Originally Posted by Mikes
I just did back to back 10 gal batches of an all citra apa/ipa and love it. was thinking baout moving on to another type of all hop ipa but not sure which one. Sounds like the Amirillo and or Centennial/Amarillo/Citra mix might be a winner. I am assuming that the c/a/c mix is in the order of hop additions kaiser?
Yes, I would do Centennial as bittering, and then alternate amarillo & citra as late additions, and then dry hop with either all amarillo or all citra. I also like using a burst hop technique with these, but that requires more hops & $$
Originally Posted by Mikes
Yall done any other all 1 type of hops ipa or apas?
I have an all-Cascades planned using this year's homegrown crop. It's actually a Single Malt Single Hop recipe using all Marris Otter.
Originally Posted by cricky101
I made an all-centennial IPA which was really good. I think Bell's Two-Hearted is all-centennial too. Can't go wrong with that.
Yes, THA is all Centennial