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Old 11-01-2010, 10:38 AM   #1
Feeling at Home
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Default What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?

For me it's General Anesthesia.

I have never had to have it. I know thousands upon thousands of people get GA performed successfully for various operations all over the globe every single day. However, no amount of reassurance from people who have had it done to them personally, even people whose opinions and points of view I trust without question, could break this phobia of mine. I know it's a completely irrational fear.

I know that it is perfectly safe. In fact, I have done enough research on the processes, procedures, drugs, etc in hopes of breaking this fear through education on the subject that I could probably almost perform the procedure myself! Yet, to no avail. My phobia remains intact and as strong as ever.

It's not something I even considered as a kid... or even a young adult... but recently (Over the past couple of years), and for no reason that I can explain I simply "developed" said fear.

I've done all manner of crazy things which would probably scare many people in a stupefied puddle of slobbering goo. But for some reason this simple thing makes me feel like I would literally rather have an operation done Civil War battlefield style than to be put to sleep. I wont say that I'm unafraid of excruciating pain, but I dare say I am less afraid of it than Getting put under.

And the fact that I am in the unfortunate circumstance that I will soon have to face this phobia in the very, very near future for the extraction of some dodgy teeth makes my heart beat quicken and my anxiety muscle start doing jumping jacks in my stomach.

So in light of having to face down my own worst fear... I want to know what it is that Scares the FREAKING CRAP out of some of you BOTL's and SOTL's. And if/how you faced it down.
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