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Old 06-10-2015, 09:16 AM   #1
Have My Own Room
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Default Some More Drunken Retorts

A: "You're drunk!"
B: "I am not officially drunk until the bartender cuts me off."

A: "You're drunk!"
B: "Only because I am drinking to remember the brave souls
who fought and died for my right to be able to do this."

A: "You're drunk!"
B: "When did you join the temperance league?"

A: "You're drunk!"
B: "My horoscope said that I'd be getting bad news today and here you are."

A: "You're drunk!"
B: "I've been here for all three happy hours. You do the math."

A: "You're drunk!"
B: "Not as drunk as you were that time told that cop you
were Janet Reno. I guess you don't remember that, huh?"

A: "You're drunk!"
B: "It's to ward off attacks by giant weasels."

A: "You're drunk!"
B: "It's Azerbaijan's Independence Day. You do know that my
Great-Grandfather-in-law came from there, don't you?"

A: "You're drunk!"
B: "I had to quell the raging monsters in my Id that want me to hurt you."

A: "You're drunk!"
B: "I needed to communicate with my inner monkey."

A: "You're drunk!"
B: "A liver needs exercise too."

A: "You're drunk!"
B: "I'm expressing my support for the 21st Amendment."
Pobody's Nerfect.
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