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Old 03-27-2011, 07:55 AM   #1
Mister Moo
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Default How to get started smoking pipes

1. Order a Missouri Meerschaum Country Gentleman corncob pipe. Do not imagine there is something "rookie" or "kiddie" about this, or most, of the Missouri Meerschaum line of cobs. A proper cob is an excellent smoking pipe that dries out fast, smokes cool, loses a "ghost" odor of scented tobaccos fast and takes seconds to clean. Many long-time pipers will tell you that a good cob is the smoking equal of the finest briar pipe. $10

2. Get a bag of 100 BJ Long Standard (not bristle or colored or tapered or oversized) pipecleaners to sweep moisture and tar out of the pipestem and pipe shank during and after a smoke. $2.00

3. Buy a cheap pipe tool/tamper or locate a suitable wooden golf tee or large flatheaded nail (with the point filed off) for the same effect. $2.00

4. Find a drug- or grocery store (or go online) and get a pouch of Carter Hall, Prince Albert or Sir Walter Raleigh and/or a pouch of Captain Black or, really, any other thing you want. The deal with CH, PA or SWR is predictability. We've all smoked it and we all know what it does so, if you have a problem, we can sort it out in seconds. It is also generally available, not expensive and tastes good.

5. Most of your local tobacconists wish to sell you a briar pipe and a few ounces of their house blended stuff that smells like chocolate chip cookies in the oven (you know - something in a giant glass jar called "Grandpa's Bib Overalls" or something like that) but nobody here knows what it. If you get a few ounces of Grandpa's Overalls, ask the guy at the store why your tongue hurts, not us. Also, if you buy an affordable briar or meerschaum pipe from the tobacconist, and not a Missouri Meerschaum cob, you probably are not doing yourself a favor.

6. No rules here. More what you call guidelines.

7. A pipesmoker can have a lifetime of enjoyment with the American classic combination of a MM cob and Carter Hall. It is the practically perfect starting point of ready availability, good taste, easy results and a common language if problems arise.
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Old 03-27-2011, 08:08 AM   #2
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Default Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Great post As someone who is seriously considering trying out a pipe, I appreciate it!
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Old 03-27-2011, 08:19 AM   #3
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Default Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Excellent job! I need to get me some Carter Hall now!
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Old 03-27-2011, 09:10 AM   #4
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Default Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Just ordered that pipe and a pack of filters. I've been wanting to get into pipe smoking, but really hadn't researched it much yet. Now to get the other stuff...
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Old 03-27-2011, 12:05 PM   #5
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Default Re: How to get started smoking pipes

How dies Carter hall smell when smoking? I mainly wanted to get a head start on smoking choices for a music fest I'm headed to in a couple months. I want something with an aroma that's pleasing to others as well. I got dirty looks smoking cigars last year.
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Old 03-27-2011, 12:26 PM   #6
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Default Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Originally Posted by pektel View Post
How dies Carter hall smell when smoking? I mainly wanted to get a head start on smoking choices for a music fest I'm headed to in a couple months. I want something with an aroma that's pleasing to others as well. I got dirty looks smoking cigars last year.
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I haven't ever msoked it before but this might help:

It'll probably remind them of their Grandfathers in most cases.
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Old 03-27-2011, 12:29 PM   #7
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Default Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Originally Posted by pektel View Post
How dies Carter hall smell when smoking? I mainly wanted to get a head start on smoking choices for a music fest I'm headed to in a couple months. I want something with an aroma that's pleasing to others as well. I got dirty looks smoking cigars last year.
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you're gona get nasty looks no matter what mate. just don't let it bother you
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Old 03-27-2011, 12:33 PM   #8
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Default Re: How to get started smoking pipes

It's funny because the majority of them smoke cigarettes. I show up with a stogie and suddenly I'm the bad guy. At least I get plenty of room to dance lol.

Going to check that link out now... Thanks!
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Old 03-27-2011, 02:49 PM   #9
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Default Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Originally Posted by Mister Moo View Post
4. Find a drug- or grocery store (or go online) and get a pouch of Carter Hall, Prince Albert or Sir Walter Raleigh and/or a pouch of Captain Black or, really, any other thing you want. The deal with CH, PA or SWR is predictability. We've all smoked it and we all know what it does so, if you have a problem, we can sort it out in seconds. It is also generally available, not expensive and tastes good.
I agree with your entire post except #4. CH, PA, and SWR are why I almost didn't get into pipe smoking. I suffered through them and hated every minute of it.

I do believe a burley isn't a bad place to start, and agree that staying away from Aromatics is a great idea.

But for tobacco, get a better burley. Or better yet, go to Cornell & Diehl and get a sampler pack from them. Take the Patty Tarler, she's a sweetheart. Have her hook you up with a couple burleys, an aromatic without much PG, a light English, an easy smoking Virginia and a VA w/Perique, and than an oriental.

But, that's just my opinion.

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Old 03-27-2011, 03:16 PM   #10
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Default Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Very informative thread, been considering about trying a pipe.
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Old 03-27-2011, 05:27 PM   #11
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Default Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Dang, another slope, but I ordered a pipe and I'm 20 pages into the newbie pipe smoker's ask an old fart thread.
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Old 03-27-2011, 07:12 PM   #12
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Default Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Haven't really thought much about pipes but this thread has peaked my curiosity.
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Old 03-29-2011, 12:00 AM   #13
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Default Re: How to get started smoking pipes

I agree with RevSmoke's about not buying CH, PA and SWR. These are lower-end burleys and to me, even the higher end such as Peretti's blends and Solani's flake tinned burley taste flat to me. As does the powerful yet equally tasteless 5 Brothers.

Latakia blends are said to be the place to start as they have the least bite of all the major tobacco genres. However, although I don't smoke latakia, I'd go for a class act such as GL Pease Westminster. There are plenty of things to distract and annoy you when you start, and with a good/great tobacco, you can at least scratch that off your list.
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Old 03-29-2011, 05:42 AM   #14
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Default Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Originally Posted by alfredo_buscatti View Post
I agree ... about not buying CH, PA and SWR. These are lower-end burleys...
Whether or not over-the-counter burley is the world's greatest pipe tobacco is not at issue in this thread. We ALL know what it is and we ALL know how it smokes, year in, year out. If someone has a problem getting a cool, easy smoke in a cob with Carter Hall or Prince Albert, we'll ALL know why and nearly anyone can get you back on track fast.

I concede there are thousands of possible things you can stuff into a pipe and enjoy but, if posters begin naming individual favorites (and brands) here it becomes a confusing, long and winding road. There are plenty of other threads (and entire web sites) dedicated to discussion why one tobacco is preferred to another tobacco. This is about a clean, easy foolproof start for newguys.

I am open to discussion here. This thread isn't for my benefit - it's for the many folks who try to start smoking a pipe and immediately find it complicated, unrewarding or confusing. I have seen how confusing things get for newguys when a dozen pipe brands and scores of "my favorite tobacco is..." posts suddenly come pouring down when the problem is knowing how to light a pipe evenly or tamp it lightly. Given OTC burley isn't my first choice in pipe tobacco either, may we agree:

1. For the first-time pipe smoker there are thousands of tobaccos to select from; and
2. any of them may ultimately satisfy you more than over the counter burley.
3. We agree that basic burley creates a common language, has well-known and uniform physical characteristics; and
4. basic burley in a cob provides a good starting point for new smokers - particularly those wishing to depart from cigarettes.

If there is a better, easier and more clear way to explain "Intro Pipe 101" to the newguy, please propose it. If that should necessarily include a broader tobacco discussion within this thread I am listening.
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Old 03-29-2011, 06:46 AM   #15
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Default Re: How to get started smoking pipes

I bought my MM cob and a pouch of captain black yesterday, couldn't find a tamper, but I have plenty of golf tees around. I did smoke it yesterday, and found that I need some practice in packing as a few re-lights were necessary, but I was also really taking my time in smoking to try to avoid tongue bite. The captain black didn't really do too much for me, but it wasn't horrible.
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Old 03-29-2011, 08:05 AM   #16
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Default Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Originally Posted by MurphysLaw View Post
I bought my MM cob and a pouch of captain black yesterday, couldn't find a tamper, but I have plenty of golf tees around. I did smoke it yesterday, and found that I need some practice in packing as a few re-lights were necessary, but I was also really taking my time in smoking to try to avoid tongue bite. The captain black didn't really do too much for me, but it wasn't horrible.
Downside: Captain Black is pretty moist (and stays that way). Don't be surprised if things get a little soggy at the bottom of the bowl (and needs to be pitched before you hit bedrock) or a pipe goes out a few times when smoking CB - nature of the beast, relighting pipes. Some pipe/tobacco combinations easily burn to the bottom on one light but, outside of experienced hands, most will not.

Upside: you can forget about a half-smoked open pouch for months and it probably won't crumble to dust when you pick it back up.

Sounds like you're off to a better start than I was. I had to call the local fire department to hose down my tongue.
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Old 03-29-2011, 09:07 AM   #17
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Default Re: How to get started smoking pipes

I'm set on getting a pouch of Carter Hall. Pipe should be here tomorrow. Gotta get a pipe tool and some cleaners still.

Where do you guys store your pipes? I mean, are the pretty stout to just throw in a backpack? Do I need a bag of some kind to put it in?
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Old 03-29-2011, 09:11 AM   #18
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Default Re: How to get started smoking pipes

I have a tin of Davidoff something..why I bought it I don't recall but can't for the life of me open the dang tin. I keep thinking I may spill it all over the place and waste the whole tin.
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Old 03-29-2011, 09:36 AM   #19
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Default Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Great Post!!

I still have tins of Prince Albert that I dip in to
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Old 03-29-2011, 09:50 AM   #20
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Default Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Mooman, that's great, in fact I can tell a short story about the M.M. cob pipes. I ordered a dozen of em
for my smoking ice chest, thinking I would keep 4-5 and sent the rest to the battle theaters over time.
Once I got em in and started smoking out of them, I beceame really jealous and it was like pulling teeth to
put several of them into the boxes I was sending to Richard P. at the time, lol. I eventually manned-up
but it was tough going. They LOOK great, smoke great and many's the time I had to remind myself that
there was no reason to go to my heirloom pipes just yet. I have learned a lot in these pipes and managed
to just keep on smoking them. Having 3-4 on hand is a good idea though.
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