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76GTFan 03-23-2011 02:46 PM

A baby seal walks into a club. :=:

HollywoodQue 03-23-2011 02:48 PM

Re: Joke

J0eybb 03-23-2011 02:57 PM

Re: Joke

J0eybb 03-23-2011 02:58 PM

Re: Joke

N2 GOLD 03-23-2011 03:11 PM

Re: Joke
:td :confused:

Two snowmen are standing in a field. One says to the other : "Funny, I smell carrots too".

Coach Deg 03-23-2011 03:14 PM

Re: Joke

Originally Posted by 76GTFan (Post 1214819)
A baby seal walks into a club. :=:


pektel 03-23-2011 03:16 PM

Re: Joke
Since we're on bad jokes:

A man in a trench coat flashed 3 nuns in an elevator. 2 of the nuns had a stroke right there. The third couldn't reach.

Ogre 03-23-2011 03:20 PM

Re: Joke
Some bad jokes floating here. How come I see a Bad Joke thread starting???

pektel 03-23-2011 03:22 PM

Re: Joke
I thought that's what this was?

pektel 03-23-2011 03:26 PM

Re: Joke
How bout this one:

Two nuns are ordered to paint a room in the convent, and the last instruction of the Mother Superior is that they must not get even a drop of paint on their new habits.

After conferring about this for a while, the two nuns decide to lock the door of the room, strip off their habits, and paint in the nude. In the middle of the project, there comes a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" calls one of the nuns.

"Blind man," replies a voice from the other side of the door.

The two nuns look at each other and shrug, and, deciding that no harm can come from letting a blind man into the room, they open the door.

"Nice t*ts," says the man, "where do you want these blinds?"

76GTFan 03-23-2011 03:30 PM

Re: Joke
A bear walks into a bar. Bartender says, "What'll it be"?

Bear says"...................................How bout a beer"?

Bartender asks, "Why the big paws"?

N2 GOLD 03-23-2011 03:34 PM

Re: Joke
What do you get when you cross an elephant and a rhino?


pektel 03-23-2011 03:34 PM

Re: Joke
How do you turn a fox into an elephant?

Marry her!

N2 GOLD 03-23-2011 03:39 PM

Re: Joke

guitar4001 03-23-2011 04:17 PM

Re: Joke
oh god.

JaKaacH 03-23-2011 04:23 PM

Re: Joke
A giraffe walks into a bar and says "The high balls are on me....":noon

Brutus2600 03-23-2011 05:57 PM

Re: Joke
What's sex like on camping trips?

In tents.

Love this thread :tu lol

N2 GOLD 03-23-2011 06:06 PM

Re: Joke
Q. Why dont blind men skydive?

A. Because it scares the heck out of the dog

chippewastud79 03-23-2011 06:27 PM

Re: Joke
Whats green and flies through the air?

Super Pickle!

chippewastud79 03-23-2011 06:27 PM

Re: Joke
What's yellow and writes?

Ball-point banana.

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