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Old 12-01-2012, 07:33 AM   #21
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Default Re: People watching

This reminds me I forgot to get the tank refilled for my patio heater. It's an upstate NY cigar smoker's best friend.
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Old 12-01-2012, 07:47 AM   #22
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Default Re: People watching

Reminds me of watching my next door neighbour spending the better part of the afternoon last year hanging dozens of strands of icicle lights all over his house. At dusk, his wife comes out and proclaims the bulbs are "the wrong white" so he proceeds to take em down in the dark, while it's snowing and then heads to home depot for "the right" lights. Gotta love the holidays.
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Old 12-01-2012, 08:14 AM   #23
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Default Re: People watching

Originally Posted by GWN View Post
Reminds me of watching my next door neighbour spending the better part of the afternoon last year hanging dozens of strands of icicle lights all over his house. At dusk, his wife comes out and proclaims the bulbs are "the wrong white" so he proceeds to take em down in the dark, while it's snowing and then heads to home depot for "the right" lights. Gotta love the holidays.
I would hand her the car keys and upon her return I would hand her the hammer and ladder.
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Old 12-01-2012, 09:47 AM   #24
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Default Re: People watching

Originally Posted by pnoon View Post
I spend a lot of time as an admin of a cigar forum. You see some really funny, also really sad situations.
Doesn't it always amaze you just how rude and unattractive some people can be?

PS: did you check out the new website
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Old 12-03-2012, 02:50 PM   #25
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I would have no problem grabbing a beer at Epcot and people watching all damn day.
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Old 12-03-2012, 03:02 PM   #26
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Default Re: People watching

Originally Posted by pnoon View Post
I spend a lot of time as an admin of a cigar forum. You see some really funny, also really sad situations.
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Old 12-03-2012, 05:28 PM   #27
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Default Re: People watching

Originally Posted by ArgusP2 View Post
Dude! One thing watching a neighbor mess things up, it's quite another hanging out at an emergency room to laugh at people that has been in an accident bad enough to need to go to the emergency room!
You're a nurse? C'mon!
I'm not talking about the sick ones that come in that we get a "laugh" about.

I was more ill the with a nasty stomach virus the weekend of Thanksgiving and now bronchitis than a number of patients I see a lot of nights. It's just amazing how much dysfunction you see and often times it's not necessarily the one laying in the bed that's the biggest culprit.
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Old 12-03-2012, 05:42 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by forgop View Post
I'm not talking about the sick ones that come in that we get a "laugh" about.

I was more ill the with a nasty stomach virus the weekend of Thanksgiving and now bronchitis than a number of patients I see a lot of nights. It's just amazing how much dysfunction you see and often times it's not necessarily the one laying in the bed that's the biggest culprit.
Your compassion is overwhelming. No, let me rephrase that... I cannot believe that you are allowed anywhere near a person in need. I really need to know what hospital that you are at so that I can put in my living will to never let you near me and if you get close to just shoot you.

But that's just me.
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Old 12-03-2012, 09:59 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by markem View Post
Your compassion is overwhelming. No, let me rephrase that... I cannot believe that you are allowed anywhere near a person in need. I really need to know what hospital that you are at so that I can put in my living will to never let you near me and if you get close to just shoot you.

But that's just me.
This is uncalled for.
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Old 12-04-2012, 02:11 AM   #30
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I dont think Duane meant he is sitting there laughing at car crash victims or cancer patients. If you've ever worked in the emergency services fields you know that emergency rooms tend to attract alot of crazy stuff. For example a gentleman who decides its a good idea to stick a dental pick in his man parts, and it gets stuck. (true story)
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Old 12-04-2012, 07:08 AM   #31
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Default Re: People watching

Originally Posted by cobra03 View Post
I dont think Duane meant he is sitting there laughing at car crash victims or cancer patients. If you've ever worked in the emergency services fields you know that emergency rooms tend to attract alot of crazy stuff. For example a gentleman who decides its a good idea to stick a dental pick in his man parts, and it gets stuck. (true story)
I agree as well. My wife worked in a hospital E.R. and would tell you the same thing, there is a lot of trauma and death that goes through the doors but every once in a while there will be a certain unusual circumstance that will tickle the funny bone.
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Old 12-04-2012, 07:15 AM   #32
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When I was a bit younger and the family would go to Santa Cruz/Capitola.. My mom and I, at times my cousins and I would walk down to the local ice cream shop, got some and **** out on the bench in front of the store.

You were able to see people driving into the downtown area, just looking at people.. You could see people just walking and their funny window shopping habits.. and you could see the people closer to the water, guys and gals, trying to not make it obvious they are looking at people in AWW..

Those are my favorite memories about that and the best I have for people watching.
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Old 12-04-2012, 09:24 AM   #33
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Default Re: People watching

Originally Posted by garryyjr View Post
When I was a bit younger and the family would go to Santa Cruz/Capitola.. My mom and I, at times my cousins and I would walk down to the local ice cream shop, got some and **** out on the bench in front of the store.
That was you?

All this time, we thought somebody had encouraged their dog to crap on the bench.
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Old 12-04-2012, 09:31 AM   #34
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Oops. Sit is the word I was looking for. Ha.
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Old 12-04-2012, 12:21 PM   #35
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Default Re: People watching

Originally Posted by markem View Post
Your compassion is overwhelming. No, let me rephrase that... I cannot believe that you are allowed anywhere near a person in need. I really need to know what hospital that you are at so that I can put in my living will to never let you near me and if you get close to just shoot you.

But that's just me.
Likewise, it says a lot for someone that even PRETENDS to know what we see and do on a daily basis to make such an assumption. That IS you.

Contrary to what you may think, I love my job. I love helping people and after losing both of my parents 4 years ago, I changed careers to find a way to give back because I was unable to care for them myself. I only wish I had done this 15 years ago because I have met so many awesome people, whether they're my patients or co-workers. It's a great feeling to know you've helped a person rather than just some corporation's balance sheet from your efforts.

But what do I know? I'm the guy standing in a pool of blood and inflating/deflating the cuff on the guy with an arterial arm bleed keep him from bleeding out while restoring enough flow so he doesn't lose his arm while we wait on a spot to open up in the OR. I'm the one speaking to the teen girl who overdosed on aspirin because her step mom has her do cruel things and try to make sure she gets the counseling she needs. It's only a miracle some kids are as resilient as they are because their parents completely screw up their entire perspective on life. I'm the one who second guesses myself every single time we have a code and lose someone wondering if I had just done something faster or better that maybe they'd still be alive when I walk out the door each night. You never forget what the gaze looks like of the person you're doing chest compressions to save their life. I'm the one assisting to make the plaster casts of the deceased infant's feet and hands to give the grieving parents so they have what little keepsakes they can hold onto. I'm the one advocating on a couple's behalf and ask the physician to transfer their newborn to another facility because we're 10 minutes away from one of the best pediatric hospitals in the country.

And at the same time, I see a lot of the same people so often that I spend more waking hours/day with them than my own family because they come into our facility so frequently to support their drug habit. They're the ones who complain frequently and loudly that you're not getting them their morphine or dilaudid quickly enough. They're the ones that tie up significant time and resources to determine they don't have kidney stones for the 3rd time this week and their back MRI (they're "disabled" of course) is much better than my own after 2 surgeries myself. They're the ones that come to the emergency room at 2:30 am via ambulance because they want tested for a STD or pregnancy and then immediately complain for food and a cab voucher to get back home. They're the ones that yell and threaten physical harm at me because they're mad I took away their buzz after administering Narcan after OD'ing on narcotics.

I guess the difference is I do it in real life and you think you know enough about what I see and do to make your uninformed decision because you enjoy watching some sitcom on TV.
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Old 12-04-2012, 12:30 PM   #36
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But don't forget that you find it funny.

I've done my share of code 99s in the ER and have done chest compression and ventilation for people who are flat lined. I've also done search and rescue to find the rapidly decomposing body of someone who lost their footing on a trail and have risked my life to find a lost group in whiteout conditions at 11,000 ft, not to mention handling broken femurs and arterial bleeds 3 days out from the nearest road. Of course I know nothing. I also don't make blanket statements that if you want to people watch and have a good laugh, spend a little time in the ER. Even if I had some humorous stories, I'd never make such a callous and uncaring statement.

Yes, you know it all.
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Old 12-04-2012, 12:31 PM   #37
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I have no interest in seeing any of this escalate further.
I don't imagine the community at large does either.
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