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Old 04-09-2013, 08:23 PM   #9
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Default Re: Letting a cigar sit for ~10 minutes

Originally Posted by Blocky Patel View Post
Maybe 10 to 15 minutes, sometimes as long as half-hour. Again, I've been smoking cigars for 4 years or so, but haven't done tons of research or reading about them. That's one of the reasons why I joined here. Let me give you another "for-instance": I light up when I get home from work, but my family comes home sooner than I thought they would. I'm half-way through the cigar and my wife says dinner is ready. It is NOT in my best interest to stay outside until I'm done smoking. It may stay sitting for up to 45 minutes. Again, what's my play?
That's one of the reasons I've come to love the smaller format vitolas. They're a quicker smoke and they're more affordable in most instances too, so I end up smoking better blends. But, to your question, I wouldn't worry too much about 45 minutes. Purge before you set it down, purge before you light it back up, it's all you can do.
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