Originally Posted by Wallbright
Seems crazy to use Facebook but to me it appears that you called an awful lot. There were probably many other people calling and he just got flustered and didn't know how to handle the influx of calls/complaining. I would wait it out a couple of days if not the end of the week and then call and try to handle it. Patience always pays off in the end. Just my two cents though and I hope I didn't offend.
I wouldn't say I called a lot. I called once Friday afternoon, noon today and than again at 4:30 since I was not able to get a DC number at any time of me calling and at noon today he said he would (Facebook) it to me shortly. I even decided I would wait to see if they show tomorrow before I call again. He could have gotten away with me only calling once had he either done one of two things, he could have given me a DC number after the first call or two if he is having shipping problems be honest about it and tell me there was an issue and you will call me when they do ship. Granted it's only about $110 all together but at this point it's the principle of it. Don't sell me a product and say it will ship a certain day and than don't follow through. I am a reasonable guy and if your having an issue a simple phone call would have been enough for me to say whatever, I'll wait. Hell if you knew you only had X amount of product to sell the intelligent thing would have been to keep track of what you sold and not exceed your inventory but than again not everyone thinks logically.
Not saying this was the case but the back story I heard from a very reliable source along with the sheer sketchiness of the phone conversations has me thinking this is probably the problem.