PM   #9
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Default Re: Just a warning to my fellow inmates...

I've ordered a couple of times from Kioki back on CS and never had anything, but excellent service. I'm sorry to hear about your experience.
I would of PM'd him, letting him know that if the problem wasn't resolved in 7 days, you felt that other BOTL/SOTL deserved to be informed/warned of your experience. Sometimes a mild warning of public notification will get a retailer to jump a little quicker.

I don't blame you for being a bit upset, two months is more then enough time to get an order out. If there was an inventory issue, the retailer should be the one to inform you the customer of a delay or give other options (in a reasonable time frame).
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Old 12-19-2008, 04:54 PM   #10
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Default Re: Just a warning to my fellow inmates...

IMHO i feel you did exactly what should have been done.

trader feedback is sent when the dude is late 2 weeks, some negative bumps to show that it was inapropriate.
but the amount of time and the amount of BS this guy kicked your way here.......

i would be pissed if this was a regular member, yet a vendor?

sorry to hear about your mishap. i am glad it was posted.
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Old 12-19-2008, 05:00 PM   #11
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Default Re: Just a warning to my fellow inmates...

Originally Posted by Sauer Grapes View Post
I have never ordered from him but I may have discussed this with the mod team before posting. Trader feedback may be appropriate if you found the deal through her though.

I disagree... This is more then a slip up... The community should know this kind of stuff...
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Old 12-19-2008, 05:05 PM   #12
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Default Re: Just a warning to my fellow inmates...

Originally Posted by SmokinApe View Post
I disagree... This is more then a slip up... The community should know this kind of stuff...

I have almost ordered from him before b/c he has had some great deals. I am much more impatient than you Shawn so I'm sure I would have handled this with much less tact and grace. I think this should be for all to see.

If this were some unknown website then we would not think twice about posting about it. Just b/c you're a member here and seem like a good guy doesn't mean that you get a free pass and don't have to come through as a retailer. It's not personal, just business.
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Old 12-19-2008, 05:16 PM   #13
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Default Re: Just a warning to my fellow inmates...

I've only ordered from Kioki one time, on a "pre-purchase" of sticks he was going to sell. He had a great price and a decent rep on CS, so I went and ordered from him.

When he received the order from me, he arranged to have them drop-shipped from some other supplier - but to my billing address and not to the requested delivery address. Packages left at my billing address by delivery people sometimes seem to walk away, so I have everything delivered to my office address.

After not receiving anything for 2 weeks, I contacted Eric, and he put a trace on the package, which consisted of a FedEx guy beating on my door asking for a package (that had never been seen here) so he could redeliver it to the correct address.

I contacted Eric again, and he had another box of cigars delivered to the correct address - probably at his expense.

I can't complain on his service much, but it did take over a month and a half to get my sticks. But consequently, I haven't ordered from Kioki again. I know they are a small kitchen table operation (I think), and it's easier to get great service from some of the big mail order operations. Anyway, that's my

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Old 12-19-2008, 05:39 PM   #14
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Default Re: Just a warning to my fellow inmates...

No excuse for 2 months, thats just piss poor customer service. I think you handled it appropriately, sounds like you were polite and gave him enough chances to make things right. He deserves a public burn.
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Old 12-19-2008, 05:42 PM   #15
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Default Re: Just a warning to my fellow inmates...

Originally Posted by GrumpyOleTroll View Post
I feel as I am a pretty easy going guy..I understand that there are issues that come up in real life and to take it all in stride...but when you order a product from a fellow BoTL/retailer on the forums you call home you expect a lil better than average least I do maybe I am spoiled....I ordered a Sampler from a retailer in Oct. and after a week I hadn't heard back about the I a response that there was an issue and it would be on its way shortly. After 2 weeks of it not showing I again emailed the retailer...I have a scatterbrained Mail person who has on a couple occasions delivered to the wrong see if there was a shipping number or what...again I was told that there was an issue and it would be sent wife ran an online company for 6+ yrs and I helped her..I know of the lil supplier, mail, and what not that can interfere with a business and I am a pretty laid back guy..I mean its just money and cigars...2 things I do not need to survive..just nice to have..2 weeks later again no package and I ask for my money back or the cigars..I really just wanted the cigars..LOL..and was told it he would have a refund in the mail for me...another 2 weeks and I email him and explain that I am done waiting...he again assures me that he will take care of 2 months I have had to email him 1st..and never got a confirmation that anything shipped...I explained to him that to be honest and I don't feel as anyone else in my "family" should be affected by him.

Please before you purchase or support Eric with Kioki Cigars.

He maybe a great guy and a good Vendor..but he really dropped the ball on this one.

I myself ordered a cigar sampler from Eric at Kioki awhile back and did not receive anything. I did pm and emailed Eric and he assured me that he will get it shipped... he even asked me what cigars I liked! still haven't received it :-\ Eric is a great guy but he does drop the ball :-\ I have ordered from him before and the shipment came on time with no problems. I guess we are the lucky ones :-\
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Old 12-19-2008, 05:49 PM   #16
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This is the perfect way to handle this,We are always glad to hear of a great deal . Well this is the same thing in reverse. I wont purchase from them . Thanks. Pat
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Old 12-19-2008, 05:58 PM   #17
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In fact, I have heard some bad remarks about this vendor in the past. That is why I have never pulled the trigger, even tho I was tempted a few times. I am sorry for your luck, but grateful that you posted- this vendor has too many negatives in my book!
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Old 12-19-2008, 06:00 PM   #18
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Default Re: Just a warning to my fellow inmates...

Originally Posted by SmokinApe View Post
This is more then a slip up... The community should know this kind of stuff...
I agree. Thank you for bringing this to our attention Shawn. You're post proves you were more than patient and diligent in handling it.
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Old 12-19-2008, 06:07 PM   #19
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Default Re: Just a warning to my fellow inmates...

Originally Posted by SmokinApe View Post
I disagree... This is more then a slip up... The community should know this kind of stuff...
Originally Posted by yourchoice View Post
I agree. Thank you for bringing this to our attention Shawn. You're post proves you were more than patient and diligent in handling it.
Sorry to hear about this.

I agree. A trader comment is definitely appropriate, but things like this should be brought to the attention of the community. Thanks for letting us know! He's got some 'splaining to do.
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Old 12-19-2008, 06:13 PM   #20
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Default Re: Just a warning to my fellow inmates...

I would tend to agree as well. I currently have an issue with a vendor, albeit non cigar related. I ordered some software a couple of weeks ago, and it was supposed to be in stock, now it seems, according to them it is on the way to them and now they will expedite once it reaches them. I did reach customer service on the phone and was told the info in the previous sentence, but have also sent two emails that have not been answered yet. So I can certainly understand the frustration you are feeling.
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