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Old 04-15-2016, 04:00 PM   #181
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Here is the Mega Arms AR10 .308 complete upper I just picked up
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Old 04-15-2016, 04:01 PM   #182
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Old 04-15-2016, 04:01 PM   #183
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Old 04-15-2016, 04:05 PM   #184
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Nice, Mike! Robared or cerakoted?
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Old 04-15-2016, 04:36 PM   #185
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Old 04-18-2016, 03:09 PM   #186
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Very Nice Mike.
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Old 04-25-2016, 04:20 PM   #187
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Been building up the gun fund by selling off magazines and other accessories from firearms long gone and not missed. Spent some of it on a S&W Shield 9mm this weekend.

It's as tall and almost as long as my M&P 9c, just a bunch skinnier and lighter when loaded. The trigger on this Shield has a slight rough spot, but some use will take care of that. Seems to have less over travel than my other M&Ps.

I put a Pierce base plate extender on the 7 round mag so that my pinky has something to grab, that helped in draws, handling, and shooting.

It hits just a tad high past 10 yards or so, not really a problem.

I see why my friends like theirs.
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Old 04-25-2016, 04:32 PM   #188
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Originally Posted by Brian D. View Post
Been building up the gun fund by selling off magazines and other accessories from firearms long gone and not missed. Spent some of it on a S&W Shield 9mm this weekend.

It's as tall and almost as long as my M&P 9c, just a bunch skinnier and lighter when loaded. The trigger on this Shield has a slight rough spot, but some use will take care of that. Seems to have less over travel than my other M&Ps.

I put a Pierce base plate extender on the 7 round mag so that my pinky has something to grab, that helped in draws, handling, and shooting.

It hits just a tad high past 10 yards or so, not really a problem.

I see why my friends like theirs.
Congrats! Love my shield
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Old 04-25-2016, 06:41 PM   #189
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I have been thinking about a pocket gun for some time, but the choices are overwhelming. Every time I think I have settled on one, I stumble across something else. I can't really decide between .380 and 9mm (like the firepower of the 9mm, but I think the .380 would handle better). I was kinda fixed on a Ruger until I went shooting on Saturday and one of the guys had a Kahr CT380. Nice pistol with a great trigger.
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Old 04-25-2016, 07:10 PM   #190
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I have a .380 bodyguard for a pocket gun, 9mm shield and a .45 compact for IWB carry and a full size 9mm.
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Old 04-25-2016, 07:23 PM   #191
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I love the Shield 40 I bought as well. Haven't fired it a lot yet. I have a Desantis Superfly holster and a cheap ARC appendix holster for it. I have taken to carrying it appendix as a backup to the 1911. Nothing better than carrying a gun, except carrying two guns. LOL
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Old 04-26-2016, 09:51 AM   #192
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Originally Posted by G G View Post
I love the Shield 40 I bought as well. Haven't fired it a lot yet. I have a Desantis Superfly holster and a cheap ARC appendix holster for it. I have taken to carrying it appendix as a backup to the 1911. Nothing better than carrying a gun, except carrying two guns. LOL
Absolutely love my Shield 40... it is my EDC. I also have a M&P Bodyguard 380 that disappears in a pocket holster. Great for deep conceal.
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Old 04-26-2016, 11:40 AM   #193
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Originally Posted by Preacher View Post
I have been thinking about a pocket gun for some time, but the choices are overwhelming. Every time I think I have settled on one, I stumble across something else. I can't really decide between .380 and 9mm (like the firepower of the 9mm, but I think the .380 would handle better). I was kinda fixed on a Ruger until I went shooting on Saturday and one of the guys had a Kahr CT380. Nice pistol with a great trigger.
I picked up a P3AT for use as a pocket gun. While I prefer IWB for carry, if I want something small to shove in my pocket, the little 380 is hard to beat. And there are plenty out there to try and choose from. The P3ATs don't get a lot of love, but mine has never failed to go bang when I pull the trigger.
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Old 04-28-2016, 06:15 AM   #194
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I have, and love, a Kahr CM9. Took several people shooting with it and they like it a lot and got the same thing. It is my pocket carry and because of that it's the one I carry the most. I also have the M&P 9c and that's not carried much just because I like the pocket style. I think both are great guns. Suggest going to Youtube and looking up Hickock45 who does gun reviews/demonstrations. He has one on the CM9. I personally would never buy the PM9, it's higher end brother, just because the differences are not worth the extra in my opinion. A CM9 can be had for $350. Good luck.
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Old 04-28-2016, 11:41 AM   #195
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It's no surprise to me that there is such a divergence of opinion when it comes to "pocket carry" sized guns. Wasn't that long ago, the choices were .380/.38 special or smaller, caliber wise.

As long as I've been around firearms, I'm still willing to try new things when they come along, the learning never stops, and permanently settling on something is short-sighted, no wordplay intended.

For ME, even these little guns need a decent set of sights, but I'll leave my reasons out of this so as not to be a windbag. Point being, that takes certain offerings off the table for my use.

I would ask that those of you haven't experimented with carrying a fuller size gun at least keep an open mind, and try a few of them out too. Holsters and belts are better suited to this than not that many years back, it's way more do-able now.
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Old 04-28-2016, 02:39 PM   #196
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Originally Posted by Brian D. View Post
It's no surprise to me that there is such a divergence of opinion when it comes to "pocket carry" sized guns. Wasn't that long ago, the choices were .380/.38 special or smaller, caliber wise.

As long as I've been around firearms, I'm still willing to try new things when they come along, the learning never stops, and permanently settling on something is short-sighted, no wordplay intended.

For ME, even these little guns need a decent set of sights, but I'll leave my reasons out of this so as not to be a windbag. Point being, that takes certain offerings off the table for my use.

I would ask that those of you haven't experimented with carrying a fuller size gun at least keep an open mind, and try a few of them out too. Holsters and belts are better suited to this than not that many years back, it's way more do-able now.
I agree Brian. I did buy a nice belt specifically for carry and several really quality holsters and I have/will carry the larger guns. And, I do shoot better at longer distances no doubt. I tend to default more often to my pocket gun when wearing shorts/sweats.
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Old 04-29-2016, 02:28 AM   #197
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Picked this one up Tuesday. Not a bad looking 1911.

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Old 04-29-2016, 07:32 AM   #198
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Originally Posted by Brian D. View Post
It's no surprise to me that there is such a divergence of opinion when it comes to "pocket carry" sized guns. Wasn't that long ago, the choices were .380/.38 special or smaller, caliber wise.

As long as I've been around firearms, I'm still willing to try new things when they come along, the learning never stops, and permanently settling on something is short-sighted, no wordplay intended.

For ME, even these little guns need a decent set of sights, but I'll leave my reasons out of this so as not to be a windbag. Point being, that takes certain offerings off the table for my use.

I would ask that those of you haven't experimented with carrying a fuller size gun at least keep an open mind, and try a few of them out too. Holsters and belts are better suited to this than not that many years back, it's way more do-able now.
Originally Posted by Stevez View Post
I agree Brian. I did buy a nice belt specifically for carry and several really quality holsters and I have/will carry the larger guns. And, I do shoot better at longer distances no doubt. I tend to default more often to my pocket gun when wearing shorts/sweats.
I was amazed at the difference it made when I actually spent the money on a quality belt instead of trying to get by with a "regular" dress type belt!
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Old 04-29-2016, 07:42 AM   #199
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Nice score Hal
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Old 04-29-2016, 07:44 AM   #200
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Originally Posted by Steve View Post
I was amazed at the difference it made when I actually spent the money on a quality belt instead of trying to get by with a "regular" dress type belt!
Ya, I wear a Tru-Spec belt and I love it, great belt, great price. I have a tan one for work and a black for off duty.
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