Originally Posted by oldforge
When companies get too big middle management starts building empires and product quality and customer service crash and burn.
Remember that scene in Wall Street where Gordon G. is addressing the shareholders and pointing at all the Vice Presidents sitting in the front of the room. He said something like: "What do these guys do? Send memos to each other all day?"
Stay away from RP and the other big boys.
Oh yeah I remember that scene. Or my favorite is having meetings, to plan other meetings. Corporate meetings need to be treated like hiring a hooker. You get 1 hour with a hard stop (no pun intended) and the we're done, I have clients to attend to not hear about the third poo poo junior made in the potty.
I have a minor in Human Resources (amongst the 8 others huh) and I remember a friend trying to discourage me from majoring in it and he put it this way, "Why would you want to be in HR. You know what HR is good for? Two things: 1) Cramming my inbox with "personnel announcements" that inevitably some ass hat is going to click "reply to all" on and drown out important eMails 2) Letting me know when the company picnic is." He had me at the company picnic lol. Never took another HR class again.
No disrespect to those in HR it just was not my forte.