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Old 01-15-2013, 06:52 AM   #36
x man
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Default Re: Is the Keurig here....

Originally Posted by MarkinCA View Post
I believe the Keurig will be here to stay for a while. There appears to be numerous varieties of K-Cup coffees to choose from...

I'm curious to know if anyone has ever ripped the top off one of these K-cups to ascertain the weight of the coffee grounds inside? I've had the French Roast by Green Mountain that makes an ok 8oz cup, but still a wee bit on the weak side for myself. My question regarding the weight is, I was wondering how much of your favorite ground coffee you could pack into a reuseable K-cup and would it make a better cup of joe for you...
I bought a unit for my parents when i left town 6 weeks ago.
I havnt tried it yet.
I have the same question about packing it for a stronger cup.
As i roast my own coffee i usually make a days worth in the AM.
But sometimes i need another cup or 3 later in the day.
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