Re: what's the WORST cigar you've smoked?
ah yes the worst cigar I ever had the displeasure of almost vomiting up later. Now I'll be honest I stumbled upon this intensely rare find at a smoker friendly. After months of black and mild wine and those fine fine white owls which I loved oh so much (note to self find a time machine go back in time and punch self in the nards for ever smoking those vile things) I decided I would approach the mighty cabinet humidor they kept in the back near the Redman and so called pound bags of menthol pipe tobacco. After picking through three or for boxes of Drew Estate's acid line and deciding 10 bucks was too much for a 2 inch cigar, and 15 was too much for something black named after Shakespeare's masterpiece I found it. A real man's cigar the All American Churchil Maduro. Yes I said it, I smoked a brand called All American, had a tiny eagle on his band and everything. To say that I was horrified by the taste would be false. I thought I was big bad stuff with a 7 inch piece of dog dirt. I smoked one a little later, and after waking up from the coma and my months of therapy I am ready to talk about it. Consider something so vile, so evil that it actually makes being impaled on a telephone pole look like a good alternative. It tasted like stale air mixed with that oh so lovely rotting fish dumpster outside of your favorite long john silvers. the scent of the smoke was something akin to what happens when you introduce a yeti to a skunk, smear him with rancid milk and set him ablaze. Never smoke this abomination, ever.
this post is dedicated to whatever other fool victims this dog rocket has claimed, as I have been back to SF and these monstosities are all gone.

A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke!