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Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent
So I live in suburbia. I live in the lowest crime district in the city. There is nothing but families for miles and none of them are remotely near the poverty line.
So on Saturday night.......a punk or punks broke into my truck in the driveway, ransacked it and took a few things (Loose change, knife, Nano, Backup cell phone, cell charger etc) not a huge deal in terms of loss but still the little ****ers did it just cuz. Found a couple of empty cans of cheap beer in the Cul de Sac. Now I reported it more so the cops know that **** is happening, I expect nothing other than that. But seriously I can understand stealing if you are in need, or if you have a drug habit to support.......but for shits and giggles. I thought at first that I wish I had caught them........now I realize that would only end one way...........bad. Me up on assault or worse charges for caving in some teenage punks overinflated melon. Anyway rant off, just wanted to vent..........pisses me off..............hell pisses me off enough that I want to kick there Dad's ass hard enough that he would pass the beating on. Little ****ers |
Re: Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent
I hear ya! Kids can be a$$holes.
Re: Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent
This happened in my parents town too, quite similar demographically to yours. Several cars on my parents street were broken in to, including my mothers.
Turns out it was kids from the town over that would come in and cause problems. |
Re: Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent
how is that the opportunistic thieves are unaware where the rich safe feeling people live and are unable to drive over to your neighborhood? just askin ;)
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Re: Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent
Re: Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent
I hear ya brother...it all goes back to how they were raised!!!
Re: Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent
Its the me me me generation. Its all about them. Sorry to hear about it though.
Re: Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent
This seems to be going on a lot.. From stuff I've heard on the news around here is that basically kids are bored and going around checking if people leave their cars unlocked. In most cases they haven't been taking anything. Sorry to hear that they took stuff from ya :td
I was over a friends house during the winter, I was leaving and noticed my friends car door opened. All the compartments were opened but nothing taken. Noticed foot steps in the snow leading to my car as well but I had my doors locked ;) Kinda just makes ya a little uneasy. |
Re: Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent
Re: Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent
I am a firm believe that anyone who does stuff like that should go to a work camp and work till they get their head on straight
Re: Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent
Sorry to hear brother, I say KEEL HAUL the little pukes!!
Re: Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent
Re: Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent
Re: Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent
Sorry to hear that, Shawn.
Some Parents don't spend enough time with their kids but give them everything they ever want thinking that it will make them happy but they are dead wrong. These kids grow up without learning ( or caring ) what it takes to become responsive citizens. They will live at home until they get married but will be driving BMW's that their Daddy bought them... Makes me wanna puke! |
Re: Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent
Re: Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent
It all comes back to the parents.Not peer pressure,parents.
Re: Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent
My take on things is this...kids somewhere got the idea that they are in charge. That THEY call the shots. If you do something they don't like, or make them do or eat something they don't want, they cry abuse. WTF? Someone, somewhere gave them the power and took it from the parents. Parents are somewhat forced to placate their kids, and not actually discipline them. "If you don't get me this, then I'm going to..." "You have to..." or one of my favorites I've heard: "That's illegal." Give me a break. Parents are in charge. The home is not a democracy, it's a benevolent dictatorship. There is far too much pandering to the whims of a child, to make them happy and "support their self esteem and help them become well adjusted adults". I see very few well adjusted adults coming out of this generation of kids. They have HUGE sense of entitlement, which I really can't stand. I don't roll that way. They want hand outs, not a hand up. Here's another example of how bad things are: In our 10 yr old's class, they have spelling tests on Fridays. The number of words they have to know for that test on Friday is dependent on how well they do on a pretest on Monday. They more they get wrong on Monday, the less they are required to know on Friday? Are you f'ing kidding me??? I was dumbfounded when I saw that. And this school is supposedly one of the best elementary schools in the state. Wow...has our education system gone in the tank, or what? As for Shawn's issue...there are punks everywhere, and I agree that a lot of it has come from parents disinterest in being a part of their kids lives. They let the school and TV and video games raise them. They are raising a generation of entitled idiots, and I fear for our society if this continues much longer. I have a feeling that if the parents found out about their kids breaking into your car (or any car, for that matter), they'd say "kids will be kids" and simply pay for what was stolen (or demand receipts from you and proof it was your stuff first) with no consequences for the delinquent. OK...I need to step off the soap box...I'm giving myself a nosebleed. |
Re: Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent
Re: Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent
Just as a counterpoint on non-involvement from parents: I tend to see the opposite quite often. Many parents I see are way too invloved in their kid's lives to the point that they seem to be living through their child's lives. so much pressure is being put on the kids in school, athletics, etc that they reach a breaking point and do bad stuff. I've seen this happen many times with my kid's friends. They get pushed and pushed again and at some point, they break down and break the law. It seems to be more a way to "punish" the parents than anything else. I've seen drinking, stealing, fighting, etc from upper-middleclass kids that were "perfect" up to the time of the crime.
This seems totally different from non-involvement but is actually similar. When parents push the kids to succeed at everything, they miss teaching the simple but important stuff like the Golden Rule. MCS |
Re: Some Peoples Kids............Just a Vent
Sorry to hear about the misfortune Shawn. |
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