Originally Posted by fencefixer
You need to fix the problem and not treat the symptoms. Is it possible you don't spend enough activity time with your dog? You need to redirect the behavior.. your dog seems to have way too much energy and seems anxious.
i do not agree with this. I had a beagle that would run around for hours. I mean hours, i took the dog for walks, i would let the dog run around for hours and i would play with the dog. But nothing helped with the barking or the miss behaving. First we tried the noise controller (put out a high pitch sound that the dog hates) this didn't work my dog figured out that she could get it to stop if she ran far enough away. We tried the shock collar and that worked. We would give her a short shock when she was barking or running away. It worked for the most part. BUT remember you will never change your dog spirit.