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Old 05-06-2009, 05:01 AM   #21
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Default Re: Airport Security At It's Best

You expect more from people that barely require a GED to inspect our luggage?

Always carry ANYTHING of importance in your carry-on luggage. Period.
If I could carry my golf clubs with me I would. Heck, if I could carry all my clothes instead of putting it under the plane I would.
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Old 05-06-2009, 05:57 AM   #22
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Default Re: Airport Security At It's Best

How timely a post. I checked both my travel humi and another small humi in my baggage and it would appear the cc's were rifled through. Don't know if any disappeared, but it's carry-on from here on out for me.
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Old 05-06-2009, 06:02 AM   #23
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Default Re: Airport Security At It's Best

Originally Posted by skibumdc View Post
You expect more from people that barely require a GED to inspect our luggage?
Don't need a High School or College diploma to have morals. Hell, look at some of the CEOs of companies. There are plenty of jobs which "barely require a GED" that people do very honestly and work hard for.
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Old 05-06-2009, 06:51 AM   #24
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Default Re: Airport Security At It's Best

Originally Posted by 68TriShield View Post
A word of advice,carry on only.Don't worry about where the cigars are from.
Carry on only.
Sage words. You have to plan a little in advance as far as logistics with your other travel paraphernalia, but I go under the assumption that either a power tripping TSA theif or a garden variety thug will always have access to every part of my luggage.
I had a prototype Evertorch in my checked luggage a couple years ago, in a ziploc, and not only did they pull it out, but they took apart every screw on it, and tossed it loose back in the luggage. Trying to find a 1/8" long screw in your luggage when you unpack it is annoying enough, not knowing if you already sent it flying with a pair of jeans when you unpacked it, but at least they didn't abscond with it altogether.
I try to travel as light as I can, but I would rather wrestle with a slightly larger carry-on than put anything with the luggage monkeys. The saddest part is that the guy who stole your lusi probably thought it was a great size to make a party blunt out of... tried, and the wrapper exploded on him and he ended up round filing it.
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Old 05-06-2009, 07:02 AM   #25
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Default Re: Airport Security At It's Best

My advice. File a complaint. Don't bother with filing a claim. Waste of time. Tort claims against the US Government have to prove the value of the item damaged, missing is greater than $15 AND the US Government was responsible beyond a reasonable doubt. If you want to do the most with your complaint, write one and mail it to the Secretary of Homeland Security and the TSA Administrator.
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Old 05-06-2009, 07:04 AM   #26
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Default Re: Airport Security At It's Best

On my last flight from LA, I had my laptop 'inspected' and they broke the latch, obviously slamming it shut and it bent. I've also had cases of shampoo, etc. not being reclosed and ending up all over stuff. We specifically put everything like that inside zip locks just in case of spills, so I know it wasn't accidental.

I detest flying these days - it used to be somewhat fun. I'm a photographer, so I carry-on everything I can, but some things just have to get packed and I hate taking the risks. I do FedEX when I have the opportunity.
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Old 05-06-2009, 07:07 AM   #27
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Had a couple issues with flying, first was flying back from Germany rode several airlines so I'm not sure which one's took it ,but I purchased a cameo over in Italy and forgot to take it off my wrap so I placed it in my luggage and yep, once I got back to the states and unpacked it was missing.
Next, was flying to Cali and nothing was stolen or anything just lost for a whole day, of course it was the only bag I brought with me with all my clothes.
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Old 05-06-2009, 07:13 AM   #28
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Default Re: Airport Security At It's Best

That would irritate me to no end. I would definitely carry through with a complaint.

Personally, the only things I check are clothing and my shaving kit. Anything I take having any value to me in the least, I carry on. No exceptions.

Theft and corruption has always been a part of travel to certain foreign countries. I've always figured that into the equation when traveling internationally. Sadly, we now have the same caliber of people "keeping us safe" here at home via the TSA. Pretty sad.
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Old 05-06-2009, 07:17 AM   #29
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Default Re: Airport Security At It's Best

I get searched at LAX pretty regularly, and one time I nearly lost it.
Leaving the US from LAX, I was pulled aside while I was in freaking line to check in. They had a table set up right around the check in, where they searched every bit of my luggage. My toiletries, my underwear, gifts for friends, everything all inspected and held up for all to see. Bastards. Thankfully I didn't have anything odd in there.

A year later arriving back to LAX from Asia, I had to catch a separate domestic flight, and while I am waiting to check in, I got pulled aside and told that my bag would be going through the machine. I'm thinking, "Sweet, at least they aren't pulling that other **** again!" I stand there while security grabs my bag roughly and I approach him and say, "Yo, take it easy on my bag please." He rolls his eyes, turns and throws my bag down on the conveyor belt to the scanning machine. At that point I'm livid, and I have security telling me to carry on and go to my gate. I go outside to have a quick smoke, and see the bastard throw my bag one last time for good measure on the checked baggage conveyor belt.

****er broke a gift I received from my boss, a wooden statue.
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Old 05-06-2009, 08:15 AM   #30
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Default Re: Airport Security At It's Best

Originally Posted by sodomanaz View Post
I get searched at LAX pretty regularly, and one time I nearly lost it.
Leaving the US from LAX, I was pulled aside while I was in freaking line to check in. They had a table set up right around the check in, where they searched every bit of my luggage. My toiletries, my underwear, gifts for friends, everything all inspected and held up for all to see. Bastards. Thankfully I didn't have anything odd in there.

A year later arriving back to LAX from Asia, I had to catch a separate domestic flight, and while I am waiting to check in, I got pulled aside and told that my bag would be going through the machine. I'm thinking, "Sweet, at least they aren't pulling that other **** again!" I stand there while security grabs my bag roughly and I approach him and say, "Yo, take it easy on my bag please." He rolls his eyes, turns and throws my bag down on the conveyor belt to the scanning machine. At that point I'm livid, and I have security telling me to carry on and go to my gate. I go outside to have a quick smoke, and see the bastard throw my bag one last time for good measure on the checked baggage conveyor belt.

****er broke a gift I received from my boss, a wooden statue.
Sorry to hear about your bad travel experiences. I always say- if you hate your job so much that you destroy others belongings, you need to find another job or get educated and move on.
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Old 05-06-2009, 08:45 AM   #31
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Default Re: Airport Security At It's Best

Originally Posted by Mugen910 View Post
Sorry to hear Hal...I always carry my sticks on with me. It saves me the hassle of wanted to kill a TSA worker.
Me too brother.
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Old 05-06-2009, 09:17 AM   #32
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Default Re: Airport Security At It's Best

Originally Posted by HK3- View Post
My carry on was already loaded up and I couldn't pack them in there.
You have got to get your priorities straight!!!

Sorry to hear of the bad luck.

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Old 05-06-2009, 11:04 AM   #33
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damn security
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Old 05-06-2009, 11:20 AM   #34
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Default Re: Airport Security At It's Best

i think i'm driving everywhere from here on out.
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Old 05-06-2009, 11:39 AM   #35
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Default Re: Airport Security At It's Best

Wow! I'm flying to Vegas to attend the ELVIS herf in a few weeks. Now I'm trying to decide - do I carry on my sticks, or FedEx them to Vegas.

I'm glad that I stopped and read this thread - I haven't flown anywhere since I "retired" in March of 2001!

Sorry for all the problems some of you guys experienced. I fully expect to get the "Full Monty" when I go through security, here in Detroit!

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Old 05-06-2009, 12:47 PM   #36
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Default Re: Airport Security At It's Best

That sucks....I was annoyed the other week coming back from Mexico (with swine flu ) that my Xikar Xi3 cutter was flagged through security in my carryon (what kind of harm can I do with that thing??) and I had to check it in.
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Old 05-06-2009, 01:24 PM   #37
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Default Re: Airport Security At It's Best

Originally Posted by mrreindeer View Post
That sucks....I was annoyed the other week coming back from Mexico (with swine flu ) that my Xikar Xi3 cutter was flagged through security in my carryon (what kind of harm can I do with that thing??) and I had to check it in.
I thought according to TSA that cutters were now allowed on flights in a carry on. Nice to see they don't even follow their own rules.

Sorry to hear about your bad situation Hal. It could have been worse I suppose.
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Old 05-06-2009, 01:33 PM   #38
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Default Re: Airport Security At It's Best

can you carry them with you? or is considered something you vould take over a flight with? and how about traveling with cc's? i was going to pack mine in luggage for trip to massholia next month but now i'm not so sure.
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Old 05-06-2009, 02:13 PM   #39
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Default Re: Airport Security At It's Best

Originally Posted by DPD6030 View Post
I thought according to TSA that cutters were now allowed on flights in a carry on. Nice to see they don't even follow their own rules.
Yeah, I know....this was Mexico, so who knows what their rules are but you'd think they'd follow our rules...

There are so many variances that I don't think should be there...different airports follow different rules. Some places make you take your ziploc bag of liquids out of your carry-ons, some don't. Makes me question how safe (or not) the TSA is making flying these days.
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Old 05-06-2009, 02:16 PM   #40
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Default Re: Airport Security At It's Best

Originally Posted by mrreindeer View Post
Yeah, I know....this was Mexico, so who knows what their rules are but you'd think they'd follow our rules...

There are so many variances that I don't think should be there...different airports follow different rules. Some places make you take your ziploc bag of liquids out of your carry-ons, some don't. Makes me question how safe (or not) the TSA is making flying these days.
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