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Old 10-20-2010, 11:06 AM   #6
Have My Own Room
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Default Re: the dog house...

Originally Posted by markem View Post
One doesn't put themselves in the dog house, per se. We all have "over exuberant" sprees, but most see that as an opportunity to learn to appreciate the generic brands of mac and cheese as well as the finer points of canned spam.

Or as Elwood Blues might say, have you ever had a "wish sandwich"?
I only have 2 sets of htfs coming other then that most are pretty average. Just guatity is putting me in the house. But you have a good point.

2. How do i get out of the dog house now?

Eleven; the girl isnt putting me in the dog house, im putting myself in it.
I spent a lot of my money on booze, cigars, birds and fast cars, the rest I just squandered. -George Best
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