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Old 11-08-2010, 11:15 AM   #8
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Default Re: If it's too good to be true...

Originally Posted by Jack-of-Diamonds View Post
I realize there is a glaring difference in purchase price and their real price on this one. But suppose it weren't so glaring. Say you order a box of fine old-world cigars at a reasonable price. The vendor ships them, but then tells you you owe them more money because the price they showed on their website, accepted the order at, and shipped at, was not their real price. What then?
Go to their country and file a complaint under their laws. That's where it occurred. Alternately, you can challenge the charge with your credit card company. Doesn't matter whether it was cigars or whatever, you have options, whether you decide to pursue them or not is your choice - as is your choice to use that vendor again in the future.
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