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Old 04-24-2011, 11:36 AM   #1
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Default Review: Padron 64 SI-15 Special Release

"....You can't create a monster, then whine when it stomps on a few buildings......"
- Yeardley Smith

And what a monster these guys are..!! A Padron 64 in 6 X 60..?? Really..??..!! Being the hard core Padron fan that I am, I wanted to get my hands on some of these and try them. Well, a 5-er turned into a 10-er and then I just said to hell with it and got a whole box... I did, however, ask that my box be 7 Natural wrapper, 8 Maduros as I really find nice differences between them, and enjoy them both. Now, I have to admit that 60 ring jawbreakers aren't really my idea of a "go to" smoke, but hey, it's a Padron 64 so I was sure that I'd be in for an interesting experience.

Boy, they are nice to look at;

A little hard to see, but the Maduro's have a bunch of tooth on the wrappers. The Regular wrappers have some, though not nearly as much. For today's smoke, I picked a Maduro and set out to enjoy a nice warm day (finally...!!) and some quiet as the wife was out and about for a while. Beverage of choice was sparkling water, no flavors, so that I could focus on the cigar and not the companion beverage. So, the dogs and I retreated to the deck and I set about to see what this beast of a cigar had to offer:

The wrapper felt and a Padron 64. Punched with the biggest punch on my Swiss Army Knife, it did require a little "clean up" with the knife blade to come clean and open up. Had my trusty Xikar on stand by in case I ran into draw issues or in case this baby decided to tar up. Neither of which happened. The Padron guys know very well how to make a fantastically constructed smoke and these are no exception.

You're going to hear me say that it "...tasted like a Padron 64....". A fair question being; what does a 64 taste like, anyway? I've said it before and I'll say it again (and again, and again....); what captures and holds my interest is complexity of taste. Be it food, Bourbon, cigars, wine, whatever....complex tastes are what it's all about. 64's are a wonderful medley that's very characteristic, very unique in the cigar world. A lovely blend with predominantly dark tastes that walks the line between being too dark and being delicious. A great mix of coffee, cinnamon, earth, perhaps some chocolate or even some coco flavors in there; mixed in with wonderful, simple, great tobacco flavors that's obviously been carefully grown, fermented and blended. To my palate, these aren't as dark as the 26's, but honestly probably more to my liking. The natural wrappers have more of the great tobacco tastes with less of the other flavors, while the maduros allow the other flavors to stand out and up front more. Both are equally well balanced and blended; yet different in a very nice way. Both have unique flavor profiles, both have real similarities that are hard to mistake. They are typically not spicy or zippy on the tongue like the great Pepin smokes. Typically.....

Pre-light, the draw was nicely open....which I prefer. Not completely open, but just right as far as I'm concerned. And the pre-light Unmistakable Padron 64 goodness ready to be unleashed....torch time..!!

What hit me right out of the gate was a blast of spice that I was not expecting. Wow..!! Not so much pepper like you'd find in a Pepin, but more cinnamon tastes. A couple of puffs and I was getting some hot, super spicy tastes that were really unlike the Padron 64 flavors I know and like. Ah ha...drawing too hard...too hot, better slow down. One of the downsides of a nicely open draw, I believe. I probably smoke too fast most of the time; this was clearly a case where some patience and a gentle draw would pay off.

And, pay off it certainly did. It took about an inch for the blast of spice to back off, and then I was treated to the classic, unmistakable 64 flavor profile. But, make no mistake, it was a BIG taste. A little hard to describe; it was clearly a 64, but maybe a 64 on steroids. Incredibly complex, very wonderful. Dense, thick clouds of wonderfully fragrant smoke billowed from this monster. Cleaning my palate with some water and refreshing my opinions didn't change my perceptions of this monster. I found it interesting how sensitive the cigar was to draw; a little too much and it got HOT and the spice blast returned....a couple of gentle draws and it settled right back down and went along as I more or less expected. A function of the 60 ring, perhaps? Make no mistake, I was really enjoying this smoke.

First ash was at about the 2" mark as it looked like it would end up in my lap if I didn't. Some minor uneven burn that quickly corrected itself without any coaxing from the torch. I'll admit that these guys didn't have any significant humidor time, so perhaps once the RH settles down a bit, this wouldn't have happened. Even so, it was a complete non-issue. If there are better constructed smokes in the world than a Padron, I haven't seen them yet. Just flawless from start to finish, construction wise. Smoked like a champ, very pleasurable, very perfect. And the smoke....!! Dense clouds that drifted across the back cool.

While some smokes change flavor and go through some significant changes as they go, in my experience Padron smokes typically don't do that. This was no exception other than the spice blast on first light, and along the first inch or so. Awesomely consistent, very wonderful....right up until it was burning my fingers and hit the ash tray. You bet I nubbed this was a really great smoke.

So, what did I think.....I think the Padron family hit it out of the park again. Almost like a re-invention of the 64. The new vitola has some nice differences and is a unique smoke, to be sure. No, they aren't cheap. Would I buy more..?? Well, I'll buy LOTS more Padron smokes, but these are still a bit of a question mark. Did I enjoy it a lot more than an Exclusivo...?? Probably not, which is still saying a lot. The 64 profile is in full effect with these beasts, and they are completely enjoyable and very well worth your time and money. I'll have to smoke a couple more, and a natural wrapper or two, before I decide if this is one I want to "go deep" on.

But, make no mistake...these are wonderful, complex, tasty, fantastic smokes. Buy a couple and test drive them yourself and see what you think. My guess is that you'll like them a lot.....

Cheers, guys - N.F.H.
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Old 04-24-2011, 12:25 PM   #2
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Default Re: Review: Padron 64 SI-15 Special Release

My jaw hurts just looking at it. I would contend they are comical to look at.

It's a Padron so I am sure it's good, but with that ring, no thanks. I'll take a '64 Superior instead.
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Old 04-24-2011, 12:32 PM   #3
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Default Re: Review: Padron 64 SI-15 Special Release

Originally Posted by NCRadioMan View Post
My jaw hurts just looking at it. I would contend they are comical to look at.

It's a Padron so I am sure it's good, but with that ring, no thanks. I'll take a '64 Superior instead.
...or an Exclusivio. I completely hear what you are saying.

I typically don't hold the cigar in my jaw like some guys do, so it's not a big deal for me. OTOH, the smoke volume from these monsters was pretty cool....and the flavor was really nice.

JMHO, YMMV, etc.....
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Old 04-24-2011, 12:54 PM   #4
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Default Re: Review: Padron 64 SI-15 Special Release

I am smoking a Maduro Exclusivo as I read your review -- and what a review it is! Thanks for posting the pics and the details -- now you have really got me wanting to try one of these special release sticks!

I wish the weather in Portland/Vancouver today was more like yesterday so I could sit out on my deck with my Padron rather than be stuck in the garage
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Old 04-24-2011, 05:27 PM   #5
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Default Re: Review: Padron 64 SI-15 Special Release

Thanks for the review. You can not go wrong with a Padron. No way, no how.
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Old 04-24-2011, 06:38 PM   #6
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Default Re: Review: Padron 64 SI-15 Special Release

I'm a big Padron fan myself. I've been thinking about getting some off these to try. This cigar sounds great, I'm just not to sure about that large ring gauge. Thanks for the review.
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Old 04-24-2011, 06:58 PM   #7
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Default Re: Review: Padron 64 SI-15 Special Release

Great review.

Had one last Sunday (maduro).
Took me a bit to get the nerve to light it up.
It is an intimidating cigar for me, in spite of how many years I have enjoyed cigars.
It is the largest ring I have ever lit.

Cigar was every bit good as any 1964 Anniversary.
Surprisingly, although more than a couple of hours later (about 2.5 or so), I managed to nub it as did my son with his.
My dad did not go as far as we did with his. He got some bitter flavors and left a portion of the cigar.

Not something I would do again. Each drag nearly knocked you back with how much smoke you took in from that massive ring. However, glad I did it at least once. I definitely prefer to stay in the 54 or lower ring range.
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Old 04-24-2011, 07:56 PM   #8
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Default Re: Review: Padron 64 SI-15 Special Release

Thanks for the great review! I've been wondering about these and I'm a big fan of big ring gauges. May need to pick up a box.
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Old 04-25-2011, 09:02 AM   #9
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Default Re: Review: Padron 64 SI-15 Special Release

Thanks for the comments, guys....most appreciated....
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Old 04-25-2011, 09:23 AM   #10
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Default Re: Review: Padron 64 SI-15 Special Release

Thanks for the review, I have some 1964 and 1926 Diplomaticos inbound can't wait to enjoy them.
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Old 04-25-2011, 09:42 AM   #11
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Default Re: Review: Padron 64 SI-15 Special Release

Wow great review, i love padron, if it was the only brand i could have and i was stuck on an island, i would still die a happy man... Cant wait to try this cigar... Thanks again
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Old 04-25-2011, 09:55 AM   #12
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Default Re: Review: Padron 64 SI-15 Special Release

Great review! I believe I need to get my hands on one of these just to try it out.
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Old 04-25-2011, 10:08 AM   #13
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Default Re: Review: Padron 64 SI-15 Special Release

Enjoyable review BUT the Diplomatico is the way to go-unless you have an unhinged jaw like a snake
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Old 04-25-2011, 11:26 AM   #14
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Default Re: Review: Padron 64 SI-15 Special Release

Originally Posted by NCRadioMan View Post
My jaw hurts just looking at it. I would contend they are comical to look at.

It's a Padron so I am sure it's good, but with that ring, no thanks. I'll take a '64 Superior instead.
Thanks for the review, though re the cigar I tend to agree with the above.
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Old 04-25-2011, 11:30 AM   #15
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Default Re: Review: Padron 64 SI-15 Special Release

Great review, Tom! I had a natural this weekend. It's not something I'd usually smoke, but I found it to be VERY enjoyable.
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Old 04-25-2011, 11:49 AM   #16
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Default Re: Review: Padron 64 SI-15 Special Release

Thanks for thwe great review...
When I want your opinion, I'll give it to ya.
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Old 04-25-2011, 02:14 PM   #17
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Default Re: Review: Padron 64 SI-15 Special Release

mmm 60rg huh? never had one. thanks for the review!
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Old 04-25-2011, 03:51 PM   #18
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Default Re: Review: Padron 64 SI-15 Special Release

Great review!!!

Too big for me...
I'm a Dallas Stars fan. So, yes, this is a confusing time for me.
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