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View Poll Results: Davidoff Cigars:
Great choice for a smoke 28 30.11%
A lot of Hype and B.S 15 16.13%
"to each their own" 50 53.76%
Voters: 93. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 03-03-2009, 05:07 PM   #1
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Default The mystique behind Davidoff cigars

I have tried a great variety of cigars from expensive to very inexpensive, but never have tried any Davidoff cigars. Anytime I talk cigars to someone who isn't very involved in cigars they always seem to bring up Davidoff as if it is the best ever. Then they seem to knock my taste in cigars because I've never had one, when the only other cigar they've smoke is Acid. Now at around 15 bucks a stick I have never really rushed to go out and try one nor do I really want to.. Do the cigars in the Davidoff line just go off reputation behind the name? or are they actually good cigars?

It just seems to me in cigars you can find amazing sticks for under $10/cigar and be immensely happy. The people that I know and consider very knowledgeable about cigars say that they are a lot of hype and aren't that great. I just feel I should try one for myself! Any suggestions on a certain one would be great, as I would like to see what all the fuss is about.
"If I give a businessman 10,000 francs, what is that to him, he is rich. But if I give him a Cohiba cigar, that is style."-Hotel Rwanda
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