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Old 02-02-2010, 12:46 PM   #261
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Default Re: LOST Notes


 How did the Black Rock get beached so far inland on the island?

 A journal belonging to the Black Rock's first mate found its way to Madagascar after the ship wrecked on the island. How did it get there?

 Tovard Hanso found the Black Rock journal in Madagascar and kept its contents secret for over a century. Is this journal how Alvar Hanso found out about the island, and decided to send the Dharma Initiative there?

 Why did the Hanso family suddenly decide to sell the Black Rock journal (which Charles Widmore purchased at auction) in 1996, after years of keeping it a family secret?

 Richard Alpert constructed a model of a ship in a bottle that looked like the Black Rock. Does he have a connection to the Black Rock? Was he one of its crewmembers?


 Does "the Incident" refer to the electromagnetic pocket being breeched, or the hydrogen bomb being detonated? Or both?

 What happened when Juliet detonated the hydrogen bomb? Did it reset time? Did it destroy the island?

 How did Richard watch Jack, Kate, Hurley, Jin, Sawyer, Juliet, and Miles die? Did he witness the hydrogen bomb explosion?


 What is the purpose of the Temple? What happens there? Is it for worshiping something or someone?

 Who built the Temple, and when?

 Why is the Temple a secret to be kept from outsiders?

 What happened to young Ben when Richard carried him inside the Temple? Why did it cause Ben's memory to be erased and his innocence to be lost?


 Why did the Others wipe out the Dharma Initiative? Relations between the two groups were always tense, but what pushed the Others to take an action as extreme as massacre?


 Does the Dharma Initiative still exist today, off the island?

 Who is the "very clever fellow" working for the Dharma Initiative who figured out how to find the island and built the Lamp Post station?

 Is it mere coincidence that the Dharma Initiative built the Barracks over the place where the Others buried the hydrogen bomb?


 Who made the Dharma food drop?

 How often do the food drops take place?

 The Swan station went into lockdown mode coinciding with the timing of the food drop. Why would the Swan need to be locked down when a food drop was being conducted?

 Locke suggested that the Swan was locked down so that the Dharma workers couldn't see who was dropping the food palette. Is this the reason for the lockdown? If so, why would the source of the food drop want to remain anonymous?

 Was Eko right about the salted circle on the ground above the Pearl station being made a visible target for planes to see? Could the circle be the intended target of the Dharma food drops?
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Old 02-02-2010, 12:56 PM   #262
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Default Re: LOST Notes

 What's causing pregnant women to die on the island?

 Amy Goodspeed was able to carry her baby to full term and deliver successfully, so the problem that present-day Others have with bearing children is something that started after 1977. When did this pregnancy problem start?


 Where is the island's volcano?

 When in the island's past did it erupt?

 Is the volcano now dormant?


 According to psychic Richard Malkin, "danger surrounds" Aaron, and he requires her protection and influence as he grows. Why? What did Malkin see in Claire's reading? What was so dire about Aaron's future that Malkin would go to extreme lengths to arrange for Claire to be on Oceanic 815, to ensure that she alone would raise her son?

 Why was Miles so interested in Claire? Did something about her set off his abilities as a medium? Is Claire dead, having not survived the explosion of her house at the Barracks?

 What's become of Claire? Why did she go with Christian to Jacob's cabin, and leave her baby behind?

 Why didn't Christian want Locke to tell anybody he saw Claire at the cabin? Why does Claire's status need to be kept a secret?

 Why did Claire tell Kate not to bring Aaron back to the island?

 How and when did Richard originally come to the island?

 What did Jacob do to Richard to cause him to stop aging?

 How old is Richard?

 Why was Libby a patient at Santa Rosa Mental Hospital?

 Why did Libby hide the fact that she was at Santa Rosa from Hurley -- and that she remembered him from there? Did she have ulterior motives for her budding relationship with him?

 Was Desmond's chance encounter with Libby really so random? She was awfully trusting and willing to believe in a man she didn't know and give him her husband's boat. Was there more to this meeting than it seems?


 Who is Ilana? What is her history with Jacob?

 What happened to Ilana in the past, that gave her a severe head wound? How did she fully recover? Jacob?

 What did Jacob need Ilana's help with?


 Why does Dr. Chang go by a different name in every Dharma Orientation video?

 Chang selected the site of the Orchid station, based on his knowledge of the pocket of
"unlimited power" beneath the site. How did he know ahead of time where to build
the Orchid?

 Did Chang recognize the wooden wheel buried beneath the Orchid station when he saw it on the sonar? Does he know what it is, and who put it there?

 Is Pierre Chang really dead in the present? Did he die on the island? Did he die in the Purge?


 How is Eloise able to know the future?

 Why was Eloise in a photo on Brother Campbell's desk? How do they know each other?

 What did Eloise mean when she said the island "isn't finished yet" with Desmond?

 Eloise was once the leader of the Others, so why did she leave the island?

 Why does Eloise now live at the church where the Lamp Post station is housed?

 Why would Eloise send her son to the island, knowing that he would die by her own hand? What could be so vitally important to the fate of the island that Eloise would sacrifice her own son to see it done?

 Eloise said to Penny, "For the first time in a long time, I don't know what's going to happen next." If she's able to see the future, why has she suddenly lost that ability?

 If Matthew Abaddon is the reason Locke went to Australia for his walkabout, and Abaddon works for Widmore... does this mean that Widmore knew Oceanic 815 was going to crash on the island, and he arranged for Locke to be on it?

 The Oceanic Airlines employees take orders from Widmore. Does he own Oceanic?

 Charles Widmore knew of Paik Industries and even mentioned that he played golf regularly with Sun's father. Are these two powerful men merely business associates, or do they share a deeper connection (such as an interest in the island, perhaps)?


 Who is responsible for Nadia's death? Widmore? Ben? Was it just a random crime?

 Who was the man stationed outside of Santa Rosa Mental Institute, watching Hurley? Who did he work for?

 Who were the men waiting at Sayid's hotel room, intent on killing him and Hurley? Who did they work for?

 How is Walt "different "? What's the extent of his abilities?

 What became of Ben's childhood friend Annie? Was she killed during the Purge, or had she left the island by then?

 Harper insinuated that Juliet was favored by Ben because she "looked just like her." Which "her" was Harper referring to? Ben's mother? His childhood friend Annie?

 If Frank Lapidus was originally supposed to be the pilot of Oceanic 815, why was he replaced by Seth Norris?
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Old 02-03-2010, 04:58 AM   #263
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That was Awesome
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Old 02-03-2010, 05:20 AM   #264
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Default Re: LOST Notes

I'll be honest, I wasn't real thrilled with last seasons writing, and with the exception of a couple instances last night, the jury is still out on this season
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Old 02-03-2010, 05:26 AM   #265
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Default Re: LOST Notes

I thought it was pretty good. I didn't realize it was a two hour episode until the first hour was over. I was going to be very disappointed if the first hour had stood alone, but I liked where the second hour went.

So do you think Jacob is in Sayid now?
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Old 02-03-2010, 06:46 AM   #266
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Default Re: LOST Notes

I delayed my trip to Switzerland to see last night's episode on time. It was worth it too. So many questions. Just love Lost. Everyone is so striking looking.
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Old 02-03-2010, 09:30 AM   #267
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Default Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by BigCat View Post

So do you think Jacob is in Sayid now?
Great question...Was it me or did Sayid have an accent when he spoke to Jack?

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol View Post
I delayed my trip to Switzerland to see last night's episode on time. It was worth it too. So many questions. Just love Lost. Everyone is so striking looking.

I actually am sad to see Juliet gone.
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Old 02-03-2010, 11:13 AM   #268
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I have last nights episode recorded at home... so nobody give away big plot points yet!!!

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Old 02-03-2010, 11:19 AM   #269
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Default Re: LOST Notes

Well it looks like we can check off a few questions on that list I posted.
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Old 02-03-2010, 12:18 PM   #270
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Default Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by Mugen910 View Post
Well it looks like we can check off a few questions on that list I posted.
Are you going to update the list with all the new questions after last nights episode? Good lord, that was painful.
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Old 02-03-2010, 12:28 PM   #271
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Default Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by rack04 View Post
Are you going to update the list with all the new questions after last nights episode? Good lord, that was painful.
No....gawd it was difficult enough to copy and paste it all over..
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Old 02-03-2010, 06:42 PM   #272
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Originally Posted by Mugen910 View Post
I actually am sad to see Juliet gone.
I'm not. I liked the Juliette character at first, but she just became so stagnant and 2-dimensional. I'm glad to see that the actress can express more than two emotions now that she's in V.
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Old 02-03-2010, 06:47 PM   #273
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Originally Posted by BigCat View Post
So do you think Jacob is in Sayid now?
I do not think so. I think that Sayid is being set up to become a savior, and possibly to be some sort of envoy or vessel for Jacob's rebirth. At the moment, he's still Sayid.
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Old 02-03-2010, 11:05 PM   #274
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Default Re: LOST Notes

I hate this show, but I love it at the same time. Drives me crazy every time I watch it.

I just hope that all the questions are finally answered about the island, and pretty much the entire show in general. None of this, Sopranos ending sh*t.
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Old 02-04-2010, 03:46 AM   #275
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Default Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by Goldie View Post
I hate this show, but I love it at the same time. Drives me crazy every time I watch it.

I just hope that all the questions are finally answered about the island, and pretty much the entire show in general. None of this, Sopranos ending sh*t.
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Old 02-04-2010, 09:52 AM   #276
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Default Re: LOST Notes

Final season Episode 1

As always MY FRIEND collects info from interviews, blogs, message boards and conversations with other LOSTiacs.

1. I think I need to manage my expectations for this season. I thought that we would get all unanswered questions answered last night and then sail through the rest of the season on character development. Leave it to LOST to create a thousand more questions!

2. Items to ponder from the producers:

"...These little clues [might help you] extrapolate when the Island may have sunk. Start to think about it. A couple of episodes down the road, some of the characters might even discuss it. We will say this: season 6 is not about time travel. It's about the implications, the aftermath, and the causality of trying to change the past. But the idea of continuing to do paradoxical storytelling is not what we're interested in this year."

Flash-sideways... "When our characters posited the "What if?" scenario, they neglected to think about what the other effects of potentially changing time might be and we're embracing those things." Lindelof (producer) then explains the show has replaced the trademark "whoosh!" sound effect marking the segue between Island present story and flashbacks or flash-forwards, thus calling conspicuous attention to the relationship between the Island world and the Sideways world.
3. The Oceanic 815 flight:

* Desmond is on the plane! The book he was reading is Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie. It's a story, set in a city so old and ruinous that it has forgotten its name, about a father who loses his ability to tell stories after his son questions what the point of fictional stories is. Then, the son embarks on a fantastic adventure concerning someone who wants to destroy the ocean using machines powered by electromagnetic induction. The boy returns home to tell his father of his amazing adventure and restores his father's faith in stories.

Desmond, season 2, "SEE YOU IN ANOTHER LIFE BROTHER"... yes you will!

* Jack ... on the original flight 815 Cindy had given him 2 bottles of liquor. Maybe she knows Jack won't be needing the other one to disinfect his side wound this time around...
* This time Rose was calm and Jack was nervous... opposite of last time.
* Hurley... no longer cursed.
* Sawyer... still a con man? Too soon to tell.
* Charlie... Examine Charlie's many deaths a little more closely, and they all have one thing in common: not breathing. Desmond saw him drown (once in a dream, once in reality), Ethan hangs him to asphyxiation, and we see a vision in which he gets shot in the throat with an arrow. Now, in this episode, Charlie's choking on a big bag of heroin. Whatever happened to kill Charlie must apparently happen again and again, in the same basic way, no matter where, when or what universe he happens to be in.
* Kate... Kate stole Jack's pen! Jack didn't have a pen in the "Pilot, Part 1" episode. Remember? Boone was trying to do CPR on Rose, Jack comes over to help her and sends Boone off to get a pen. He comes back with a bunch of different pens.
* Some original 815ers were not on the plane this time (Shannon, Michael, Walt). Frogurt (still an a-hole), Artz...
* From the producers... The temptation will be to dismiss the sideways story as ''What if...?'', but we should trust that we're being shown this story for a reason, and so we should take the leap of investing in its reality.
* Jack's nicked neck was similar to the moment when Jack excused himself to the jungle in the pilot episode to patch up the ugly gash on his side. One wonders if the entire season 6 sideways story line will model the general thematic thrust of the castaway story, but with different incidents and events - a gritty, more down-to-earth version of the mythic, larger-than-life Island epic, like how Dorothy's adventure in Oz was a fantastical extrapolation of her life in Kansas.

4. The Island:

* Everyone on the island is now in 2007. The plane we saw in tonight's episode is travelling in 2004. We know that it is 2007 for everyone on the island because when the guy at the temple shoots the flare Richard sees it (and he is still in the same place we saw him at the end of Season 5....on the beach with everyone 2007).
* Juliet "it worked"... what does she know at death that we do not? She said "let's get coffee"... was her conscious travelling to the alternate reality where she and Sawyer meet in the outside world? Wherever Juliet now "is", she's totally aware of the reset.
* The group at the hatch said that they were back at the hatch after Desmond blew it up. If you recall back from season 2, when they destroyed the Swan hatch equipment, time ran out, and everything metallic in the hatch was pulled to that spot, then Desmond inserted the fail safe key, and blew it up to stop it. It's as though Jughead never exploded when Juliette hit it with a rock....
* Theory: Are we going to see the 2004 real world people back on a plane again sometime soon? Jack will need to go back to Australia to find his father's coffin, Locke will have to go back and find his knives, Kate may have to go back for some reason, Claire gave up her baby in LA and will be on her way back to Australia, Charlie will be deported back to Australia, Hurley will have to go check on his Chicken Shack business etc...etc...etc... Maybe that is how they will catch up to where they are now on the island??? I don't know.
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Old 02-04-2010, 09:53 AM   #277
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5. The Temple:

* Hurley picked up a book in the Temple tunnel by Søren Kierkegaard titled Fear and Trembling. This book challenges true believers to embrace the absurdity of faith. The book takes its title from a Bible quote, "Try to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." Kierkegaard wrote the book under a pseudonym: Johannes de silentio - John The Silent.
* The guitar case... it's an ankh. We've seen it before... the statue holds one and Horace's wife had one which belonged to Paul. The symbol means eternal life. Jacob's lists have always been critical to LOST's story. Some theorize that the people listed by Jacob are the ones integral to the end game - without every single one of them, Jacob's final ending cannot be realized.
* We were told that the Dharma Initiative built the sonic fence to keep Smokey out, so we assumed he was on the side of the Hostiles/ Others. That does not seem to be the case, now. Why did Smokey become their enemy? What happened?
* Sayid coming back to life... we've always been told on this show that DEAD IS DEAD. So... ???

6. The Statue:

* Bram was impaled. The guy with the Dracula writer's name got a vampire death.
* Maybe now that Jacob is dead Richard will start aging? Flocke (fake Locke) says to Richard "Nice to you see you out of chains"... was Richard a slave on the Black Rock or was Flocke referring to Jacob's authority over Richard? Probably both.
* Ashes... from the episode "The Man Behind the Curtain" were the ashes around Jacob's cabin to protect Jacob who was allegedly inside or keep Flocke/ Smokey inside as a prisoner? Perhaps when the man inside the cabin said "Help Me" to Real Locke, he was manipulating Locke to help him escape. The first of the man times he uses Locke.

7. Remember when:

* When dripping wet, backwards talking Walt appeared in the jungle... does that now seem to suggest that he was coming from an alternative time line... The Sunken Island time line... to give the warning?
* So, season 2, after Walt is taken and Sawyer is shot, Sawyer's in the hatch with a fever. He says in his sleep "I loved her." Later, he grabs Kate and says "Why'd you kill me?" Perhaps he is speaking from a different time line that coincided with that one? Maybe when he said "I loved her" he was speaking of Juliet, and when he asked "why'd you kill me?" he was thinking of how Kate kills him... in the alternate reality we are now seeing in 2004???
* Richard told Sun that he saw the 1977 Losties all die? Will that ever be further explained or did he just see one of the realities in this whole mess?

8. A theory:

* From Doc Jensen, I believe. I thought this was interesting "The Island: the original and purest expression of the God idea, of God power. These ruins? The remains of those zealots who've attempted to claim, name, and tame this place over the centuries - those people the Man In Black spoke of last year: ''They come. They fight. They destroy. They corrupt. It always ends the same.''"
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Old 02-04-2010, 12:31 PM   #278
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Originally Posted by Goldie View Post
None of this, Sopranos ending sh*t.
Back in the beginning of the show (somewhere between the beginning of Season 1 and the end of Season 2, I forget when exactly), the producers promised not to cop out or do cheesy $h*t like that. So far (although they have warped reality in interesting ways), they have kept to their word
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Old 02-04-2010, 02:28 PM   #279
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The writers have a ton of questions to answer, hopefully they start doing that soon and don't try to cram it into the last couple of episodes.

So I wonder what the letter in the guitar case really said. Did it say to kill Sayid so Jacob could take over his body to get revenge? If so, how did Jacob know he would die when he gave the guitar case to Hurley?

I love this show!!
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Old 02-04-2010, 03:51 PM   #280
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Originally Posted by white_s2k View Post
So I wonder what the letter in the guitar case really said. Did it say to kill Sayid so Jacob could take over his body to get revenge?
No way. The Others in the temple were legitimately surprised when Hurley told them that Jacob was dead. If the letter said anything about Jacob's death or return, they would have had that reaction (the scramble to get the defenses up) immediately.

It stands to reason that they did not intend to kill Sayid. They warned Jack that there would be risks in doing this, since the spring water was no longer clear (and, apparently, did not immediately heal the cut on the Japanese man's hand). They did what they were supposed to do and it did not work immediately. I'd like to believe that the spring water had enough power to heal Sayid but not enough to do it quickly; and so, the water kept Sayid's brain alive while it healed the rest of his body. His outward signs of life were gone, but he wasn't quite dead yet. Then again, what was the Japanese man sensing when he put his hand over Sayid's face and passed it down over his chest? And, did Miles sense that Sayid was or was not dead?

I'm looking forward to an awesome season
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