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Old 07-16-2011, 04:14 PM   #25
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Default Re: Sam Leccia's Debut on hold

Originally Posted by LostAbbott View Post
Typically NC's don't hold up too well in court. The last one I remember was an exec. leaving Microsoft for Google. MSFT tried to sue but got no where. I am not sure with the case of Sam though because it is very direct competition, also I would not be surprised if his new cigar was very similar to the Cain and NUB cigars he already made.
The fact that Oliva was able to get an injunction means that they were already able to persuade a judge that they have a good chance (legalese = "substantial likelihood") of succeeding in their overall suit to completely enforce the agreement. That's not a guarantee that Oliva will win, but it's a strong indicator.

Also, Sam's Debut line was directly matching up with, at least to some degree, Studio Tobac's NUB Plus plans: the announced Debut vitolas were 5x60, 7x60, and a 7x52 figurado.
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