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Old 08-18-2010, 10:45 AM   #21
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Personally I would have responded to see what was up too. And if someone is in harms way I would also have tried to help. If we don't help each other there is no help. The police cannot be everywhere at once. Just my 2 cents worth.

And if a neighbors wife or children were hurt or killed and I had not tried to help, how could I live with myself?

Last edited by G G; 08-18-2010 at 10:51 AM.
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Old 08-18-2010, 10:55 AM   #22
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I only count on myself for home protection. I live a little ways out in the country. Any type of confrontation would be well over with by the time the police made it there. Which is why I have a 12 guage pump action with bird shot (won't go through 2 layers of sheetrock), a Browning (Belgian made)30-06, and a Kimber .45. I'm pretty well covered.

There is a vacant house next door to me, where the previous owner died a couple years ago. Anything fishy goes on over there, I'm out at the fenceline, making my presence known.

I guess I wouldn't feel right about NOT doing anything about it.
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Old 08-18-2010, 11:00 AM   #23
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Problem is that the majority of the time an alarm goes off it is user error or a test such as in this case.
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Old 08-18-2010, 11:00 AM   #24
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Well I also was thinking about what i do for a living. Some folks in my line of work say they would not stop at an accident scene it they happen upon one while they are not on duty. They think up all sorts of scenarios where they don't have a duty to act and this and that. I would not be able to pass by a scene and not stop, it's a moral issue for me, regardless who it is, it could be one of your family members and it could be someone entirely unknown to me, I don't really care who they are I will stop. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Not sure about anyone else but if someone was in the process of wearing me out to try to rob me or kill me it would sure be nice if someone lent a hand.
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Old 08-18-2010, 11:00 AM   #25
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Default Re: People never cease to amaze me

On point Greg.
Heroes come from folks who sacrifice themselves to help others. I rather die a "do er" than stand by and do nothing at all.

Wife and I were on e first at the scene of a horrific roll over that happened in front of us. An infant was badly injured as was the driver. Blood everywhere, including on us. It is only after we suppresed the bleeding half cut arm, hped the bleeding child out of the seat, that we considered having been tainted by any blood. Than God right after us, a nurse arrived to help us. I am not a hero for what I did. Instead, I simply call myself a fellow human being that would have wanted the same in return.
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Old 08-18-2010, 11:02 AM   #26
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Default Re: People never cease to amaze me

Originally Posted by Blueface View Post
On point Greg.
Heroes come from folks who sacrifice themselves to help others. I rather die a "do er" than stand by and do nothing at all.

Wife and I were on e first at the scene of a horrific roll over that happened in front of us. An infant was badly injured as was the driver. Blood everywhere, including on us. It is only after we suppresed the bleeding half cut arm, hped the bleeding child out of the seat, that we considered having been tainted by any blood. Than God right after us, a nurse arrived to help us. I am not a hero for what I did. Instead, I simply call myself a fellow human being that would have wanted the same in return.
Amen Carlos.
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Old 08-18-2010, 11:06 AM   #27
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Default Re: People never cease to amaze me

Originally Posted by Blueface View Post
On point Greg.
Heroes come from folks who sacrifice themselves to help others. I rather die a "do er" than stand by and do nothing at all.

Wife and I were on e first at the scene of a horrific roll over that happened in front of us. An infant was badly injured as was the driver. Blood everywhere, including on us. It is only after we suppresed the bleeding half cut arm, hped the bleeding child out of the seat, that we considered having been tainted by any blood. Than God right after us, a nurse arrived to help us. I am not a hero for what I did. Instead, I simply call myself a fellow human being that would have wanted the same in return.
I still keep a halligan tool in my truck just for this reason. Just never know when it may come in handy.
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Old 08-18-2010, 11:12 AM   #28
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Default Re: People never cease to amaze me

Originally Posted by Blueface View Post
Just curious.
Please don't be offended.
Purely me being inquisitive.

Are you one of those that I alluded to that walks by someone being harmed and does nothing?
No, not at all. I've worked in security in Boston for 22 years. My wife and I always look after the neighborhood, but we usually don't stand in our door doing it. It's much more effective and safe to stay inside, look out the window, so as not to alert any perp that they are being observed, and call the police with an accurate description and direction of flight.
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Old 08-18-2010, 11:41 AM   #29
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Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone
The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm, even a woman who had obtained a court-issued protective order against a violent husband making an arrest mandatory for a violation.

A similar decision was reached in another case, primarily what the decision in this case was based on. Same article

A 1989 decision, DeShaney v. Winnebago County, held that the failure by county social service workers to protect a young boy from a beating by his father did not breach any substantive constitutional duty.
Now this may be tragic, but you have to read between the lines. If the police have no obligation to protect you, then where does that obligation belong?

On yourself. You have the not onlt the right, but the obligation to protect yourself. The best way to do that is to arm yourself.
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Old 08-18-2010, 12:00 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by 357 View Post
Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone
I had actually remembered that when I was posting my replies Mike.
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Old 08-18-2010, 12:23 PM   #31
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Default Re: People never cease to amaze me

Originally Posted by 357 View Post
The best way to do that is to arm yourself.

Well ARMED...

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Old 08-18-2010, 12:25 PM   #32
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Default Re: People never cease to amaze me

I Guess I Count My Blessings, Carlos! My Alarm Went Off The Other Day While I Was Playing Golf. My Playing Partner Asked Me If That Was My Alarm. By The Time The Alarm Company Called My Cell & Told Me The Alarm Was Going Off & I Arrived Home, There Were 3 Neighbors & The Police In My Front Yard. I Agree With GG; I'm Going To Help someone In Trouble, No Matter What.
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Old 08-18-2010, 12:26 PM   #33
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Default Re: People never cease to amaze me

Is that picture from The Young Ones Adam?

-Sorry to thread jack-
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Old 08-18-2010, 12:27 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Blueface View Post
I guess there are a million "what if" one can ask. I guess my problem with understanding this is I am the kind of person that would have run over and would have tried to do something if one of my neighbor's homes was being compromised. I guess not everyone thinks the same and from my perspective, that is a sad state of affairs when human beings don't look out for one another.
I have done what you're suggesting, but I was told by the police that arrived later that poking around a house that has an alarm going off is a bad thing to do.
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Old 08-18-2010, 12:31 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by tsolomon View Post
I have done what you're suggesting, but I was told by the police that arrived later that poking around a house that has an alarm going off is a bad thing to do.
My point exactly.
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Old 08-18-2010, 12:54 PM   #36
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Default Re: People never cease to amaze me

Originally Posted by Jbailey View Post
Is that picture from The Young Ones Adam?

-Sorry to thread jack-
Yep, that's Neil after he found the old teapot with the genie in it and Vyvyan said something to him about having dinner ready and Neil started his typical whining about not feeling well and wishing he had six pairs of hands to prepare dinner with...
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Old 08-18-2010, 01:24 PM   #37
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Default Re: People never cease to amaze me

Originally Posted by tsolomon View Post
I have done what you're suggesting, but I was told by the police that arrived later that poking around a house that has an alarm going off is a bad thing to do.
Originally Posted by Subvet642 View Post
My point exactly.
I can totally see that point.

However, to me, it is no different than convenience store clerks who are held up, v. convenience store clerks that are held up and shot and killed, v. convenience store clerks that fight back and give the thief a good old fashioned ass kicking. It would be best if they just stayed at home as this way, they can limit any risks.

This is a serious present day social issue much more deep rooted than my little alarm incident. It is prevalent today in just about anything. Folks will see an old lady being beaten to death and will walk on by because it is not their problem and they don't want to be hurt also. Folks will hear auto alarms, they will come out eventually after it is all over with to learn their neighbor's car had all wheels and parts removed in the driveway but will dare not worry to see what the alarm sound is about. Folks will see something that should involve them for the sake of their fellow man and just keep on their way, because it is someone else's problem. How many times do you see a convenience store clerk being held up on those shocking video TV shows and folks either stand around watching it or leave the second they have a chance? It is a prevalent "if it doesn't affect me, I am not interested" attitude that is truly sad.

It is a relief to know not everyone feels the same way and some are willing to take risks and choose to be involved rather than look the other way.
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Old 08-18-2010, 01:39 PM   #38
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Default Re: People never cease to amaze me

Originally Posted by longknocker View Post
I Guess I Count My Blessings, Carlos! My Alarm Went Off The Other Day While I Was Playing Golf. My Playing Partner Asked Me If That Was My Alarm. By The Time The Alarm Company Called My Cell & Told Me The Alarm Was Going Off & I Arrived Home, There Were 3 Neighbors & The Police In My Front Yard. I Agree With GG; I'm Going To Help someone In Trouble, No Matter What.
Same thing happened to me twice. Tho I wasn't golfing but my surrounding neighbors and a few down the block were all piled outside my house investigating. Two of which personaly called me to see if I was inside the house and alright. One of which grabbed a bat and circled my house peeking thru the windows until the cops came.

I do the same for them. It's just in some peoples blood and not in others. I'm glad you sticked the neighbor that came out...Never Loose your upbringing because of your surroundings.
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Old 08-18-2010, 01:47 PM   #39
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and God Bless the Sheepdogs....

A few fellas here might understand that.

Proud to be one.
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Old 08-18-2010, 01:49 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Blueface View Post
I can totally see that point.

However, to me, it is no different than convenience store clerks who are held up, v. convenience store clerks that are held up and shot and killed, v. convenience store clerks that fight back and give the thief a good old fashioned ass kicking. It would be best if they just stayed at home as this way, they can limit any risks.

This is a serious present day social issue much more deep rooted than my little alarm incident. It is prevalent today in just about anything. Folks will see an old lady being beaten to death and will walk on by because it is not their problem and they don't want to be hurt also. Folks will hear auto alarms, they will come out eventually after it is all over with to learn their neighbor's car had all wheels and parts removed in the driveway but will dare not worry to see what the alarm sound is about. Folks will see something that should involve them for the sake of their fellow man and just keep on their way, because it is someone else's problem. How many times do you see a convenience store clerk being held up on those shocking video TV shows and folks either stand around watching it or leave the second they have a chance? It is a prevalent "if it doesn't affect me, I am not interested" attitude that is truly sad.

It is a relief to know not everyone feels the same way and some are willing to take risks and choose to be involved rather than look the other way.
Another reason it can be a bad idea is; startling a home invader can possibly get others killed as well as yourself. One should not barge into a situation one is not trained for.
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