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Old 03-02-2015, 12:32 PM   #1
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Default Fake Premium Blends

Saw this this morning and found it interesting.

Anyone else ever see anything like this? I have loads on the CC side , but never on NC side. CI is going to have a real storm on their hands if they don't come clean ,since entire bundles of cigars are being dissected and found out to be nothing but floor sweepings.
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Old 03-02-2015, 12:38 PM   #2
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Default Re: Fake Premium Blends

What are those cigars? Oliveros?
Anyways, the floor sweepings gotta go somewhere. I'd like to see if the cigar in question is being sold as a long filler cigar.
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Old 03-02-2015, 12:41 PM   #3
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Default Re: Fake Premium Blends

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
What are those cigars? Oliveros?
Anyways, the floor sweepings gotta go somewhere. I'd like to see if the cigar in question is being sold as a long filler cigar.
Exactly. I think that's the issue. Are you buying a bundle cigar that's so cheap it has to be short filler?

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Old 03-02-2015, 12:47 PM   #4
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Default Re: Fake Premium Blends

I didn't have any sound on, I just looked.
I'd expect that out of Oliveros. Really. They are what they are, and they sure aren't a premium anything. Although CI says they are.
I'm still not sure they're Oliveros, but Oliveros are a $39.99 bundle of 25. Probably about 12 bucks a bundle at auction.
Any $.50-$1.50 cigar that tastes any good is a bonus to me, no matter what they stuff them with.
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Old 03-02-2015, 12:57 PM   #5
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Default Re: Fake Premium Blends

If they werent being marketed as Long Filler than it wouldn't be a problem.

Caleb Huber Nica Libre 1990 and La Perla
Request #: 892535 My Comment Today, 1:16 PM
To whom it may concern. I am writing to inquire about the nica libre 1990 and La Perla Habana cigars. Are these cigars long filler, mixed filler or short filler. Thank you in advance Caleb
Nick Today, 29 PM

Thank you for contacting us about these cigars. The Nica Libre 1990 and the La Perla Habana cigars are both made with long filler tobaccos.

We hope this information addresses your concerns. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.


Customer service

That's the problem myself , and many other have with the situation. You wouldn't sell someone a mustang , market it with a 600hp V8 , and then deliver a 140hp 4banger.

Edit: The cigars in question are the Los Blancos (all blends) sold through CI and Cbid.
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Old 03-02-2015, 01:06 PM   #6
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Default Re: Fake Premium Blends

This is like me buying the rights to selling Scotts beads (without anyones knowledge). Advertising them exactly as exactly the same product , and then shipping out clay cat litter instead.
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Old 03-02-2015, 03:08 PM   #7
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Default Re: Fake Premium Blends

Frankly, you get what you pay for. Any fullsize(this exludes near cigarillo sizes, ie. tat petites or fuente exquisitos) cigar I see selling for < $3 a stick I expect to be short filler until proven otherwise. I don't care if its a well known company making it, there's no way they can be longfiller and made for that cheap in this day and age.
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Old 03-02-2015, 06:18 PM   #8
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Default Re: Fake Premium Blends

I see where you're coming from, Colin.
I agree, too. Even the email you posted says "both are made with long filler tobacco". But it doesn't say "both are made of COMPLETELY long filler tobacco.
Their product descriptions are all playful legal-ese, as well.
Nowadays I don't think one of these big companies would recognize the truth if it were shoved up their ass sideways with an ice auger.

It is an uncovered line of bs, but I think you'll mostly hear (especially from the old guys), something like Bear mentioned. Buyer beware. Expect to get screwed. If it seems too good to be true it is, that sort of thing.
That's why I kind of shrugged at it. Not because CI isn't wrong, they are. Just because I expect it.
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Old 03-02-2015, 08:03 PM   #9
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Default Re: Fake Premium Blends

Colin while I agree that it looks like a horrible cigar, what can a consumer expect for $1.63 a stick (sale price atm). While they are not made with long filler from the looks of the video, the website does not claim that they are.

The companies look to maximize profit and they realize that not everyone who enjoys smoking a cigar can afford to pay for the long filler cigars. So they make some cigars with a blend of short and long filler and some with short filler. This gives them the ability to make some extra money from something they normally would not and gives the consumer a cigar that is more in their price range.

While I am really curious about my Nica Libres that I just got in and what I have gotten before, I enjoy them a bit too much to just slice one open and take a look.

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Old 03-02-2015, 08:28 PM   #10
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Default Re: Fake Premium Blends

I must have missed the "evidence" that shows these were "counterfeit" cigars. How is the production of these cigars tied to the retailer? Why not question the production of these "premium" cigars?
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Old 03-02-2015, 09:46 PM   #11
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Default Re: Fake Premium Blends

Originally Posted by bobarian View Post
I must have missed the "evidence" that shows these were "counterfeit" cigars. How is the production of these cigars tied to the retailer? Why not question the production of these "premium" cigars?

You didn't realize that they are counterfeit because he said so??

Okay. I am done trolling.
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Old 03-03-2015, 02:58 PM   #12
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Default Re: Fake Premium Blends

I don't really smoke anything that cheap myself tbh. However that's not the point , the point being that this retailer is claiming full face that these are premium long filler cigars when dozens of videos are surfacing overnight of guys opening them up only to find floor sweepings.

Its neither legal , nor ethical anywhere in North America.

FWIW I don't think its counterfeit , more likely CI bought the rights to the name and label of certain cheap cigars , and just turned it into a floor sweeping cash cow.

There are cigars out there that are excellent cigars at a cheap price point , that claim what they are , and what they are not. Just because these ones are cheap is no excuse to full face lie to the consumer just to make a buck.

I wont smoke floor sweepings , that's how you get hair and toenails and all other kinds of gross **** in your cigar. Too many excellent 5$ smokes out there to waste time on garbage.

Also theres a difference between short filler and floor sweepings. Some of these are clearly , clearly floor sweepings , I wont put that **** anywhere near my mouth. Nothing against a good short filler cigar though.
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Old 03-03-2015, 07:56 PM   #13
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Default Re: Fake Premium Blends

Originally Posted by Sadden View Post
I don't really smoke anything that cheap myself tbh. However that's not the point , the point being that this retailer is claiming full face that these are premium long filler cigars when dozens of videos are surfacing overnight of guys opening them up only to find floor sweepings.

Its neither legal , nor ethical anywhere in North America.

FWIW I don't think its counterfeit , more likely CI bought the rights to the name and label of certain cheap cigars , and just turned it into a floor sweeping cash cow.

There are cigars out there that are excellent cigars at a cheap price point , that claim what they are , and what they are not. Just because these ones are cheap is no excuse to full face lie to the consumer just to make a buck.

I wont smoke floor sweepings , that's how you get hair and toenails and all other kinds of gross **** in your cigar. Too many excellent 5$ smokes out there to waste time on garbage.

Also theres a difference between short filler and floor sweepings. Some of these are clearly , clearly floor sweepings , I wont put that **** anywhere near my mouth. Nothing against a good short filler cigar though.

While I agree that marketing an item as something it is not it wrong, NO where I found on CI does it claim they are long filler cigars. Claiming they are something they are not is wrong and illegal but CI does not seem to be doing that and as previous posters have mentioned, putting even a small amount of long filler into a cigar full of **** is a technical out for the producer.

On a different note Jonathan Detore from FSS posted about this today and had a video in one of the comments on FB that included an interview with David Blanco explaining what is going on with these cigars.

In a nut shell Los Blancos Cigars changed their name to Blanco Cigars and sold their excess old packaging to CI for them to have cigars made to put into. The cigars were supposed to be close blends to the Los Blancos blend and were on the initial runs(s). That is from Davids mouth. Subsequent runs had issues and when CI became aware they are "addressing" the issues.

So technically they were not counterfeit as they had the rights to make cigars to put into the bands. CI had an issue with the company they contracted with to make the cigars and the reason for subpar, "trash" cigars. If you care to watch the video he starts discussing around minute 21 and the link is below.

Video Here
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Old 03-04-2015, 06:50 AM   #14
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Default Re: Fake Premium Blends

Meh, I steer clear of CI and stay with and support my local B&M.
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Old 03-04-2015, 06:56 AM   #15
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Default Re: Fake Premium Blends

Short filler is not bad as long as you know that is what you are buying. Many European brand are short filler.
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Old 03-04-2015, 07:28 AM   #16
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Default Re: Fake Premium Blends

Originally Posted by stevef2005 View Post
While I am really curious about my Nica Libres that I just got in and what I have gotten before, I enjoy them a bit too much to just slice one open and take a look.
Agree here. Haven't tried the 1990 or potenzia but the regular Nica Libre is one of my favorite low cost cigars and I've picked them up at the devil site for ~$2ea. I would actually be surprised if they are longfiller.
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