06-21-2012, 01:17 PM
Re: The Poor Mans Behike?
Originally Posted by AlohaStyle
What do people think about the Cohiba Count Draculas? I haven't read any reviews of the Bolivar Boris. I really love the Farm Vintage 2009 Partagas where all the tobacco came from one farm. Oh wait, there aren't any cuban cigars like this... how could've Pete sold his Monsters and La Verite's then?
I can understand people having an opinion, but this "debate" is so old already... why get yourself worked up, over this of all things??? If you don't like something, why keep bringing it up over and over? Maybe express your opinion once to get it off your chest and then be done with it and live a happier life.
Everyone has an opinion so I could care less if people don't like what Pete is doing. But the simple fact is cuban cigars are illegal in the US so why not take ideas from what they are doing and recreate it in the US? If a business owner sees a good idea and knows it sells, why would they not want to do something like that for themselves?
Examples in other industries:
- Coke comes out with a new style of plastic bottle or top that sells well. Should Pepsi say "oh we better not steal Coke's idea"... hell no, they will make their own.
- Samsung develops WiFi inside their TV's. Should Sony not put WiFi in their tv's because another company already did it? Hell no.
- Mercedes develops a rear facing video camera for when driving in reverse. Should other manufacturers not install cameras because Mercedes did it first? Hell no.
So why should the cigar industry be any different? An argument could be that these are technology changes and not marketing, but I could cite many examples of marketing strategies/ideas copied as well. In the cigar industry, there really can't be many technology changes so a good portion of sales is all about the marketing and having a good blend of tobacco. Not much room to play except driving good packaging and marketing.
Like other wise men say... smoke what you like. Why let the things you don't like bother you? Just move on...
Don't forget IP laws