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smoking room ventilation
This is probably a long, stupid question, but I'm going to throw it out there anyway and see what the response is.
My wife and I bought a house about 6 months ago. We live in Michigan and it is freezing right now. My smoking has dropped dramatically, as it usually does this time of year. There is a den off of our bedroom that would make a perfect smoking room for me, except that it is horribly sealed, as in there is actually a hole carved out in the wall so that you can see out into the foyer (my wife put a big vase in it as decoration for the foyer). The door into the bedroom is a pocket door. The doors leading to the living room are double doors that can be configured to seal well. So on opposite sides of the room I have a poorly sealed pocket door and a hole in the wall. If I were to have an exhaust fan installed in the attic above the ceiling (it would be easy installation - the attic is immediately above this room), would it create enough suction to clear the room of the smoke before it ventured out into the rest of the house through the door and the hole? Would it create some sort of pressure that would prevent the smoke from leaving the room? Would it make a difference at all if I did a cold air return with a heater? I assume the answer is that I have to seal up the room or the smoke will go everywhere. I'm not opposed to that - I just expect it is going to take more money to do that than it will to have a couple fans put in. Just thought I'd ask to see if I can take a shortcut and get that smoking room quicker than I otherwise would. Thanks for any input! And I can take ridicule for asking if it is deserved. :ss |
Re: smoking room ventilation
You might be better off just putting a box fan in that hole leading outside. Tabb and i smoke in the garage all the time and we have heaters set up in there and a box fan pushing all the smoke out wife complains a little but not much. other than that a Exhaust fan should work just depends on how much $ you want to spend.
Re: smoking room ventilation
Hal (hk3) has built the last man room that I can remember as wel las a few others. If your search foo is good they should pop up. My google foo is good, but this forum not so much at times.
A guess on my part, without better sealing your gonna have to push a lot of air up and out. Might lose more in heat $$$ than trying at least some moderate sealing. There are a few different sized cigar fume eliminators, I cannot remember the name but many here have had good results with them. I'm sure someone will see this and put out the name brand. But as one BOTL stated, it's not just the fumes, the ashes that float will carry a lot of smell, vacumn alot and/or something your smoking over that can be easily cleaned. |
Re: smoking room ventilation
Given that, how about a ceiling mounted smoke eater? I presume the energy loss would be minimal with something like that. |
Re: smoking room ventilation
OK, the search gods were nice to me today. The brand to look for is Csonskas. Search this word on the forum ansd see the write ups. A lot of good comments. Might save on pushing the heat into the attic/outside.
Re: smoking room ventilation
I put a 800ish cfm inline exhaust fan in the ceiling over where we usually smoke in my house. It cleans the air out of the entire house very well, with anywhere between 1 and 15 smokers. I wouldn't worry about sealing up your room at all.
Re: smoking room ventilation
Re: smoking room ventilation
Re: smoking room ventilation
If you have a window you can open, I'd put a fan as close to it as possible along with some air filters and you should be fine. Even a fan close to the window will push out a lot of the smoke, the filter should take care of most of the rest of it. You might have slight leakage if you're not sealed too well, but another filter in the room adjacent should fix that problem fairly quickly. Check out http://www.holmesproducts.com/ for some good ones.
Re: smoking room ventilation
Re: smoking room ventilation
Re: smoking room ventilation
I suggest you look hard at the suggestion to close the window into your living space. To stop smoke through a large opening will require a lot of air flow. This greatly increases the size of the exhaust needed. And that big airflow through the opening will probably be blowing things around on your wife's side of the opening.
Re: smoking room ventilation
I have the IQAir Health Pro Plus. It is a HEPA air filter machine that filters out dust, pet dander, etc. The charcoal filter also does quite a good job filtering out the cigar smoke in my man room. It's not cheap, but it does a lot more than just act as a smoke filter.
Re: smoking room ventilation
Re: smoking room ventilation
Re: smoking room ventilation
I chose not to vent the Gator Cave as I would lose too much AC. I went with a filter by Blue Air. Here is the link:
http://www.blueairstore.com/blueair-400-series.php It has performed well for me. You can certainly smell the smoke in the room when I am smoking. After I am done though, I spray some Febreeze air freshener and the next day you really can't smell much at all. With the hole in the wall to the next room, though, I don't think that would be a good option for you. |
Re: smoking room ventilation
Re: smoking room ventilation
Depending on how well your house is sealed up, you may need to add make up air if you add a oversized exhaust fan. Use a ERV/ HRV just drawing air from the smoking room and returning air to the Return air of the HVAC system. This would exhaust the smoke filled air to the outside and replace the air with fresh air coming in and most ERV /HRVs will recover about 70% of your Heating/ cooling costs. I would think you would need to filter the exhaust air entering the ERV/ HRV to protect the heat exchanger. Just an idea....
Re: smoking room ventilation
From my experience the Csonka will not prevent the smoke from going to other areas of the house, but they do a very good job of cleanning the smell out of the room/house it just may not catch up completely until 30 minutes to 1 hour after you are done.
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Re: smoking room ventilation
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