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Old 06-25-2010, 10:49 PM   #141
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 View Post
Nice article and video I just read/watched. Pretty cool to see the reactions for around the country.
That was F*ckin awesome!
I'm not antisocial, I just think people are stupid.
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Old 06-26-2010, 01:29 AM   #142
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by TheRiddick View Post
I am not absolutely sure, but you can see those in the stadium watching the screens right after goals. What do the screens show, then, save for ads and the crowd? Interestingly enough, we do not see the screen on TV, either.
Goals are allowed to be shown, fouls etc are not. I know because there was a lot of discussion and the rules were made after the worldcup for club teams in 1995 where my team Ajax beat Gremio and a Gremio player got send off because of a replay on the stadion screens. First (and last) time that ever happened.

Let's say I am wrong on this point, no big deal to me, do you agree with both goals being counted when we can clearly see hand balls on TV screens (on the plays themselves, not just replays) and all 4 officials not seeing both? I was saying "Handball!" to myself, before any replays were played, we're talking old, smallish TV screen here without high resolution.
No doubt about some major **** up's by the refs. But it is a fast game on a large pitch with split second decisions, and those old FIFA farts won't allow replays or technical help. You can't blame the ref for all bad calls.

And in case of Fabiano there is absolutely no doubt the ref has seen the handball as he gleefully discussed it with the player right after, smile and all. Who said bribery of refs is dead (in whatever shape/form it takes place)? Actually, Fabiano played handball twice to his advantage, on same play no less, as I pointed out above.
yeah, that was weird and discussed at the Dutch football talkshows, nobody understands.

Ghana will be a tough game without a FIFA/ref playing favorites, but then again Ghana is the only African team left and something tells me the deck is going to be stacked yet again.

I just hope we get a decent ref tomorrow, for a change. Two in a row is brutal, 3 in a row is a kiss of death. FIFA is obviously stacking the deck against USA so far all the while claiming the sport brings people together? I guess only vodka does that.
On the other hand, the FIFA wants to grow in the US, so they might make up for previous ****ups and pick their side.
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Old 06-26-2010, 07:36 AM   #143
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Go USA! I can't wait for the game to start.
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Old 06-26-2010, 03:04 PM   #144
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

What a shame... Looks like Im rooting for Argentina now.

On the bright side, Ive discovered the joys of watching the games on the Spanish channel. Out of desperation (the streaming signal kept going out) I found the game online in Spanish. Yes, I have no clue what they are saying (sounds mostly like players names to me) but at least I dont have to listen to those irritating ESPN commentators. Those guys irk the chit out of me... doesnt it seem like the are constantly looking for useless banter to jabber on about?

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Old 06-26-2010, 03:08 PM   #145
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?


Ok, USA. You've won me over. I won't run screaming from the room when futbol/soccer comes on now.
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Old 06-26-2010, 03:13 PM   #146
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What a game! Sad we lost, but I am glad US Socer has gained more fans.
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Old 06-26-2010, 03:16 PM   #147
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Regardless of the outcome, the patriotism beats strong in my heart.
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Old 06-26-2010, 03:21 PM   #148
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by MortonMilo View Post
Regardless of the outcome, the patriotism beats strong in my heart.
Watch that video Adam posted, it brought tears of pride to my eyes!

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Old 06-26-2010, 07:10 PM   #149
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by md4958 View Post
What a shame... Looks like Im rooting for Argentina now.

On the bright side, Ive discovered the joys of watching the games on the Spanish channel. Out of desperation (the streaming signal kept going out) I found the game online in Spanish. Yes, I have no clue what they are saying (sounds mostly like players names to me) but at least I dont have to listen to those irritating ESPN commentators. Those guys irk the chit out of me... doesnt it seem like the are constantly looking for useless banter to jabber on about?
I actually think ESPN has done a good job. However, back when I had my bud(big ugly dish) I'd search the skies for backhaul feeds and watch the games in Italian- some great announcers there! I find the endless "gooooal" yell to be a bit old, now, frankly. I don't know about now, but back in the day the Italians didn't even use the term "goal." They said "rete" for "net."
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Old 06-27-2010, 02:32 AM   #150
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by md4958 View Post
What a shame... Looks like Im rooting for Argentina now.
and I thought we were friends Moe, and that you would support The Netherlands now that Italy and the USA are eliminated.

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Old 06-27-2010, 09:00 AM   #151
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Angry Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Rant on...

Three words for the bastids at FIFA...

Either get video or officials who aren't on the take....

Rant off...
Darryl, SOB...
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Old 06-27-2010, 09:45 AM   #152
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Germany finally got pay back for 1966
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Old 06-27-2010, 09:45 AM   #153
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by DMK View Post
Rant on...

Three words for the bastids at FIFA...

Either get video or officials who aren't on the take....

Rant off...

That's hilarious.
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Old 06-27-2010, 10:14 AM   #154
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by DMK View Post
Rant on...

Three words for the bastids at FIFA...

Either get video or officials who aren't on the take....

Rant off...

If you don't like officiating, then turn off the TV... /s
Don, did you see Lampard looking up at TV screen immediately after the "non-goal"? IIRC, USA did score a goal on that (imaginary foul) play and it was shown on stadium TVs as well. Too bad refs refuse to stand up for their errors.

Germany look good, hate to say it, they don't seem to show much, but then have these moments of brilliance and that is what counts in the end. Terry, Lampard and Barry lost the game today, never liked them before and still don't like their lazy attitudes. Where was Terry on all 4 goals? Lampard, at least played, for a change. Barry should have been left at home, have no idea why teams were fighting last year to sign him. Gerrard was playing out of position, he should have played behind Rooney and Joe Cole should have played on the left. Oh well...
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Old 06-27-2010, 10:29 AM   #155
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by pnoon View Post

That's hilarious.
Linesman was in the exact position he should have been, looking for offsides.

England looked like a bunch of 40yr olds. Rooney who?
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Old 06-27-2010, 10:37 AM   #156
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by TheRiddick View Post
Don, did you see Lampard looking up at TV screen immediately after the "non-goal"? IIRC, USA did score a goal on that (imaginary foul) play and it was shown on stadium TVs as well. Too bad refs refuse to stand up for their errors.
No, I wasn't watching the game. But it could be that the footage is shown, maybe FIFA changed the rules for the world cup, all I know is that it's not allowed to show those kind of images (questionable calls, fouls, offside etc) during the games in the national competitions and during the games of the national teams in qualification rounds.
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Old 06-27-2010, 12:12 PM   #157
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I think I hold the same opinion of soccer as Allen Iverson holds of practice if anyone happened to catch that question a few years back. I think I can handle watching worlds strongest man competitions on espn as easily as I can watch soccer.
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Old 06-27-2010, 12:28 PM   #158
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Default Re: Who's ready for the World Cup?

Originally Posted by bobarian View Post
Linesman was in the exact position he should have been, looking for offsides.

England looked like a bunch of 40yr olds. Rooney who?
Bob, I do agree with your remark about 40 year olds, but Rooney?

How can a striker do anything without a ball? England's mids were atrocious though all 4 games. At about 60 minutes mark today Rooney actually had people passing the ball to him and if you replay those few minutes you will see just how quickly he changed the game with his passing the ball to others. When you see a striker play deep into defensive end you know the mids are not doing their job. Unfortunately, he was mostly ignored in all the games and time after time mids passed the ball to anyone else but Rooney, I'll be happy to watch the games with you and point each and every pass AWAY from Rooney even when he was open and in strike position.

Watch United games and see how many times a game he gets the ball, Valencia is usually able to create on the right and get the ball to Rooney, Scoles/Carrick through the middle and Giggs/Evra/Nani (when he is on his game) do from the left. Bottom line, when he has service he scores a lot and on par with any striker around. Too bad Chelsea/ManCity guys have no clue and no pride. Or rather Capello has no clue after seeing prior World Cup and Euros where Lampard/Gerrard/Cole/Terry played same old, same old (as in slow, disinterested and blind). How many goals were Terry's errors this WC? Almost all? Looks like he was spending most of his time looking over his teammates' wives and GFs in the stand to figure out who he is bedding tonight. Do you really think the team has unity now with him around? Yes, I know they insist they do. Right (as they nervously check where their wives and GFs are in proximity to Terry).

Terry finally proved that it is not him cementing the back line for England, it has been Rio all along while Terry took all the credit.

Place blame where its due, Rooney had nothing to do with anything in WC. I'd like to see how much both Barca and Real are ready to pay for this supposed "failure" as so many are ready to paint him.

Anyway, listen to any serious player out there and they will tell you they want Rooney on their team. There is a reason for that.

Blame Cappelo for his team selection and Terry for distrust within the team. Its a good start.
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Old 06-27-2010, 12:42 PM   #159
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I agree that Rooney's service was terrible, but the few times he did get the ball with space his shots were just not up to what he has done for his club. Strange how club and country are so different. I also dont understand Podolski and Klose, they play so well in International play but are non factors in league.
Oh well, let's see if Argentina can hold off Mexico. Argentina/Germany would be a great matchup.
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Old 06-27-2010, 01:00 PM   #160
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Tevez non-goal now.

Why even play, let the refs decide before the game who "wins" and every one head over to the nearest pub...
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