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Old 07-02-2010, 10:45 AM   #221
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

I'm hoping for Uruguay v. Paraguay in the final.

2 Guays enter, only one Guay leaves.

2 Guays, one (World) Cup.
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Old 07-02-2010, 11:35 AM   #222
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by fhrblig View Post
I'm hoping for Uruguay v. Paraguay in the final.

2 Guays enter, only one Guay leaves.

2 Guays, one (World) Cup.
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Old 07-02-2010, 11:36 AM   #223
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

I was dying to open this thread but couldn't until I finished watching the recorded match... Congrats the Netherlands!!! I didn't hold a lot of hope for them but they overcame a lot. They had Brazil so rattled it was funny!!! Congrats to Simon and Ferdie!!!
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Old 07-02-2010, 08:22 PM   #224
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Ghana got what it deserved with all the acting and faking BS. Suarez, who could have and should have finished the game on at least 2 occasions in second half (how the hell do you miss from 8 feet out on an empty net?) at least redeemed himself with the hand ball. I predict at least 3-0 when Dutch take on Uruguay, have no idea how such a mediocre team makes it to semis of WC.
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Old 07-02-2010, 09:25 PM   #225
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by TheRiddick View Post
Ghana got what it deserved with all the acting and faking BS. Suarez, who could have and should have finished the game on at least 2 occasions in second half (how the hell do you miss from 8 feet out on an empty net?) at least redeemed himself with the hand ball. I predict at least 3-0 when Dutch take on Uruguay, have no idea how such a mediocre team makes it to semis of WC.
Actually it's easier to do than you think lol. But yes... Missing that goal was terrible. The Uruguay keeper is a national hero today for those 2 saves during penalty shots.

As for how did they make it? Well, they typically play a lock down defense and rely on Forlan and Suarez to counter attack and score... While they certainly aren't the best, they're far from bad. They also got lucky with the group and bin draws... bin 1 was basically a cake walk with the exception of Brazil and Netherlands (it was a real cake for them lol). Whereas bin 2 is a nightmare.

As for the score between Uruguay and Netherlands. I won't go 3-0. But I foresee something closer to 2-1.
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Old 07-02-2010, 09:27 PM   #226
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by Pass View Post

As for the score between Uruguay and Netherlands. I won't go 3-0. But I foresee something closer to 2-1.
Maybe, Maybe not.... I woulda never guessed Brazil lost 2-1

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Old 07-02-2010, 09:32 PM   #227
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by St. Lou Stu View Post
Maybe, Maybe not.... I woulda never guessed Brazil lost 2-1
I did... Won me $5 at work .

Brazil just hasn't been playing that well. They also get rattled too easily, and Netherlands is pretty good at rattling the cage. It was over the minute NED scored their goal to tie it up.

Statistically speaking, Brazil "should" have won the game. But the funny thing about statistics in soccer. They're only good until kick off. There's so many mental aspects to the game

Tomorrow's game - GER v ARG I predict overtime. Statistically, ARG should win. However, it's hard to say how well they will play from behind if GER scores first. Germany has the discipline to pick ARG apart... provided that Germany continues to do well behind the ball and maintain possession.
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Old 07-02-2010, 09:35 PM   #228
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by Pass View Post
Actually it's easier to do than you think lol. But yes... Missing that goal was terrible. The Uruguay keeper is a national hero today for those 2 saves during penalty shots.

As for how did they make it? Well, they typically play a lock down defense and rely on Forlan and Suarez to counter attack and score... While they certainly aren't the best, they're far from bad. They also got lucky with the group and bin draws... bin 1 was basically a cake walk with the exception of Brazil and Netherlands (it was a real cake for them lol). Whereas bin 2 is a nightmare.

As for the score between Uruguay and Netherlands. I won't go 3-0. But I foresee something closer to 2-1.
Don't want to argue, but if you think Uruguay play lock down defense I have news for you. They will be taken apart by a decent team (I consider Ghana "4th best" of the African teams in WC), they are lucky they played Ghana.

As for missing from 8 feet out, well, I play and even I, at my old age would consider it a shame, for a professional to do so is ridiculous IMO. Not that Suarez is alone in this, Forlan was doing this crap to ManU before being shipped out (I was ripping my hair out every time he played for us). Yes, I know misses happen, but they are still inexcusable.
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Old 07-02-2010, 09:36 PM   #229
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by St. Lou Stu View Post
Maybe, Maybe not.... I woulda never guessed Brazil lost 2-1
Also, we're talking about the Semi's here... You can look for most teams to score, and then secure their lead with one more goal. Once they have it, they'll typically go into a conservative lock-down mode and try to maintain possession. Taking shots leaves you vulnerable to counter attacks. But if you keep possession of the ball and control the midfield while only taking carefully set up shots you can diminish your opponents chances on counter.

This is why you see so many teams this late in the stages with 2-1, 2-0 victories... or going to over time and penalty kicks.
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Old 07-02-2010, 09:50 PM   #230
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by TheRiddick View Post
Don't want to argue, but if you think Uruguay play lock down defense I have news for you. They will be taken apart by a decent team (I consider Ghana "4th best" of the African teams in WC), they are lucky they played Ghana.

As for missing from 8 feet out, well, I play and even I, at my old age would consider it a shame, for a professional to do so is ridiculous IMO. Not that Suarez is alone in this, Forlan was doing this crap to ManU before being shipped out (I was ripping my hair out every time he played for us). Yes, I know misses happen, but they are still inexcusable.
Actually... they typically do. At least tactically speaking. Their line up, formation, and initial strategy all indicate lock-down (I'm not talking Switzerland lockdown here lol). Lack of communication or individual error behind the ball is their real defensive problem as I see it.

Ghana is a good team. They have a plethora of talent... and luck, apparently. Their problem is that most of their team are real young bucks with no experience. Takes time to develop a finishing touch.

Most strikers have plenty of misses that shouldn't be misses. Not every striker is David Villa. Putting that solid finishing touch on a ball (especially off of a cross) while running isn't easy. Hell, Ronaldo, Robinho, Fabiano, Messi, Higuain, Ozil, Klose chip shots all the time... and they're considered some of the best strikers in the world.

I also played, granted, I was a midfielder / stopper / and sometimes fullback, so I can't speak from a striker perspective... but I did have plenty of shots on goal and a couple of goals from 30+yrds out... but I when I got up into that 18yrd box, I had plenty of trouble with finishes.

As for Uruguay... I have no doubt that Netherlands will pick their defense apart. But I honestly don't foresee a 3-0 trouncing. I doubt that Forlan will go quietly into that good night. Plus the Dutch have discipline... I think they'll secure their victory and happily hold onto the ball while draining the clock. Why give Suarez and Forlan more shots on their goal?
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Old 07-02-2010, 10:14 PM   #231
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Suarez won't even be playing. As for Forlan, I seriously doubt he'll get anywhere near scoring against Dutch midfield. We'll see...
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Old 07-03-2010, 05:40 AM   #232
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by TheRiddick View Post
Suarez won't even be playing. As for Forlan, I seriously doubt he'll get anywhere near scoring against Dutch midfield. We'll see...
Ohhhh yeahhhh. He's out on yellows. I forgot about that . Uruguay is totally screwed lol.
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Old 07-03-2010, 09:49 AM   #233
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Well I've been saying all tournament that Argentina will get exposed defensively once they face a quality team...but wow...I didn't expect this!!!
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Old 07-03-2010, 09:53 AM   #234
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by kazzaca View Post
Well I've been saying all tournament that Argentina will get exposed defensively once they face a quality team...but wow...I didn't expect this!!!
Nor I!! I predicted 3-1. But 4-0!??!?!?!?! God, I love the German squad! Epic epic epic!! Just made my weekend!

...Now for Spain. I honestly hope that Paraguay wins (they won't... I know... but hey) b/c Spain will be a VERY tough match. Spain's ball possession and tendency to slow the pace of the game will really hurt. Plus David Villa is lethal in the box.

Edit: To clarify... My official prediction (in the poole at work was Overtime with Germany winning by 1)... However, once they scored I predicted 3-1.
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Last edited by Pass; 07-03-2010 at 10:02 AM.
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Old 07-03-2010, 09:53 AM   #235
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4-0 wow!
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Old 07-03-2010, 09:54 AM   #236
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Originally Posted by kazzaca View Post
Well I've been saying all tournament that Argentina will get exposed defensively once they face a quality team...but wow...I didn't expect this!!!
I caught most of the second half. Germany looked strong.
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Old 07-03-2010, 09:58 AM   #237
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by Pass View Post
Nor I!! I predicted 3-1. But 4-0!??!?!?!?! God, I love the German squad! Epic epic epic!! Just made my weekend!

...Now for Spain. I honestly hope that Paraguay wins (they won't... I know... but hey) b/c Spain will be a VERY tough match. Spain's ball possession and tendency to slow the pace of the game will really hurt. Plus David Villa is lethal in the box.
Germany's counter attack is something special. There were a couple of times when Argentina got the ball at the top of their box and I expected them to fly out and counter but they couldn't move the ball with enough speed...Germany kill their opposition in those situations. The way they move forward together is insane.

I think Spain will go through simply because they've already had their bad game. I can't see them being upset 2 times in one tournament. If they lose again I think it will be against top opposition.
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Old 07-03-2010, 10:06 AM   #238
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

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Ohhhh yeahhhh. He's out on yellows. I forgot about that . Uruguay is totally screwed lol.
No, he's out on straight RED.
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Old 07-03-2010, 10:07 AM   #239
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by kazzaca View Post
Germany's counter attack is something special. There were a couple of times when Argentina got the ball at the top of their box and I expected them to fly out and counter but they couldn't move the ball with enough speed...Germany kill their opposition in those situations. The way they move forward together is insane.

I think Spain will go through simply because they've already had their bad game. I can't see them being upset 2 times in one tournament. If they lose again I think it will be against top opposition.
Germany is a machine! They are efficient and disciplined. The key to breaking Germany is to disrupt their rhythm. However, if you can't... once they get going they just roll over you and don't stop.

Spain will be difficult for this reason. They are ball hogs. They tend to control that ball for 70%+ time. They slow the game and disrupt formations. If Germany can capitalize on Spain's inefficient movements and disrupt their passing game then Germany can beat Spain. The midfield will truly be the key in this match, I think. And to be frank... Germany's midfield is no laughing matter. They're tough, talented, team minded, and quick.

Statistically Spain should come out on top. But I really think that Germany has what it takes to beat them and gain a spot in the finals against Netherlands!
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Old 07-03-2010, 10:11 AM   #240
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by TheRiddick View Post
No, he's out on straight RED.
Yeah, you're right. I must be thinking of Fucile. He's out for next match as well... He was booked against Ghana and Mexico I believe.
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