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Old 07-08-2014, 10:47 PM   #1
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Default Cutter and Lighter recommendations

So I have read mixed things about cutter vs punch. I have also read mixed things about torch vs soft flame vs matches. I figure this is as good a venue as any to get some solid advice. I am just getting into cigars and I think it is time to get some tools of the trade. I am planning on building a coolerdor for storage but that presents a second issue. I normally smoke cigars while out with friends or at a smoking establishment where they have a cutter and matches I can use. If I have some sticks at the house I figure I can have friends over to smoke. With that I will need to pick up a cutter/punch and also a lighter or matches. That's a bit long winded just to say...

What would you recommend for lighting cigars?
What would you recommend for cutting cigars?
Also is it better to buy in person, or is online purchasing fine? I think I would be fine with online.

If you have a specific model or brand let me know and I can go from there.
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Old 07-08-2014, 11:44 PM   #2
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Default Re: Cutter and Lighter recommendations

Hello Joshua and welcome to the Asylum.

Lighting cigars? Before I got into the torch lighter, I use to always use those big fat Diamond Kitchen matches. Nothing wrong with them. Then I became aware of the Blazer PB-207 and have had no problems with it to date. Others here will chime in with their favorites too.

Cutting cigars? For ring gauge 50 - 54, I use a punch. There're the good old reliable cheapo variety going for around $3.99ea, and cut just as well as a Xikar Twist punch that can cost up around $32. I think you get a nice draw with a punch cut.

For ring gauge below 50, a Palio cutter is a winner. Others may dispute, but , and...

Nothing wrong with buying in person and great to support your local B&M. I think there are some items you probably need to see in-person, touch, and try out. Others you can just go forwards and purchase on-line.

So, thats my and good luck...
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Old 07-08-2014, 11:52 PM   #3
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Default Re: Cutter and Lighter recommendations

I use a Ronson cheapo jet lighter that you can get at Walgreens or CVS, and I LOVE it! I used to use the big triple flame ones but I like the single flame better. I use a Palio to cut cigars.
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Old 07-09-2014, 12:00 AM   #4
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Default Re: Cutter and Lighter recommendations

Well, as to what kind of smoking aperture is "best"; it's really a matter of individual taste. I have a punch, a V cutter and a guillotine that I use for different sticks, for different reasons. For lighting: I like a torch for toasting and a soft flame for the actual light. With all that said, if you're gonna buy something, you might as well buy it only once. I would recommend Xikar from your B&M because of the lifetime guarantee and, at least with mine, he will exchange them on the spot. MY next lighter is gonna be an Evertorch, it has both a soft and torch flame. I got one for a friend and they're really nice! These can be had from replicant_argent. All that is worth
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Old 07-09-2014, 12:24 AM   #5
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Default Re: Cutter and Lighter recommendations

That Evertorch sounds pretty sweet but I think my wife will kill me if I tell her I am buying a $50 lighter right now. I will certainly keep that in the back of my mind next time I have disposable cash.
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Old 07-09-2014, 12:54 AM   #6
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Default Re: Cutter and Lighter recommendations

I would recommend Palio cutters, I own 4 and use them daily, my first is now over 7 years old and just as sharp as the day I bought it. We'll worth the $30.

Until you decide, why don't you PM me your address and I'll send you cheap cutter and indestructible lighter to get you started.
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Old 07-09-2014, 11:39 AM   #7
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Default Re: Cutter and Lighter recommendations

Thanks for the offer Bobarian but I will be alright with matches and I will get a cheap cutter when I go to the B&M. My car is in the shop for a couple days so I am using the down time to do some research. The Palio cutter looks pretty nice I will move that to the top of my wish list for now.
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Old 07-09-2014, 12:23 PM   #8
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Default Re: Cutter and Lighter recommendations

I am a XIKAR guy for everything. I have single, double, triple, and quad torches. Also have a XIKAR soft flame pipe lighter. I use the Xi3 cutter and one of their punches. Their stuff is all covered by a lifetime warranty and exchanges and customer service are great.

I have owned a few other cheap lighters and for some reason they all eventually quit even when using high quality butane. The nice thing is XIKAR has a wide variety at different price ranges. They make cheaper black regular cutters as well including a nice V cutter.

Most retailers will have various display lighters that you may be able to try out. Use a buddies and see what works best for you. I love torpedos so my Xi3 cutter is always handy for those. All other cigars I prefer to punch so I also have that handy. I generally carry a single torch with me at all times because it won't burn through butane as fast. I do like the dual and triple torches at home.

If you don't want to drop the cash on accessories someone may be willing to make a trade. I know anytime XIKAR has an event they have a nice discount. I got my Xi3 off cigarbid for cheap.
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Old 07-09-2014, 12:53 PM   #9
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Default Re: Cutter and Lighter recommendations

Originally Posted by MarkinCA View Post
Hello Joshua and welcome to the Asylum.

Lighting cigars? Before I got into the torch lighter, I use to always use those big fat Diamond Kitchen matches. Nothing wrong with them. Then I became aware of the Blazer PB-207 and have had no problems with it to date. Others here will chime in with their favorites too.

Cutting cigars? For ring gauge 50 - 54, I use a punch. There're the good old reliable cheapo variety going for around $3.99ea, and cut just as well as a Xikar Twist punch that can cost up around $32. I think you get a nice draw with a punch cut.

For ring gauge below 50, a Palio cutter is a winner. Others may dispute, but , and...

Nothing wrong with buying in person and great to support your local B&M. I think there are some items you probably need to see in-person, touch, and try out. Others you can just go forwards and purchase on-line.

So, thats my and good luck...
+1 on the Blazer PB-207. I've been using mine since I think 2006 and it hasn't failed yet. It's not the most sophisticated looking lighter, but it works every time.

I use a punch on almost all parejos and a guillotine on all figurados. I've never tried a V-cut. The punch cut is nice because the edges of the cap remain intact and smooth. The cheapie punches are probably fine, but I use a Xikar 009. My gripe with the 009 is that it's a little heavy to wear on my keychain and I often have to open and close the mechanism a few times to eject the tobacco from the blade. On second thought, maybe you should go with a cheapie. Or perhaps try the Xikar 007 twist. Curious about that one myself. Your guillotine should be a Palio.

And also, +1 on welcome to the Asylum.
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Old 07-09-2014, 02:07 PM   #10
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Default Re: Cutter and Lighter recommendations

I like my Xikar cutter, although sometimes I use a punch. I use a torch almost exclusively because 99% of my smoking is outdoors and the wind does not bother them very much.

I do have a Xikar Executive single flame, but I use my trusty Walmart $3.95 torch most of the time.

I use stick matches when if forget to refill the lighters!
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Old 07-09-2014, 02:12 PM   #11
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Default Re: Cutter and Lighter recommendations

Most important question is your price range. The cutter and lighter I would suggest for $1000 is much different than for $100.

I like cigar scissors for cutting cigars; traditional and works with just about all ring gauges (prices from $20 to 600+). Many of the older guillotine cutter were made for 50 and less gauge cigars. Guillotine is my next pick after scissors and look for one that can be taken apart for sharpening & cleaning. I have a cheaper pair of scissors and works 95% as good as my friend's big dollar Davidoff scissors. Finishing is certainly different.

Cheap lighter... Bic or cedar strips do just as well as ST Dupont or Dunhill (may not look as cool).
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Old 07-09-2014, 03:20 PM   #12
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Default Re: Cutter and Lighter recommendations

My car is in the shop and costing a pretty penny to get fixed so to keep my wife happy I need to keep costs down. For now I need to keep it to less than $40 for a lighter (or just use a bic/matches) and I think I can get a punch and a cutter for less than $40. In a couple months this price range should increase. At that point I think I hope to have something specific in mind to buy. This is just the research phase.
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Old 07-09-2014, 03:35 PM   #13
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Default Re: Cutter and Lighter recommendations

Scratch that last comment. Bobarian is going to hook me up with a lighter and cutter. Thanks Bob! So now my budget for a lighter will be in the $60 or less range. I think I will to get a palio cutter and some sort of punch. Any suggestions based on new updates. This wont be until around October or later...
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Old 07-10-2014, 03:48 AM   #14
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Default Re: Cutter and Lighter recommendations

Did ask for a copy of the CA news letter to go with it?? It is a hell of a read this month I hear.
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Old 07-10-2014, 08:14 AM   #15
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Default Re: Cutter and Lighter recommendations

As already stated

Xikar Cutter...I have owned two of them and never needed to replace them.

Ronson JetLite best lighter you can get, has been 100% reliable since I purchased one from Walmart 10 years ago.
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Old 07-10-2014, 11:29 AM   #16
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Default Re: Cutter and Lighter recommendations

I like Xikar cutters the best. Mine has had no issues in several years, although I've read reports of the spring failing for some people. Either way, it has a lifetime warranty. I got a cheap one for around $20 if I recall. I had a Palio cutter and I would not recommend them personally. Mine fell apart.

I have a cheaper triple flame Xikar lighter with a huge clear tank that I really like. I don't have to fill it very often. I have to blow it out with canned air from time to time to keep the torch going strong though.
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Old 07-10-2014, 12:09 PM   #17
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Default Re: Cutter and Lighter recommendations

The bottom line is it will all boil down to personal preference more than a personal recommendation from one of us here. But after saying that I'll provide you with my personal favorites.

What would you recommend for lighting cigars? I have several butane lighters that I really like, but I would suggest that you put the best fuel into the lighter. Nothing less than triple filtered butane fuel. It's a little more expensive but you'll thank yourself for the time you get to use your lighter versus messing with the lighter to get it to work.

What would you recommend for cutting cigars? The longer you are into smoking cigars the more you'll purchase various cutting tools. You'll purchase various cutters in your smoking travels and get a bunch as gifts but my favorite cutter is a xikar see:, but I also have V-cutters, punch cutters and a clipper that looks like a pair of scissors but they are not used for cutting paper. Hahaha! One other thing, cutters are made for various shaped cigars and your personal preference will determine what you like using and what you become comfortable with.

Also is it better to buy in person, or is online purchasing fine? I think I would be fine with online. This again becomes a matter of value and comfort with the on-line merchant. I've done both and don't have a particular preference.

Good luck to you on your onward quest for the best smoking experience.

Originally Posted by jpb437 View Post
So I have read mixed things about cutter vs punch. I have also read mixed things about torch vs soft flame vs matches. I figure this is as good a venue as any to get some solid advice. I am just getting into cigars and I think it is time to get some tools of the trade. I am planning on building a coolerdor for storage but that presents a second issue. I normally smoke cigars while out with friends or at a smoking establishment where they have a cutter and matches I can use. If I have some sticks at the house I figure I can have friends over to smoke. With that I will need to pick up a cutter/punch and also a lighter or matches. That's a bit long winded just to say...

What would you recommend for lighting cigars?
What would you recommend for cutting cigars?
Also is it better to buy in person, or is online purchasing fine? I think I would be fine with online.

If you have a specific model or brand let me know and I can go from there.
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Old 07-10-2014, 08:02 PM   #18
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Default Re: Cutter and Lighter recommendations

if you are looking for a torch, then the Blazer PB-207 is probably the best one I've tried. Easy light, easy action, lights every time.

Palio would be first choice for cutters.
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Old 07-16-2014, 10:52 PM   #19
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Default Re: Cutter and Lighter recommendations

Something I didn't realize when I started sliding down this very, very slippery slope is how I would acquire a large inventory of various lighters, cutters and other cigar swag. If you visit a local tobacconist and partake in their cigar events (new releases, etc.) and buy stuff, you'll often leave with a few free accessories. Sometimes it's junk, other times it's a pretty decent score. I've gotten a few nice lighters and cutters just from buying boxes I would have bought anyways.

So once you start buying boxes (you will), keep this in mind before going too crazy on the accessories.
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Old 07-16-2014, 11:53 PM   #20
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Default Re: Cutter and Lighter recommendations

Originally Posted by ApexAZ View Post
Something I didn't realize when I started sliding down this very, very slippery slope is how I would acquire a large inventory of various lighters, cutters and other cigar swag. If you visit a local tobacconist and partake in their cigar events (new releases, etc.) and buy stuff, you'll often leave with a few free accessories. Sometimes it's junk, other times it's a pretty decent score. I've gotten a few nice lighters and cutters just from buying boxes I would have bought anyways.

So once you start buying boxes (you will), keep this in mind before going too crazy on the accessories.
Thanks for the tip! I will keep my eye on the local shops website for their next event. I have been noticing allot of the deals on cigar websites include some sort of accessory with a large purchase too.
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