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Old 02-12-2015, 02:13 PM   #21
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Default Re: Just got the Thompson catalog in... yikes!

When I first started smoking cigars many years ago I thought that Thompson's was a mecca.

Then I ordered a few of their house brands or off brand cigars one time and I learned that they make great compost.
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Old 02-12-2015, 02:22 PM   #22
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Default Re: Just got the Thompson catalog in... yikes!

Originally Posted by RevSmoke View Post
You know, we could talk about the crappy cigars in Thompson's catalog. We could talk about the crappy cigars sold at the local gas station, book store, and head shop.

We could lambast the "idiots" out there smoking dog rockets.

Why would we? Someone is smoking cigars! You and I may not like them, might even think they are crap! THAT IS OUR OPINION!!!

As part of the Embarrass Fire Department, when we have our regular meetings, there is a lunch served following. There is always beer available. OK, they call the available swill, and it is labeled, beer (ACCORDING TO MY OPINION). My thoughts about what constitutes drinkable beer puts me in the minority at fire meetings. And, when it is my turn to serve, and I bring some decent beer along, I am told how my beer tastes like crap.

Bud Light outsells Ale Asylum Ambergeddon a gadzillion to one.
Swishers outsell Arturo Fuente Heminway Short Stories a gadzillion to one.
Carter Hall outsells McClelland Beacon Extra (pipe tobaccos) a gadzillion to one.
American Cheese (processed garbage) outsells real cheese a gadzillion to one.

I may scratch my head over every single one of these (and I could probably come up with a gadzillion more) examples, but that's the way it is. I/We could write it off to poor taste, but wouldn't that be pretty arrogant on my/our part?

It is different tastes, different strokes for different folks.

I am not a big Viaje fan. (Ducking and running before the fallout hits) Does that make me an idiot in someone's eyes? I hope not! Does it mean I have different tastes than someone else? You betcha!

Personally, I am grateful there are gadzillions of people out there who are buying Swishers, Don Scoundrels, AyC, White Owls, Gurkhas, Viajes, and all sorts of "crap" cigars.


So that they are not buys gadzillions of the cigars I like, making them hard to find and driving up the prices to astronomical proportions. Hey, I already lived through the boom of the 1990s when that happened - do not want to repeat that.

Hey, live and let live....
Smoke what you like, and enjoy it...

Peace of the Lord be with you.
I love you Todd. In a manly, heartfelt sort of way. You're a stand up dude.
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Old 02-12-2015, 05:56 PM   #23
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Default Re: Just got the Thompson catalog in... yikes!

Originally Posted by Slow Triathlete View Post
When I first started smoking cigars many years ago I thought that Thompson's was a mecca.

Then I ordered a few of their house brands or off brand cigars one time and I learned that they make great compost.
LOL that's my experience! I would love to say I have risen to a cigar snob but every time I light my cogar with a Creme Brûlée torch and see scowls of displeasure I realize I am still a proud redneck. Thomson Hpuse Brand cigars NEED to be smoked to appreciate what we went through.
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Old 02-12-2015, 09:27 PM   #24
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Default Re: Just got the Thompson catalog in... yikes!

Originally Posted by Weelok View Post
LOL that's my experience! I would love to say I have risen to a cigar snob but every time I light my cigar with a Creme Brûlée torch and see scowls of displeasure I realize I am still a proud redneck. Thomson House Brand cigars NEED to be smoked to appreciate what we went through.
I never heard of a redneck with one of those. Unless, of course, you mean a Bic lighter with a can of hairspray.
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Old 02-13-2015, 01:13 AM   #25
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Default Re: Just got the Thompson catalog in... yikes!

Originally Posted by RevSmoke View Post
Bud Light outsells Ale Asylum Ambergeddon a gadzillion to one.
Swishers outsell Arturo Fuente Heminway Short Stories a gadzillion to one.
Carter Hall outsells McClelland Beacon Extra (pipe tobaccos) a gadzillion to one.
American Cheese (processed garbage) outsells real cheese a gadzillion to one.

and its not only with cigars and food. Just turn on the TV, Reality TV shows draw bigger crowds than good journalism. Listen to the radio, crappy pop music sells more than good quality music made by real musicians. The taste of the majority is crap! I'm glad i'm not part of the majority when it comes to food, cigars, tv or music.
check out my reviews on my blog.
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Old 02-13-2015, 07:28 AM   #26
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Default Re: Just got the Thompson catalog in... yikes!

My first, and only, purchase from Thompson Cigars was a 10 pack sampler that came with a small 10 count humidor. I saw the add in the back of a Field & Stream and took the bait.

If not for that add and purchase, I wouldn't have found such a draw to the cigar world or such a great place like Cigar Asylum.

Even though they are not my go-to retailer, I can honestly thank them for what they have given me.
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Old 02-13-2015, 09:55 AM   #27
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Default Re: Just got the Thompson catalog in... yikes!

Smoke what you like; like what you smoke!
God loves you so much, that he made you read this, just to let you know.
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Old 02-13-2015, 11:57 AM   #28
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Default Re: Just got the Thompson catalog in... yikes!

When I finally got home I had the same catalog in the mail, I thought the cover sheet look like an advertisement in a cheap liquor store window. I also had my package from Thompson cigars with my Macanudo five pack and ashtray. The catalog we're talking about was from January the catalog that I received with my package was from February
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Old 02-13-2015, 12:10 PM   #29
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Default Re: Just got the Thompson catalog in... yikes!

Gotta start somewhere...the mainstream retailers like CI and Thompson's was where I got my first purchase was a 15 count Nica Libre flight sampler, and 20 count sampler with Gurkhas, and a modest 50 count desktop. If not for them, I would have never gotten as involved with the hobby as I am now!
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Old 02-13-2015, 04:46 PM   #30
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Default Re: Just got the Thompson catalog in... yikes!

I love it! You can add to my post, that if it were not for Thompson, and/or drugstore cigars, many would not be here.
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Old 02-13-2015, 09:56 PM   #31
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Default Re: Just got the Thompson catalog in... yikes!

Originally Posted by RevSmoke View Post
I love it! You can add to my post, that if it were not for Thompson, and/or drugstore cigars, many would not be here.
My first humidor and "real" cigar order was from Thompson's and it spiraled out of control since. I didn't get the house brands. It was a nice sampler with CAO Brazilia, Indian Tabac, Macanudo and some others. By "real" cigars I mean ones not purchased from a gas station or liquor store. It was the stepping stone for me so in a way I have to give them some credit.
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Old 03-19-2015, 06:57 PM   #32
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Default Re: Just got the Thompson catalog in... yikes!

I actually placed two orders with Thompson's, the only problem being (so far) was the first order took four days to be shipped out. They came recommended by my wife's coworkers; they order the boss a box every Christmas and one's husband orders regularly from them. The second order I placed actually shipped out the next day. The bundle they included with the humidor package aren't really that bad. I am exploring other vendors as my research deepens.

With that said, the original post was in regards to the content of the catalog. I too, noticed the dearth of cheaper sticks. But how many of you actually buy from the paper catalog, and how many of us make our purchases on line? While the catalog can only show so much content before the mailman starts to complain, the website has a much greater and diverse selection. The catalog (any catalog like this) is designed to whet your appetite, not fill fill you up. Take it for what it is.
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Old 03-30-2015, 10:54 PM   #33
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Thompson's did open the door for me. I still have my glass top 100-count barrel humidor and after 10 years it's a fantastic box. Even the analog hygrometer is still dead accurate.

Now...the 100 "premium, handmade cigars" that came with the humidor...blech!
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Old 03-30-2015, 11:13 PM   #34
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Default Re: Just got the Thompson catalog in... yikes!

Originally Posted by Subvet642 View Post
I never heard of a redneck with one of those. Unless, of course, you mean a Bic lighter with a can of hairspray.
Haha, well BIC lighters are my friend when I travel because they let me carry them on planes and are cheap to buy wherever but hair spray torches I am too cowardly to attempt
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Old 04-06-2015, 10:07 AM   #35
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Default Re: Just got the Thompson catalog in... yikes!

Originally Posted by 14holestogie View Post
Put the catalog in the humi for a few weeks and it should burn fine.
My thoughts exactly.....but they do have Tat monster's for $85 bones
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Old 07-22-2015, 10:39 AM   #36
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Default Re: Just got the Thompson catalog in... yikes!

My youngest boy graduated from HS this year and when he turned 18 had his first cigar with 'pops'. Well, reading through one of our fishing magazines last night he finds this add for 20 cigars and a humidor from Thompson - $39 for the whole smear. (I remembered this thread...)

When I get home, he says, "Hey dad, look what I found! I'm thinking of ordering this. It would give me a small humidor for my dorm room, and a few cigars at a great price."

I chuckled and said, "It is not worth being on their mailing list for the next millennium. If you want a humidor, we'll find one for you. If you need cigars, let me know. We'll fill it before you leave for college, and when you need more, let me know."

Nathan is a member of CA, but he does not come here much. Tim has not joined yet, and I am not sure that he will. I will have to talk him into it.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

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Old 07-22-2015, 02:20 PM   #37
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Default Re: Just got the Thompson catalog in... yikes!

Originally Posted by RevSmoke View Post
My youngest boy graduated from HS this year and when he turned 18 had his first cigar with 'pops'. Well, reading through one of our fishing magazines last night he finds this add for 20 cigars and a humidor from Thompson - $39 for the whole smear. (I remembered this thread...)

When I get home, he says, "Hey dad, look what I found! I'm thinking of ordering this. It would give me a small humidor for my dorm room, and a few cigars at a great price."

I chuckled and said, "It is not worth being on their mailing list for the next millennium. If you want a humidor, we'll find one for you. If you need cigars, let me know. We'll fill it before you leave for college, and when you need more, let me know."

Nathan is a member of CA, but he does not come here much. Tim has not joined yet, and I am not sure that he will. I will have to talk him into it.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

I've never ordered from Thompson, but evidently I did from one of their affiliates. I get their catalogs for some odd reason, and I don't even break the seal. Into the trash they go.

Somehow they got BOTH my home and work addresses, so I get 2 every time they mail them out.
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Old 07-24-2015, 06:29 PM   #38
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What bothers me most about Thompsons (and I've never seen it with CI which is the othr catalog I get) is that they advertise filtered "cigars" in cartons of 200. We all want lawmakers to exempt cigars from the taxes and restrictions placed on cigarettes and these jokers are probably exhibit A for the people who oppose those efforts.
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Old 07-29-2015, 09:28 AM   #39
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Default Re: Just got the Thompson catalog in... yikes!

Originally Posted by timj219 View Post
What bothers me most about Thompsons (and I've never seen it with CI which is the othr catalog I get) is that they advertise filtered "cigars" in cartons of 200. We all want lawmakers to exempt cigars from the taxes and restrictions placed on cigarettes and these jokers are probably exhibit A for the people who oppose those efforts.
Don't blame Thompson's for this. You can buy these at any gas station or convenience store. JR also sells them. Famous as well. While I can agree they aren't the best place, Thompson's hasn't treated me wrong. Like I said before, my biggest gripe was slow shipping. Had only one issue with them, and they did make it right. Some people just like to pick on the big boys.
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Old 07-29-2015, 10:21 AM   #40
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Default Re: Just got the Thompson catalog in... yikes!

Smoke what you like; like what you smoke! That said, Thompson has a very bad reputation for horrible sales/customer service tactics and poor quality cigars. With so many other options available, why risk buying from Thompson? (Unless you really LOVE Tuskers!)
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