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Old 02-21-2009, 08:19 AM   #26
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Default Re: B&M etiquette question

Originally Posted by Darrell View Post
I work at a B&M. I've been there over a year and I'd say you're doing all the right things. In my opinion, any shop would be happy to have you there. We have some real pains in the ass customers who leave HUGE messes, don't buy ****, and hog the T.V. We would welcome you any day, keep doing what you do.

P.S. 3 or 4 times I've found chicken wings in the stinky.
Originally Posted by TripleF View Post
Great rules of the heart brother!!

I work in a cigar bar. We sell cigars, cigar accessories and beer and wine - no liquor. I receive tips as a bartender would.

We don't mind people bringing in their own smokes, but as an unwritten rule we hope they buy beverages from us, however we won't kick 'em out if they don't.

Basically I think if you support your local B&M with purchases they will take care of you. I know when I used to frequent another B&M on a weekly basis (before I got my part time job at the current cigar bar) the owner would toss me a stick, give me a discount, or other accessories such as hats or shirts.

I think gifting the owner of the establishment is not really necessary. Maybe give him a bottle of Port at Christmas time or something.

That's my 2 cents.
I totally echo these sentiments. Working at the Davidoff shop at Columbus Circle NYC we have our fair share of customers who show and respect good service with equally respectful patronage. However, there are a fair share of entitled and disrespectful guests who try to get by without buying anything. You're doing all the right things as a BOTL. Just saying thank you on the way out goes a long way. Any business owner or worker at a B&M who has a good head on their shoulders will recognize and appreciate your support.

This past week I was on vacation, but felt like stopping by a B&M for a smoke (other than the lounge at our shop). I visited the Cigar Aficionado lounge at the Cigar Inn (E 53rd and 2nd Ave) in NYC. Being in the industry and knowing the guys there I could easily just bring in my own smokes and not buy a thing, but I wanted to support them for providing really great hospitality so I bought two smokes (one that is exclusive to their shop: the La Aurora Cien Anos Preferido #1). It was a great visit and it felt good to not mooch. Everyone loves a free cigar, but I think most people don't understand how much work behind the scenes is required to create a successful B&M.

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