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Old 02-02-2011, 05:59 AM   #41
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Default Re: Fausto by Tatuaje

I don't think any of the recent LE's lasted a week. If I was a retailer I would feel pretty safe about my investment. I really don't see a downside apart from the flood of phone calls and the effort to ship that much product quickly.
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Old 02-02-2011, 06:31 AM   #42
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Default Re: Fausto by Tatuaje

Originally Posted by pinotguy View Post
You're missing an important distinction with your list of Tats. Looking at the sticks you've mentioned, about half are LE's, either single-store, regional (Eastie and Westie), or a "seasonal", in the case of the Monster/Actor series. There are also several line extension sticks (the two Tubos, the RC's, and the Black Label PL) on your list as well. Do those really qualify as a new, seperate blend or brand?

I agree that even in the fairly recent past, the consistency level and, at times, the construction of Tatuaje has not been up to snuff. However, I'd submit that within the last year, this seems to have been addressed and the box-to-box consistency over that period has made a marked improvement, especially within the core lines.

Pricing will always be a debatable issue. The Monsters have always been MSRP'd at $13. Depending on what state they are located in (taxes, etc) and their individual value system, some retailers do charge more per stick. Prior to The Face, this was probably more of a problem because there were a lot less made. Pete had more of The Face produced, so availability was better and you saw fewer gougers.

As far as price gouging for Tat LE's on the secondary market, I'm not sure what to tell you. This happens all the time (give the cult wine scene a look-see) and I can't see how that should be a reflection on the producer.
As far as what qualifies I dunno, I do know one thing everyone wants the Black CG jar or whatever and not the Tubos if they are the exact same blend why does no one want the Tubos and why pay $5-$7 more to get the jar ones? $7 more a stick for a different size is rough...IMO

I've only been smoking cigars seriously for the past year and I've had many of dud Tatuajes unless they are just supposed to be tasteless and muted.

I agree you kinda/probably/shouldn't judge a company based on the secondary market but you think a lot of that has to do with Petes limited quantities being so low that people gouge to high heaven. Ever seen a box of franks go for $500-$600? That's pretty lame of people to do that. Are those sticks $35 good? No they are not even close. Again Viaje seasonals are every season, this is good. Keeps gouging down because people can always get them next year. Tatuajes seasonals are ONE TIME RUNS which means people can mark them up as high as they want as you'll never get them again.

Faces were running everyone roughly $14.50-$16 a stick. A little high IMO but they were pretty available, although they were one of the weaker sticks in the Monster series so that probably helped out too.

I'll give you one thing, when Pete hits a home run it's a great stick. The problem is when you pitch 25-35 sticks out there it's probably not too hard to get 5 or so very good sticks.

I would like to see him do maybe 3-5 limiteds a year and make them all great sticks. Then maybe that might renew my faith in Tatuaje. Also keeping them around the $10 price range would be nice. Cut down on quantity go up in quality.
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Old 02-02-2011, 07:13 AM   #43
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Default Re: Fausto by Tatuaje

Originally Posted by Bill86 View Post
I've honestly only been impressed with about 4 Tatuajes. I also find their consistency
sucks. Their prices are pretty piss poor too. Viaje's are usually all around $10-$12 making them much more affordable. Tatuaje's are quite regularly $15-$16 (all the monster series, black tubos) or they are WAY too limited. I also find Tat limiteds to be gouged horrendously while Viaje's still stay close to what people have paid. Also a good point I've only had Tatuajes wrappers burst, no other cigar has done this.
Most of his store LE's (outlaw, anarchy, barclay rex, etc) are $10. The Pork Tenderloin was only $8.50. The Tubo's were 10-13 depending on location.

My feeling is and always will be when it comes to how many different brands or LE's he does. Many of the LE's are not full productions because of a limited amount of leaf during that crop. I'd rather see it come out and be enjoyed then never be imagined.

LE's are actually smart. He can get similar leaf in following years, and LE's give an idea of which ones people would like to see in regular production. Had the T110 flopped, you wouldn't be seeing the Fausto come out.

As for construction, I've never once had a construction issue on a tatuaje.
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Old 02-02-2011, 09:11 PM   #44
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Default Re: Fausto by Tatuaje

Originally Posted by Silound View Post
That would be Tatuaje, via the family that reps for them in our area.

Yes, it's anywhere between a $25,000-50,000 undertaking for that cigar, but if it were publicized on forums such as these, I doubt seriously if it would take more than 6 months to sell all 200 or 250 boxes The first 20-50 boxes would piece out 2-3 or 5 at a time and the other boxes would be a rush to get one before they sold out.
You may not have the definitive answer but I'd be interested to know how much involvement the shop/owner has in the blending of their respective LE stick, once it's been commissioned. If I shelled out that much coin, you better believe I would want to be calling a lot of the shots on the shape/vitola, marketing, packaging, and the tobaccos being used.
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Old 02-03-2011, 12:35 AM   #45
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Default Re: Fausto by Tatuaje

Originally Posted by pinotguy View Post
You may not have the definitive answer but I'd be interested to know how much involvement the shop/owner has in the blending of their respective LE stick, once it's been commissioned. If I shelled out that much coin, you better believe I would want to be calling a lot of the shots on the shape/vitola, marketing, packaging, and the tobaccos being used.
I was led to believe that the buyer had all the say in the world in what they got. We opted not to try that road simply because of the estimated price per stick after taxes kicked in.
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Old 02-04-2011, 05:18 PM   #46
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Default Re: Fausto by Tatuaje

So where does the Havana VI fit in all of this. I have noticed that many places are starting to show that they are out of stock.I really like the Nobles and Angeles in this line.
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Old 02-04-2011, 07:51 PM   #47
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Default Re: Fausto by Tatuaje

I like the poster. "This one goes to eleven" ... love the Spinal Tap reference.
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Old 06-30-2011, 06:02 PM   #48
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Default Re: Fausto by Tatuaje

Smoking a pre-release Fausto that I got from Mark at Tower Cigars and this thing is a bigger T-110. Great Ligero flavor and power! This thing is kicking my arse but I love it!
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Old 06-30-2011, 09:45 PM   #49
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Default Re: Fausto by Tatuaje

Sounds tasty.
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Old 06-30-2011, 10:30 PM   #50
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Default Re: Fausto by Tatuaje

Originally Posted by Silound View Post
I was led to believe that the buyer had all the say in the world in what they got. We opted not to try that road simply because of the estimated price per stick after taxes kicked in.
Why would the store even want the final say? They're the owner of the cigar store because they know how to sell cigars, not blend them.

I would think the store owner would pass over his sales numbers, including shelf life, and let the company make a stick that will sell at that location.

Not a shot at you or anything, just at that whole process. If the store owners do have the final say then no wonder why a company with great regular product lines have duds regularly show up on single store limited releases.
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Old 06-30-2011, 11:27 PM   #51
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Default Re: Fausto by Tatuaje

Originally Posted by Average Joe View Post
Why would the store even want the final say? They're the owner of the cigar store because they know how to sell cigars, not blend them.

I would think the store owner would pass over his sales numbers, including shelf life, and let the company make a stick that will sell at that location.

Not a shot at you or anything, just at that whole process. If the store owners do have the final say then no wonder why a company with great regular product lines have duds regularly show up on single store limited releases.
I tend to agree with you here. Why pay for the expertise of a Pete Johnson and then muck up the waters? Wind him up and let him go. I worked for a B&M for a bit and no way would I want the owner having any say in blending my cigars.

As far as all the blends, why not? Sure he cranks 'em out but as someone else mentioned, if there is good leaf out there they might as well use it and make something unique. That's kinda Gurkha-esque marketing speak but I can see the benefit to everyone involved. I don't chase these things but usually enjoy them when they pass through my hands. Some of the frustration for folks is actually enjoying his product and not being able to get it, that's not lost on me. At that point I refer you back to the idea of them being around rather than not and enjoy what you can get your hands on. The regular lines are fantastic and well priced and if you find a size you enjoy there is some real value to be had there.
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