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Old 11-05-2009, 12:49 AM   #1
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Default Peeking down the pipe slope, about to jump.

I couldn't decide if I wanted to throw a couple of questions at the "New Pipe Smoker With A Question?" thread, or start my own, but I figured since I had never popped my head in this corner of the forum I might as well say hi first.

Soo... Hi

Since I haven't bought any new cigars in months due mostly to my cigar budget being cut back, er.. obliterated, I thought I'd check into the pipe side of the house to see if it was any less expensive, and unless I'm mistaken, it looks like it *can* be if I can withstand the slopeage. I've read through most the posts here, and quite a number of the links that were given out for other newbies, and I think I've got the general gist of things, but I do have a few questions.

1) Can somebody please give me a ballpark guestimate how many bowls I could expect to get out of 1oz of pipe tobacco, in a generic (legend?) sized cob pipe?

2) Are cob pipes standard enough I should be able to find a local b&m that carries them? It seems silly to get them online when they cost as much as the shipping does.

3) In your opinion, is it worth the investment to get a pipe lighter when starting out, or should I wait to make sure I enjoy the hobby first? (will matches or a bic suffice while I'm learning the ropes?)

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Old 11-05-2009, 01:27 AM   #2
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Default Re: Peeking down the pipe slope, about to jump.

Oh no. Another slope to fall down!

I'm no expert, but I am on the same slope as you. I can't really answer #1 for you, it depends on the bowl size of the pipe and such. But one ounce will typically last you a good while.

For #2, if you want to get a pipe you could always go to Timber Valley Tobacco or Paul's (both in Beaverton). I've gotten corn cob pipes/baccy from them before. Most of it all bulk, but they might have a tin or two of stuff from time to time.

As for #3, there's different methods for packing a pipe. If you're using a corn cob, I imagine scorching the rim won't be much of an issue and using the butane torch you do have (to light cigars) would suffice. A soft-flame lighter would be very nice for when you do get a non-cob pipe.

You'll also need a pipe tool, some pipe cleaners, and other stuff. When I bought the cob pipe and baccy from Timber Valley, they threw in the pipe cleaners. I imagine Paul's might be the same.
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Old 11-05-2009, 03:34 AM   #3
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Default Re: Peeking down the pipe slope, about to jump.

#1 depends on how often you'll be smoking. Maybe up to a week. Tobacco is the cheap part. 30 bucks is an average price for a pound of baccy.

#2 Any corn cob is good.

#3 first starting off any lighter works. I prefer using a butane lighter for my regular pipes. If you do it right there is no worry about burning the pipe.
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Old 11-05-2009, 03:41 PM   #4
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Default Re: Peeking down the pipe slope, about to jump.

Originally Posted by jquirit View Post
For #2, if you want to get a pipe you could always go to Timber Valley Tobacco or Paul's (both in Beaverton). I've gotten corn cob pipes/baccy from them before...
Perfect, thanks!

For one reason or another I've never been in that shop before, so it's about time to make a trip there anyway.
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Old 11-05-2009, 06:58 PM   #5
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Default Re: Peeking down the pipe slope, about to jump.

Now, the only problem is I don't think the Shilo will allow us to smoke pipes in there. Not exactly too sure about the laws here in Oregon, but I do suspect it might not be allowed since they don't sell pipe tobacco.

Also, if you're looking for tins and really custom-blended bulk you could head downtown to Rich's and peruse their selection. They also have a healthy selection of briar pipes. A bit on the more expensive side compared to online, but will do in a pinch.
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Old 11-05-2009, 08:09 PM   #6
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Default Re: Peeking down the pipe slope, about to jump.

I average about 10 pipefuls per ounce for a cost of around 31 cents per bowl. So if you can stay disciplined (good luck) it is much cheaper than cigars. Make sure you're getting Missouri Meerschaum cobs and not Chinese knock-offs and see if you can pick up a tobacco sampler to find out what you like. Other than that you're good to go.
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Old 11-05-2009, 08:59 PM   #7
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Default Re: Peeking down the pipe slope, about to jump.

Originally Posted by jquirit View Post
Now, the only problem is I don't think the Shilo will allow us to smoke pipes in there. Not exactly too sure about the laws here in Oregon, but I do suspect it might not be allowed since they don't sell pipe tobacco.
I was wondering about that myself, and I suspect you're right... Guess the pipe stays at home and maybe pulled out for patio herfs. Thanks again for the tip about Timber Valley, I stopped by this afternoon on the way home from work, and left with a Missouri Meerschaum cob, czech tool, pipe cleaners, and 2 different 1oz pouches of their blends all for under $8 .

Originally Posted by mugwump View Post
I average about 10 pipefuls per ounce for a cost of around 31 cents per bowl. So if you can stay disciplined (good luck) it is much cheaper than cigars. Make sure you're getting Missouri Meerschaum cobs and not Chinese knock-offs and see if you can pick up a tobacco sampler to find out what you like. Other than that you're good to go.
Thanks for the info! I think I'll place an order soon with pipesandcigars to peice together my own sampler based on some suggestions I've seen others get around here. I didn't notice a sampler at the place I went today, but she did take pity on my newb self and give me the two 1oz "samples" of my picking for free
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Old 11-06-2009, 09:45 AM   #8
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Default Re: Peeking down the pipe slope, about to jump.

Originally Posted by -MG- View Post
Since I haven't bought any new cigars in months due mostly to my cigar budget being cut back, er.. obliterated, I thought I'd check into the pipe side of the house to see if it was any less expensive, and unless I'm mistaken, it looks like it *can* be if I can withstand the slopeage.
Curly Cut - yes, it easily *can* be, depending on a few things. how much did you use to spend on cigars; how much are you looking to spend on pipes/tobacco?

1) Can somebody please give me a ballpark guestimate how many bowls I could expect to get out of 1oz of pipe tobacco, in a generic (legend?) sized cob pipe?
Curly Cut - in a cob?? i'd say 15-20 smokes. most cobs are about half the size, or smaller, of a regular sized briar pipe. if a 2 oz tin can get your 15-20 smokes, then a cob that's half the size should get the same amount of smokes from half the tobacco.

2) Are cob pipes standard enough I should be able to find a local b&m that carries them? It seems silly to get them online when they cost as much as the shipping does.
Curly Cut - eh, you should be able to, but not 100% on it. you can still find cobs at some department stores like Wal-Mart, even a place like Walgreens or CVS carries them.
i would buy them locally as well, then you get to eyeball them and not pay for shipping. you should be able to snag 2 of 'em for $10 or so, if not cheaper.

3) In your opinion, is it worth the investment to get a pipe lighter when starting out, or should I wait to make sure I enjoy the hobby first? (will matches or a bic suffice while I'm learning the ropes?)
Curly Cut - matches/bic will suffice, no need to spend $$ on a zippo or $100 on an Old Boy.

reply in the quote.
the key will be the tobacco you choose to smoke on whether or not you enjoy it (and if you get a decent cob).
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Old 11-06-2009, 11:33 AM   #9
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Default Re: Peeking down the pipe slope, about to jump.

Originally Posted by -MG- View Post
I was wondering about that myself, and I suspect you're right... Guess the pipe stays at home and maybe pulled out for patio herfs. Thanks again for the tip about Timber Valley, I stopped by this afternoon on the way home from work, and left with a Missouri Meerschaum cob, czech tool, pipe cleaners, and 2 different 1oz pouches of their blends all for under $8 .
I suspect, the only way to find out is for you and I to bring our pipes to the Shilo and see what they do.

Being unemployed has really put a crimp into my cigar smoking, so I've returned back to pipes again. Forgot how "tweaked" my pallet is from smoking cigars.
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Old 11-06-2009, 01:13 PM   #10
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Default Re: Peeking down the pipe slope, about to jump.

Jump in on the NST. Get a good chunk of blends. I think slow t is on there still so you may get pulverized by VA/Pers lol
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Old 11-06-2009, 01:19 PM   #11
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Default Re: Peeking down the pipe slope, about to jump.

Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post
Jump in on the NST. Get a good chunk of blends. I think slow t is on there still so you may get pulverized by VA/Pers lol
And you act as if that's a Bad Thing (tm).
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Old 11-06-2009, 01:23 PM   #12
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Default Re: Peeking down the pipe slope, about to jump.

Didn't say it was a bad thing. Just sayin'
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