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Old 09-13-2010, 06:24 PM   #1
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Default Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent

So I live in suburbia. I live in the lowest crime district in the city. There is nothing but families for miles and none of them are remotely near the poverty line.

So on Saturday night.......a punk or punks broke into my truck in the driveway, ransacked it and took a few things (Loose change, knife, Nano, Backup cell phone, cell charger etc) not a huge deal in terms of loss but still the little ****ers did it just cuz. Found a couple of empty cans of cheap beer in the Cul de Sac.

Now I reported it more so the cops know that **** is happening, I expect nothing other than that.

But seriously I can understand stealing if you are in need, or if you have a drug habit to support.......but for shits and giggles. I thought at first that I wish I had caught I realize that would only end one way...........bad. Me up on assault or worse charges for caving in some teenage punks overinflated melon.

Anyway rant off, just wanted to vent..........pisses me off..............hell pisses me off enough that I want to kick there Dad's ass hard enough that he would pass the beating on.

Little ****ers
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