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Old 01-10-2011, 11:10 AM   #356
Homer Joe
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Default Re: J! E! T! S! Jets! Jets! Jets!

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
Mark, I don't know about "luck", but the Colts were missing 11 starting players from their defense, among lots of other problems.
The Jets just plain didn't play well. I can't pick any single player on the team and say "he had a really good game". If they don't take it up a lot of notches, they're gonna have their hands full next week.
I can remember not so long ago a Pittsburgh Steeler team who went 15-1, only to NOT take home a Super Bowl ring. 20 wins in two seasons means nothing if you don't take home the prize, and they sure didnt look like a team that's gonna take home the prize.

I was a big Sanchez fan last year. All the pre-season talk about the Jets being the second coming
of Christ really put a burr up my ass, probably as much as the "luck" comments have pissed you off. Problem is, if you want your team to be considered great, they gotta go the distance. A team can only survive on decimated opposition and favorable bounces for so long. Sooner or later they gotta come out the gate and play like they can really play. Granted I haven't seen more than a handful of Jets games this year, but so far I'm more or less unimpressed. Sanchez is a big disappointment, as far as I'm concerned. I feel he's playing way beneath his grade. Whether it's him or the coaching, I don't know, but there's a kid with all the talent in the world who's throwing like Jake Delhomme.
I have been defending Sanchez all season and I think it is getting a little old, people are going to see what they want to see. I see a second year QB that has two winning seasons and followed them up with solid play in the post season. Has he played perfect? No, some missed throws an int here and there. As a second year QB his job is to make a good throw here and there and not give the game away, which I think he is doing pretty well. There were several situations during the season where he was asked to bring the team back and win the game and he came through. Is he Tom Brady or Peyton Manning? No. . . What I will say is that he is doing better at this point in his career than Eli did.

As far as the rest of the team goes, no one can say that they are not on their way up. Do I think they are "great"? No, not yet, but Ryan HAS changed the culture. They made it to the Championship last year and followed it up with a return to the Playoffs and a win this year. Injuries or not, beating Peyton at home in the Playoffs is something.

To expect a Super Bowl the second year of a new regime with a new QB is a little unrealistic. ANY coach that is hired is usually given 3 years or should be. Whatever happens I think two years in a row of advancing in the Playoffs is a good START. Yes eventually they have to make it to the Super Bowl and win, but they are a hell of alot closer now than they were two years ago with Mangini and Pennington/ Favre.
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