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Old 12-25-2013, 07:03 PM   #1
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Default Anejo issue

First of all, allow me to say hello to everyone as this is my first post. I searched through a lot of the other cigar forums and this one seems to be the most down to earth.

Now to my question. I still consider myself a bit of a noob as I have only been smoking for a year and a half, so I am still encountering many new things. My local B&M still had some AF Anejos in stock so I decided it was time to try one. The first third was as expected, only better. Somewhere about half way through the second third the stick started to develope a dark brown, somewhat thick, bitter tasting tar/oil. This compounded throughout the rest of the smoke and eventually I was forced to lay this stick to rest as the draw became non-existant from becoming clogged. Any ideas what could have caused this? Thank you!
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Old 12-25-2013, 07:11 PM   #2
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Default Re: Anejo issue

Sounds like you need to learn how to purge.
Light your lighter, inhale & exhale sharply, so that flames come out
of the end. Keep exhaling thru the cigar until the flame goes out.
Also, if you're getting a tar build-up, you may want to cut the end
a little more.
Hope that helps in future issues.
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Old 12-25-2013, 07:14 PM   #3
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Default Re: Anejo issue

I've had this happen before, it sucks when it does but it's even worse when it's a pricier stick like an Anejo. It's just tar build up, a rare but natural occurrence with cigars. What was the ring size of the cigar you were smoking and were you smoking it kinda fast? I noticed you said that you were still new to cigars and a common mistake of new smokers is smoking their cigars too quickly. Combine that with a smaller ring gauge smoke and you increase the chances of tar build up.

Hope that helped. Merry Christmas!
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Old 12-25-2013, 07:25 PM   #4
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Default Re: Anejo issue

That sounds like it was probably the issue. I decided I needed a relaxing smoke before I taught my night class and may have rushed it a bit. It was a 46. Probably should have gone with a different stick considering the circumstances but the curiosity was too much. Thanks guys, and Merry Christmas.
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Old 12-25-2013, 07:26 PM   #5
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Default Re: Anejo issue

Just our of curiosity did you use a punch on it?

Also welcome to the Asylum Jim, there is a form for new folks to post an introduction and a lot of great stickies there as well, linked below.
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Old 12-25-2013, 07:29 PM   #6
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Default Re: Anejo issue

Originally Posted by kcdeadmoney View Post
That sounds like it was probably the issue. I decided I needed a relaxing smoke before I taught my night class and may have rushed it a bit. It was a 46. Probably should have gone with a different stick considering the circumstances but the curiosity was too much. Thanks guys, and Merry Christmas.
Yeah, probably. I'm smoking a 46 right now and was chugging it a bit too quick in the beginning. It quickly let me know to knock that off

Also, as Adam said, post an introduction in the new inmate area. Welcome aboard!
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Old 12-25-2013, 07:32 PM   #7
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Default Re: Anejo issue

I did not use a punch, I just used some guillotine cutters at the B&M.
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