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acarr 06-07-2009 09:43 PM

Re: Save or Savor?
The only time I save is when I have a full box. Once I crack it open they are all history.

goalie204 06-07-2009 09:44 PM

Re: Save or Savor?
life is short.

DPD6030 06-08-2009 12:31 AM

Re: Save or Savor?
I close my eyes, open up the humi, first thing I touch I smoke

dccraft 06-08-2009 05:31 AM

Re: Save or Savor?
I usually pick a cigar on a number things: time to enjoy it; new to me or an old favorite; etc.

I do have a few stashed for aging and a few that I want for an upcoming occasion. If it is a high end stick I want to make sure I have the time to dedicate my attention to it.

GodOfFire 06-08-2009 07:15 AM

Re: Save or Savor?
This is one the my most often discussed topics with my other smoking friends. I hear the "get hit by the bus" logic and I can understand it. However, for me cigars represent good times, as part of a good life, with good friends...

With that I have my humidor sectioned two sections. I have "everyday" smokes in there and I have some good decent smokes of various price ranges. However, my most premium smokes like Opus, GOF, Maduro Hemmingways, Anniversary Padrons... these tend to get saved for my more "special" occasions. This varies for example if it's a nice steak dinner and I want to have a great cigar with a buddy afterwards then it would be something like a VSG or Padron 1964.

Now my wedding later this month, I will probably smoke a GOF or Maduro Hemmingway or one of my special CCs. The rarer the moment the rarer the cigar usually. I also have two very special opus that you are not even able to buy. I have two special moments when I plan to smoke each one of those but they are a little ways in the future.

Each year my buddy has a "Summer Cigar Festival" at his B&M. That will be a special cigar day for me. I will spend quite a bit of time thinking about what cigars i will want to smoke and when. Finding that right cigar for the right moment is part of the fun in this hobby for me!

my two pennies


gnukfu 06-08-2009 09:38 AM

Re: Save or Savor?
I smoke whatever I feel like smoking/catches my eye.

shilala 06-08-2009 09:49 AM

Re: Save or Savor?

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 413934)
Unless I know I'm going to be rushed, I'll smoke whatever I'm craving at the moment.

If I get hit by a bus tomorrow, what good are those "special" sticks going to do me?

I do it the same way.
This winter I was shoveling snow smoking a shark. My buddy stopped by and said "Ya know, not many guys smoke a shark while they're shoveling snow."
I said "Ya, I know. Shoveling snow sucks."

I can honestly say that there's not a cigar sitting around here that I haven't smoked that I wanna smoke. If the bus gets me today, I'd suggest someone calls Kerri real quick cause there's gonna be plenty left for whoever gets here first. :)D

I liked the "how do you pick?" question.
It's much the same as when I go to a convenience store and look at the 17 coolers full of different drinks. I grab whatever grabs me.
I have to drive up north in a little bit and I'm gonna have an El Cobre.
Yesterday I had a Jose Piedra and an Oliva Special G Maduro.
I've been hankerin' for a Pelo De Oro, too.
I just never know. :ss

HK3- 06-08-2009 10:20 AM

Re: Save or Savor?
Whatever sounds good! :banger <----- when did we get this? Sweet!

The Poet 06-08-2009 02:01 PM

Re: Save or Savor?
I tend to class my sticks into 4 groups:

1) workin' 'gars
2) everyday smokes
3) wow, I forgot I had that - that looks good
4) someday

That being said, nothing is sacred. Hey, it's a cigar, not a work of art.

shadow king 06-10-2009 03:12 AM

Re: Save or Savor?
Ah this is a mind dwelling event for me every single day!!! Most days I'll think while I'm at work what I'm going to lite up when I get home. And every single time I end up smoking something else. It's pretty weird I tell ya.

I do tend to smoke the higher end stuff on the weekends. One thing to remember tho about the NC's most will reach their peak after a few years so you'll just be in for a disappointment when you finally fire it up.

BFallehy 06-10-2009 04:05 PM

Re: Save or Savor?
Like alot of other people I savor some but not always the expensive ones. There are a few that I know I wont' be able to get anymore of so I save them for special occasions. Everything else in the humi is up for grabs though there are some I tend to skip over, not because I want to save them necesarily they are just singles that I haven't tried yet and sometimes you just want something you know will be good. So alot of the single get aged innadvertantly. :ss

Catfish 06-10-2009 05:13 PM

Re: Save or Savor?
Got this problem licked. I don't keep enough on hand to have to worry about being picky. Just reach in and grab 4 or 5 for the travel humi and rock it. :tu

reggiebuckeye 06-10-2009 05:43 PM

Re: Save or Savor?
My old sig line at the other site used to read:
The best day to smoke a good cigar is today.

That was told to me by a great BOTL that gifted me with so many good sticks I didn't want to smoke them. I tried to save each one for a "special" occasion. After that, they all met death by torch soon after. It was well worth it, too.

I try not to save smokes unless it is something I am intentionally trying to age it. Then I label it with a band and put a date on it. I guess that was my long drawn out way of saying: smoke 'em if you got 'em. A good cigar can make a day. I try to grab something and go when I smoke unless I just have a taste for something specific.

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